File and Folder Interaction
Note: SenseTalk commands and functions for working with files and file system objects operate on the local machine rather than on a system under test (SUT).
If you want to access file and file system information, see File and Folder References.
On this page:
Accessing a File as a Container
The simplest way to work with the contents of a file is to access the file directly as a SenseTalk container. Using this approach, you can read an entire file with a single command:
put file "/etc/passwd" into passwordInfo
You can write a file just as easily:
put "0,0,0,0" into file "/tmp/testing/counters"
The command above creates a file named counters in the directory /tmp/testing and writes the value 0,0,0,0 into it. If the /tmp/testing directory does not exist, it is also created. If there is already a file /tmp/testing/counters, its previous contents are completely replaced by the new value, so be careful when using this approach.
You can also access any part of the text in a file by using chunk expressions:
add 1 to item 2 of line 1 of file "/tmp/testing/counters"
This command reads the current contents of the file, adds 1 to the second item on the first line, and stores the modified value back into the file.
The following example shows how you could use this method to read an entire file, one line at a time:
put file "/Users/bob/Desktop/TestRead" into MyFileVar
repeat the number of lines of MyFileVar times
put line repeatindex() of MyFileVar into output
log output
end repeat
Although this example only logs each line after it is read, you could instead add code to perform additional actions with the content, which here is stored into the variable output.
If a command attempts to write to a file and fails for some reason (such as insufficient privileges for writing to the file), the result is set to an error message. The value of the result is also set to an error message when reading a file as a container if the file does not exist or cannot be accessed. The value of the file expression is treated as empty in this case.
Treating a file as a container is easy and works well for many situations. Occasionally, it might not be the most efficient approach to use if your script needs to do a significant amount of reading or writing in a file. In these cases, you might prefer to use the commands described below in Commands and Functions for Working with Files.
Configuring File Behavior
When accessing a file as a container, text is interpreted during both reading and writing according to the setting of the defaultStringEncoding global property. By default, SenseTalk uses UTF-8, a common 8-bit system for encoding Unicode characters. To read or write a file as binary data instead of as text, specify as data:
put file "/tmp/datafile" as data into myData
put contents as data into file "/tmp/binaryFile"
When your SenseTalk command creates a new file, you can control the access permissions for the file as well as access to any folder created in the directory structure. See The Umask global property for complete details about reading or setting these properties.
You can use The StrictFiles global property to control the behavior when reading a nonexistent file as a container. The default is false, which means the nonexistent files are treated as empty. Set this property to true if you want to throw an exception if the file doesn't exist.
Commands and Functions for Working with Files
The file input and output commands (open file, close file, read from file, seek in file, and write to file) are for creating and accessing text or binary files on your system. Use them to read and write data that is stored in the file system.
In addition to using these commands, you can access a file directly as a container within your script, as described above. Accessing a file as a container provides the simplest means of reading or manipulating its contents, but provides less control and is somewhat less efficient when performing multiple operations on the same file than the commands described here.
Open File Command
Behavior: Opens or creates a file for reading or writing or both. The open file command must be used to open a file before anything can be read from or written to that file with the read or write commands. When you are finished with a file, you should close it by using either the close file or close all command.
Parameters: The name of a file to open or create.
open file fileName { for [reading | writing | readwrite | appending | updating] }

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
If the fileName expression does not yield the name of an existing file, the file will be created. If fileName is not an absolute path, it is assumed to be relative to the current working folder.
open file myFile
Open file "/etc/passwd" for reading
put "/Users/bkwins/Desktop/testfolder1/testfile.txt" into MyFileVar
open file MyFileVar for appending
The following table lists the modes and summarizes the differences between them:
Mode |
Can Read |
Write / Create |
Starts At |
Existing File |
Reading |
yes |
no |
beginning |
unchanged |
Writing |
no |
yes |
beginning |
replaces existing file |
ReadWrite |
yes |
yes |
beginning |
truncates after highest write |
Appending |
yes |
yes |
end of file |
never truncated; may grow |
Updating |
yes |
yes |
beginning |
never truncated; may grow |
All of the modes except for reading will create the file (including the full path to it) if it doesn’t already exist.
The readwrite, appending, and updating modes all open the file for both reading and writing. However, a file opened in readwrite mode will be truncated following the last (highest) character position in the file that is written to. If nothing is written to the file, it will be left unchanged.
if there is a file myFile then
open file myFile for updating
answer "File " & myFile & " doesn't exist!"
exit all
end if
- Close File, Close All: Use these commands to close open files.
- OpenFiles: Use this function to get a list of all files that are currently open.
Close File, Close All Files Commands
Behavior: The close file command closes an open file that was opened with the open file command. The close all files command closes all open files that were opened with the open file command. Use the close file command when your script has finished accessing a file, or use the close all files command to close all of the currently open files.
Parameters: For close file, the name of a file to close is required. The close all files command does not take a parameter.
close file fileName
close all { files }

