バージョン: DAI 7.0

Configuring Predictors

The Bug Content and Dev Quality Predictors are available in the Insights section of Eggplant DAI. However, to consume data from these predictors, you must first install the Quality Predictors program file and configure the settings provided in the configuration files that comes packaged with it. The two configuration files that you need to modify are located in the project_config and config folders in the Eggplant_RI directory that is available after installation.

Installing the Quality Predictors Run Time (Bug Content and Dev Quality)

Follow these steps to install Bug Content and Dev Quality Predictors on top of Eggplant DAI.


Before you begin, ensure that the latest version of Eggplant DAI is installed.

To install:

  1. Download the Quality Predictors (msi) file from the Eggplant DAI Downloads page.
  2. Double-click the downloaded installation file to launch the Setup wizard.
  3. Accept the license agreement and click Install to proceed through the installation process.
  4. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Eggplant DAI Authentication

When setting up Quality predictors, you need to specify the Eggplant DAI server location and valid credentials for the predictors to authenticate with a live instance of Eggplant DAI. To do that:

  1. Locate the [eggplant ai] section in the config.ini file, which is stored in the following directory: C:\Eggplant_RI.

  2. In the config.ini file, make the following changes:

    • url: Enter the URL on which the Eggplant DAI server is running.
    • username: Enter the username to access Eggplant DAI.
    • password: Enter the password to access Eggplant DAI.
  3. Save your changes and close the file.

Failure to update the config.ini file based on the above steps will prevent the predictors from collecting data and funnel them into Eggplant DAI > Insights > Bug Content / Dev Quality pages.

Configuring Third-Party System Files

You must configure the relevant settings in the sample_config.ini file to connect to the third-party systems listed below. This file is located in the RI_Predictors > Project_config folder. The Quality Predictors support the following third-party systems:

  • Bug Content predictor: Git source control system
  • Dev Quality predictor:
    • Build System**:** Jenkins
    • Requirement Systems:
      • JIRA
      • Redmine

Configuring the Project File

Before configuring, rename the sample_project.ini file to match the model name in Eggplant DAI. This allows Eggplant DAI to display relevant data from the associated model in the Insights reports.

The sample_project.ini file is divided into the following sections that you might want to set up based on your requirements:


The configuration files bundled with the Quality Predictors installer include a sample layout for each of these settings.

[project]Enter the following information to associate the settings of your model in Eggplant DAI.

- Project name: The name of the model that you want to gather insights for. This field should match the name of your project_file. This is a mandatory field.
- Short project name: Abbreviated name of your project, if applicable.
- Release version: The current release version of the project.
- Team size: The number of people working on the project overall.
- Start date: The project start date.
- Projected/Target end date: The planned release date.
[project size]Define file types that should be included and/or excluded for each of the predictors, e.g. by default, .git, .hg folders are excluded from the line count calculation. By default, the following file types are included:

[eggplant ai]Enter the following information to associate your Eggplant DAI project:

- url: The URL on which the Eggplant DAI server is running.
- username: The username to access Eggplant DAI.
- password: The password to access Eggplant DAI.
- models: The model names followed by its user group. For example, ABC, eggy@eggplant.io.
[Git]To retrieve insights from your Git project, enter the following values:

- url: The URL of the Git repository that you used to clone data, e.g. git@git.testplant.com:Docs/MainDocs.git.
- username: The user name to access your Git server.
- password: The password to access your Git server.
- issue_regex: (optional key) For linking an issue to a Git check-in (e.g. issue_regex = 'EPIC-(\d+)')).

Note: After you run the startup files, a local copy of the Git repository will be created in the Release Insights folder.
[Jenkins]To use Jenkins, configure the following settings:

- url: The URL of the Jenkins project that you wish to use.
- **username:**The username to access your Jenkins account.
- password: The password to access your Jenkins account.
- job_names: The job name of your Jenkins project.
[JIRA]To use a JIRA project for requirement and bug tracking, configure the following settings:

- url: The URL of the Jira project that you wish to use.
- username: Tthe username to access your Jira account.
- password: The password to access your Jira account.
- search_issues: The Jira search query for defining project, e.g. search_issues = ‘proj=PROJECT_NAME’.
[Redmine]To use a Redmine project for bug/project tracking,the following configuration is needed:

- url: The URL of the Jira project that you wish to use.
- access_key: The access key for Redmine.
- project_name: The project name for which you want to gather insights.
- redmine filters: The redmine search query , e.g. query_id = 123.

Viewing Data in Eggplant DAI

After setting up the configuration files, you must run the startup files in order to view initial data on both Bug Content and Dev Quality Predictor reports.

  1. Locate the startup-ri-engine.bat file from the eggplantRIengine folder and run it. A terminal window opens.
  2. Run the startup-ri-connectors.bat file located in the eggplantRIconnectors folder. A terminal window opens.
  3. Navigate to the browser where Eggplant DAI is open and select the model that you associated in the configuration files.
  4. Go to Insights > Bug Content or Dev Quality. The insights for the associated model will appear.

For more information on these predictors, see Predictors.

Note that you may want to run the startup files each time you make changes to your configuration files.