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
The fileName should be an expression that gives the name of the file to be closed. The file name should be either the full path name of the file, or it should be given relative to the current working folder (as returned by the folder).
close file "/etc/passwd"
close all files -- closes all open files that were opened with the open files command
- Open File: Use this command to open a specified file.
- OpenFiles: Use this function to get a list of all files that are currently open.
Current Position in File Function
Behavior: Obtains the position of the next byte within an open file that will be read or written. Position 1 represents the beginning of the file.

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
get the current position in file myFile
Read from File Command
Behavior: Use the read from file command to read data from a file. Note that the file must first be opened with the open file command. Data is read into the variable it or into a destination container if specified (using an into clause).
The read from file command can read a specified number of characters, words, items, lines, or bytes; can read until a specified delimiter is found; or can read a list of one of several different types of numeric values. Reading begins at the current position, or at a starting position specified by using an at clause.
When there is no more data to read, the destination container will be empty. Any time less data is read than was requested, the result function will contain a value giving the reason (such as time out, or eof if the end of file is reached).
Parameters: The name of a file that was previously opened with an open file command. The file must have been opened in a mode that permits reading (that is, not in writing mode, which permits only writing).
The syntax of the read from file command is flexible, allowing the various options to be specified in any convenient order.
read Options
Source Option: Required.
from file fileName
Quantity Options: Optional. Only one can be used at a time.
until [ {the} eof | {the} end {of {the} file} | terminator ]
for quantity {dataType}
[a | an | quantity] dataType
{for} {a | an} http {message | request | response}
{for} {a | an} [xmlrpc | xml-rpc] {message | request | response}
Other Options: Optional. More than one can be used at a time.
at startPos
[ in | [timeout | time out] {after | in} ] timeoutDuration
into container

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
Tech Talk
Use at startpos to specify the byte position within the file where the read from file command starts reading. If the startpos value is a negative number, it specifies the number of bytes back from the end of the file where reading begins. If you don't specify an at startpos value, the first character or byte to be read is the one at the current position in the file, as determined by the most recent prior read, write, or seek command in that file.
If into container is specified, the data that is read is put into the given container. If an into option is not specified, the data is read into the special it variable.
If until terminator (or one of the other variations) is specified, all of the characters from the starting position until the next occurrence of the specified character or string will be read. This option is useful for reading one line at a time from the source (by using return as the terminating character), or to read until some other delimiting character (such as a tab) is found. The terminator can be more than one character in length, and will be returned as part of the value that was read. Specifying until eof or until end will read to the end of the file.
If for quantity dataType is used, the number of characters or other data elements specified by quantity are read from the file. If dataType is a text chunk type (i.e., characters, words, items, or lines), text is read until the requested amount is available. The final delimiter (if any) is not included with the text that is read. If no dataType is given, bytes are assumed (and the word for is required in this case).
If you specify a numeric data type instead of a text chunk type, the value stored into it or container by the read will be a list of the data values that were read. The following numeric data types can be used:
Data Type |
Value |
int1 or 8-bit integer |
an 8-bit (or 1 byte) signed integer |
uint1 or unsigned 8-bit integer |
an 8-bit (or 1 byte) unsigned integer |
int2 or 16-bit integer or short integer |
a 16-bit (or 2 byte) signed integer |
uint2 or unsigned 16-bit integer |
a 16-bit (or 2 byte) unsigned integer |
int4 or 32-bit integer or integer |
a 32-bit (or 4 byte) signed integer |
uint4 or unsigned 32-bit integer |
a 32-bit (or 4 byte) unsigned integer |
int8 or 64-bit integer |
a 64-bit (or 8 byte) signed integer |
uint8 or unsigned 64-bit integer |
a 64-bit (or 8 byte) unsigned integer |
real4 or 32-bit real or float |
a 32-bit (single-precision) floating-point number |
real8 or 64-bit real or double |
a 64-bit (double-precision) floating-point number |
read from file myFile for 20 -- Reads the next 20 bytes into item
read from file myFile into myFileVar until return -- Reads the first line and puts it into a variable
read 100 characters from file xyz into input -- Reads the next 100 chars into input
read into inQueue 5 items from file dataFile at 100 -- Starting at position 100 (100th byte), reads 5 items and puts them in the variable inQueue
open file "/tmp/abcd"
repeat forever
read from file "/tmp/abcd" until return -- reads one line
if it is empty then exit repeat -- we've reached the end of the file
put it -- or do other processing with 'it' here
end repeat
close file "/tmp/abcd"
- Open File Command: Use this command to open a specified file.
- Write to File Command: Use this command to write text or data to an open file.
- Close File Command and Close All Command: Use these commands to close open files.
- Read from Socket, Read from Process, Read from Input Commands: These related commands enable reading from sources other than a file.
Seek in File Command
Behavior: Sets the position within a file where the next read or write command will occur. Use the seek command to set the current position in a file before performing a read or write in that file. Although the read and write commands both provide at startpos options to specify the starting position for that operation, the seek command provides additional flexibility because the position in the file can be specified relative to the current location as well as from the beginning or end of the file.
Parameters: The name of a file that was previously opened with an open file command.
seek in file fileName [at | to] position { from | before | after {the} [start | beginning | current position | end] }

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
The position is a numeric expression that specifies the location to seek to in the file. If you don't use one of the from options to specify the origin of the seek, then a positive position indicates the number of bytes from the beginning of the file, and a negative position indicates the number of bytes back from the end of the file. Instead of a number or numeric expression, position can also be the end, which means the same as
seek in file ... to 0 from the end
You can include a from option to specify whether position is relative to the beginning or end of the file or from the current position. You can include before or after to specify the position to search.
seek in file myFile to 10 from the current position
seek in file "/Users/bkwins/Documents/newText" to the end
seek in file myFile to 8 bytes before the current position
- Read from File: Use read from file to read text or data from an open file.
- Write to File: Use this command to write text or data to an open file.
Write to File Command
Behavior: Writes data into a file. Use the write command to store data in a file on disk. The data can then be read from the file again at a later time by your scripts, or by another application entirely.
Parameters: The name of a file that was previously opened with an open file command. The file must have been opened in a mode that permits writing (that is, not in reading mode, which permits only reading).
write data {as dataType} to file fileName {at [startpos | end | eof]}

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
The data can be any valid SenseTalk expression. If dataType is not specified, the value of the data expression is treated as a string of characters, which is written out to the specified file.
If at startpos is specified, writing to the file begins at that byte position within the file. If the startpos value is negative, it specifies the number of bytes back from the end of the file where writing begins. Using the at end or at eof option tells SenseTalk to write the data at the end of the file, following any other text already in the file. If no location is specified, data is written beginning at the current position in the file, as determined by the most recent prior read, write, or seek command in that file.
If as dataType is specified, the data is converted to that binary format before being written. In this case, data can be a list of numeric values, which are all converted to the same data type. See the read from file command for a list of the valid data types.
write line 1 of accounts & return to file myFile
write highScore & tab to file "~/.gamescores" at eof
write numberList as 16-bit integers to file bData
put "/Users/bob/Desktop/TestRead" into MyFileVar // creates a variable with a path to a file
open file MyFileVar // opens the file
put "GIO NOW" into MyWrite // puts a text string into a variable
write return to file MyFileVar at eof // adds a return character to the end of the file to ensure that new writes begin on a new line
write MyWrite to file MyFileVar- // writes the text from the variable into the file
close file MyFileVar // closes the file
- Open File: Use this command to open a specified file.
- Read From File: Use read from file to read text or data from an open file.
- Close File, Close All: Use these commands to close open files.
- The DefaultStringEncoding: This global property specifies how text strings are encoded when they are read from or written to a file.
OpenFiles Function
Behavior: Returns a list of the files that are currently open as a result of the open file command.
Parameters: None.
the openFiles

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
log the openFiles
open file "/Users/bkwins/Documents/newText"
put openFiles() into myVar
log myVar
repeat with each item of the openFiles
if it ends with ".dat" then close file it
end repeat
- Open File: Use this command to open a specified file.
- Close File, Close All: Use these commands to close open files.
Commands and Functions for Working with File Systems
Several commands and functions provide access to the file system on the machine where the script is running (or a locally mounted file system), enabling your script to create, move, copy, rename, and delete files and folders, and to obtain information about the files and folders in the system.
Create File, Create Folder, Create Link Commands
Behavior: Creates a new file or folder in the file system, or a symbolic link to an existing file or folder. Use the create folder command to create a new folder on the disk. Use the create file command to create an empty file. Use create link to create a link (sometimes called an alias or a symbolic link) that looks like an independent file, but is actually a reference to a different file on the disk.
Parameters: For create file and create folder, the name of the file or folder to create is required. For create link, the name of the link and the name of the file or folder to link to are required.
create {a} {new} [file | folder | directory] fileOrFolderName {withproperties}
create {a} {new} link linkName to [file | folder | directory] fileOrFolderName

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
The fileOrFolderName expression must yield either an absolute path name or a path name relative to the current folder. The file, folder, or link being created must not already exist. If its parent folder does not exist, it will also be created.
If the with properties option is used, properties should be a property list specifying initial values for any of the following properties: ownerName, groupName, permissions, creationDate, modificationDate, and for files: typeCode, creatorCode, fileExtensionHidden, appendOnly, or locked. See Accessing File Properties for more information about setting these properties.
create file "/tmp/myWorkArea/testData"
create a new folder "/tmp/myWorkArea"
create folder "/tmp/myWorkArea/subdir" with (groupName:"admin", permissions:"rwxrwxr-x")
create link "tasty" to file "juicy"
Delete File, Delete Folder Commands
Behavior: Permanently removes a file or folder from the disk. Use the delete command to destroy a file, or to destroy a folder including all of its contents. This command is permanent and irreversible—use with caution.
Parameters: The name of a file or folder to delete.
delete [file | folder | directory] fileOrFolderName

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
The fileOrFolderName expression must yield the name of an existing file or folder. Deleting a folder deletes all of the files and folders within it as well.
delete file "testData27"
delete folder "/tmp/myWorkArea"
Rename File, Rename Folder Commands
Behavior: Use the rename command to change the name of a file or folder.
Parameters: The name of the file whose name you want to change, and the new name for the file are both required.
rename [file | folder | directory] originalNameasnewName

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
The originalName expression must yield the name of an existing file or folder. If newName is not a full path name, it is taken to be relative to the folder where the source file or folder is located.
rename folder "/tmp/myWorkArea" as "oldWorkArea"
rename file sourceFile as sourceFile && "backup"
Copy File, Copy Folder Commands
Behavior: Makes a duplicate copy of an existing file or folder. Use the copy command any time you want to make a complete copy of a single file or of a folder and all of its contents.
There are three forms of the copy command: copy ... into ..., copy ... as ..., and copy ... to .... The first form, using the preposition into, makes a copy of the source file or folder with the same name as the original in a different destination folder. If the destination folder does not exist, it will be created.
The second form of copy, using the preposition as, lets you assign a different name to the copy. The copy can be created in the same folder as the source, or in a different folder. The final form of copy, using the preposition to, behaves just like copy ... into ... if the destination is an existing folder, otherwise it behaves like copy ... as ... .
Parameters: The name of a file to copy is required. Either a new name or new destination for the copy is also required.
copy [file | folder | directory] sourceName [into | to] {folder | directory} destinationFolder
copy [file | folder | directory] sourceName [as | to] destinationName

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
The sourceName expression must yield the name of an existing file or folder. If sourceName is not an absolute path, it is assumed to be relative to the current working folder. If the destinationFolder or destinationName is not an absolute path, it is assumed to be relative to the parent directory of the source file or folder.
copy file results into folder resultsArchiveFolder
copy file "/tmp/testFile" as "/tmp/testFileCopy"
copy folder planFldr to "~/Documents"
Move File, Move Folder Commands
Behaviors: Moves a file or folder to a new location in the file system. Use the move ... into ... command to move a file or folder into a different parent folder without changing its name. The move ... to ... command (similar to the copy ... to ... command) assigns a new name to the file or folder being moved unless the destination is an existing folder, in which case the source file or folder is moved into the destination folder without changing its name.
Parameters: The name of a file or folder to move and the name of the destination are both required.
move [file | folder | directory] sourceName [into | to] {folder | directory} destinationFolder

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
If sourceName is not an absolute path, it is assumed to be relative to the current working folder. If the destinationFolder is not an absolute path, it is taken to be relative to the parent folder of the source file or folder. If the destinationFolder does not exist, it will be created.
move file "/tmp/testFile" into folder "archives"
Files Function
Behavior: Returns a list of all of the files in the current working folder, or in a specified folder. Use the files function to find out what files exist in a given folder in the file system.
Parameters: If the files function is called without any parameter (or with an empty parameter), it returns a list of files in the current working folder. If a parameter is given, it should be the name of an existing folder, and the function returns the list of files in that folder.
the files {of folder}

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
Returns: A list containing one item for each of the non-folder entries in the specified folder (or in the current working folder if no folder is specified). Each item in the returned list is a fileDescription object (a property list with objectType set to fileDescription). The asText property of each fileDescription is set to the local name of the file, so displaying it simply shows the file’s name.
put files("/Users/bkwins/Desktop")
put the files of "/Users/bkwins/Desktop"
// backup all ".st" files into backupFolder
repeat with each item of the files -- looks at all files in working folder
if it ends with ".st" then copy file it into backupFolder
else put "Not backed up: " & it &- " of size" & it.NSFileSize
end repeat
Tech Talk
Each fileDescription object also holds many additional items of information. In particular, the "long name" property contains the full path name of the file. Other properties include the parent folder where the file is located, and such information as the file size, owner, and permissions. Use the keys() function (or delete the object’s asText property before displaying it) to find out exactly what information is available.
SenseTalk commands and functions that work with files, such as the copy file and rename commands and the diskSpace() function, recognize fileDescription objects that are used in place of file names, and will use the long name to identify the actual file. In this way, fileDescription objects can serve as file identifiers that can be stored in variables, passed as parameters, and so forth.
Folders Function
Behavior: Returns a list of all the subfolders in the current working folder, or in a specified folder. Use the folders function to find out what folders exist within a given folder in the file system.
Parameters: If the folders function is called without any parameter, it returns a list of folders in the current working folder. If a parameter is given, it should be the name of an existing folder, and the function returns the list of subfolders within that folder.
the folders {of parentFolder}

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
The parentFolder expression must yield the name of an existing folder.
Returns: A list containing one item for each of the subfolder entries in parentFolder (or in the current working folder, if parentFolder is not specified).
log folders() // logs all folders in the current working directory
put the folders of "/Users/bkwins/Desktop/" into myFolderListVar // puts a list of folders on the Desktop into a variable
// show the files in each subfolder of the current folder
repeat with each item of the folders
put "Folder " & it & return & the files of it
end repeat
Tech Talk
Each item in the returned list is a fileDescription object (property list) which shows the local name of the folder when displayed, but also contains many additional items of information about the folder, such as its modification date and permissions settings. See the files function, above, or the fileDescription function for more information about fileDescription objects.
FilesAndFolders Function
Behavior: Returns a list of all files and subfolders in the current working folder, or in a specified folder. Use the filesAndFolders function to find out what files and folders exist within a given folder in the file system.
Parameters: If the filesAndFolders function is called without any parameter, it returns a list of files and folders in the current working folder. If a parameter is given, it should be the name of an existing folder, and the function returns the list of files and subfolders within that folder.
the filesAndFolders {of parentFolder}

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
The parentFolder expression must yield the name of an existing folder.
Returns: A list containing one item for each of the file and subfolder entries in parentFolder (or in the current working folder if parentFolder is not specified).
log filesandfolders() // logs all files and folders in the current working directory
put the filesandfolders of "/Users/bkwins/Desktop/" into folderContents // puts a list of files and folders on the Desktop into a variable
// show the files in the current folder and its subfolders
repeat with each item of the filesAndFolders
if it is a folder then
put "Folder: " & it & " -- "& the files of it
put "File: " & it
end if
end repeat
Tech Talk
Each item in the returned list is a fileDescription object (property list) that shows the local name of the file or folder when displayed, but also contains many additional items of information about that item, such as its modification date and permissions settings. See the files function, above, or the fileDescription function for more information about fileDescription objects.
Zip File, Zip Folder Commands
Behavior: Makes a compressed archive (a .zip file) of an existing file or folder. Use the zip command any time you want to make an archived copy of a single file, or of a folder and all of its contents.
There are several forms of the zip command. The simplest, "zip file filename", will create a zipped file named in the same folder where the source file was located. To give a different output file name, include "as zipFilename" in the command. To put the output in a different location, include the "into folderName" clause. If the destination folder does not exist, it will be created.
Additional options can also be specified by including "with optionPropertyList" at the end of the command. Possible options include:
- password: A password string. If included, the resulting zip archive will be encrypted and can only be unzipped by supplying the password again.
- encryptKeyLength: Must be 128, 192, or 256 (default 128). The key length to use for encryption.
- compressionLevel: Integer (default 6) to specify the amount of compression to use, from 0 (no compression) to 9 (maximum compression)
- includeSubfolders: Boolean (default True/Yes). Whether to include subfolders in the archive, or only the files at the top level of the folder.
- filesToInclude: A wildcard pattern string to specify which files within the folder to include in the archive ("*" = all files (the default), "*.txt" = all text files, etc.). FilesToInclude can also be given as a list of wildcard strings to include (e.g., filesToInclude:["*.txt", "*.script"]).
Parameters: The name of a file or folder to be zipped is required. Other parameters are optional.
zip file sourceFileName
{[as | to] zippedFileName}
{[into | in] [folder | directory] destinationFolder}
zip [folder | directory] sourceFolderName
{[as | to] zippedFileName}
{[into | in] [folder | directory] destinationFolder}
The sourceFileName or sourceFolderName expression must yield the name of an existing file or folder. If it is not an absolute path, it is assumed to be relative to the current working folder. If the destinationFolder or zippedFileName is not an absolute path, it is assumed to be relative to the parent directory of the source file or folder.
Unzip File Command
Behavior: Uncompresses and extracts the contents of a .zip archive file. Use the unzip command any time you want to unzip a file and retrieve its contents.
There are several forms of the unzip command. The simplest, "unzip file filename", extracts the contents into the same folder where the source .zip file was located. To give a different output file name (for .zip archives of a single file), include "as unzippedFileName" in the command. To put the output in a different location, include the "into destinationFolder" clause. If the destination folder does not exist, it will be created.
Parameters: The name of a .zip file is required. Additional options can be specified by including "with optionPropertyList" at the end of the command. Possible options include:
- password: The password string to use when unzipping an encrypted archive.
- overwriteExistingFiles: Boolean (default True/Yes). Whether extracted files should replace existing files with the same name.
- newerFilesOnly: Boolean (default False/No). If set to true, any existing files will be replaced by files extracted from the archive only if the archive contains newer versions of those files.
unzip file zipFileName
{[as | to] unzippedFileName}
{[into | in] [folder | directory] destinationFolder}
{with options}
The zipFileName expression must yield the name of an existing .zip file. If it is not an absolute path, it is assumed to be relative to the current working folder. If the destinationFolder or unzippedFileName is not an absolute path, it is assumed to be relative to the parent directory of the source .zip file.
AvailableStringEncodings Function
Behavior: Returns a list of the names of all the available string encoding formats. In some cases there might be more than one name for the same encoding. Use the availableStringEncodings function to learn the names of the encodings that are available to use when setting the defaultStringEncoding global property.
the availableStringEncodings

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
put the availableStringEncodings
Functions for Working with CSV Formats
During your SenseTalk scripting you might need to do some formatting of CSV data. SenseTalk includes the CSVFormat function and the CSVValue function to assist you with CSV formats.
CSVFormat Function
Behavior: This function accepts a value, which is either a list of lists or a list of property lists, and returns a text representation of that list in CSV format.
Parameters: The CSVFormat function uses the following parameters:
- delimiter: The delimiter parameter value represents a character to be used between the fields on each line. The default value is a comma.
- columnNames: A list of the column names.

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
put ["id","LName","FName","Address","City","State","Zip"] into colNames// Adds header names to a list
put CSVFormat([colNames,customer1,customer2,customer3])
// Outputs the header names that were added to the colNames list and the current values contained in customer1, customer2, and customer3, all in CSV format:
// id,LName,FName,Address,City,State,Zip
// 1,Smith,Joe,123 Happy Place,Boulder,CO,80303
// 2,Jones,Mary,456 Happy Place,Boulder,CO,80303
// 3,Brown,James,456 Happy Place,Boulder,CO,80303
CSVValue Function
Behavior: This function accepts text in CSV format and converts it into either a list of property lists or a list of lists.
Parameters: The CSVValue function uses the following parameters:
- delimiter: The delimiter parameter value represents a character to be used between the fields on each line. The default value is a comma.
- asLists: Setting the asLists parameter value to Yes tells the CSVValue function to create a list of lists. The default value is No, which results in the creation of a list of property lists.
- columnNames: The columnNames parameter represents a list of names for the columns. Specify this parameter when there is no header row. The CSVValue function ignores this parameter if the asLists parameter is set.
- trimValues: Set this value to Yes to trim any spaces before and after each value. The default value is No.
- ignoreComments: Set this value to Yes to recognize and ignore comments beginning with the # character. The default value is No.
- allowEscapes: Set this value to Yes to allow backslashes in values to escape the character that follows the backslash. The default value is No.

Syntax definitions for language elements follow these formatting guidelines:
- boldface: Indicates words and characters that must be typed exactly
- italic: Indicates expressions or other variable elements
- {} (curly braces): Indicate optional elements.
- [] (square brackets) separated by | (vertical pipes): Indicate alternative options where one or the other can be used, but not both.
Example syntax:
In this example, "open file" is required and must be typed exactly. "fileName" is a variable element; it is the path to and name of the file being opened. The following expression is optional and indicates why the file is being opened. If this expression is added, "for" is required and must be typed exactly. One of the following must be included, but only one, and they also must be typed exactly: "reading", "writing", "readwrite", "appending", or "updating".
put CSVValue of file ResourcePath("TestCustomerList_CSV.csv") into Customers // Reads a list of customers from the TestCustomerList_CSV.csv file and places them in the Customers list
repeat for each item of Customers
put it // Displays each item contained in the Customers list
end repeat
// Outputs the following items from the Customers list (these contents are the assumed TestCustomerList_CSV.csv file contents for this example) :
// (City:"New York", @"Company Name":"ABC", Country:"United States", @"Customer ID":"2", @"Postal Code":"12345", State:"New York")
// (City:"Seattle", @"Company Name":"XYZ", Country:"United States", @"Customer ID":"3", @"Postal Code":"12345", State:"Washington")
Related Global Properties
SenseTalk includes a few global properties that affect work with files and file system objects.
To provide stricter control over the use of files at runtime, the strictFiles global property can be used to determine whether an attempt to read a nonexistent file returns an empty value (the default) or an exception.
You can use the defaultStringEncoding to specify how text strings are encoded when they are read from or written to a file, socket, or URL. The default method is UTF8, but many other encoding methods can be used.
You can use the umask global property to control the access permissions for any file or folder created by SenseTalk, either directly or indirectly.
These properties are each described in detail on Local and Global Properties for Files and File Systems: