Using RLM for Team License Management
If you have obtained a Floating license, you may install one or more copies of the Software on any computer, instrument, or machine within your internal computer network or on dedicated server resources provided by a third party for your internal business use, provided the total number of users who are accessing or using any of the Software at the same time does not exceed the maximum number of licenses.
Note: Use of Eggplant Functional is subject to the terms of the Keysight EULA.
Below you will find information about how RLM works, installing and setting up RLM in your environment, and how to get your Eggplant Functional licenses into RLM.
About RLM
You run RLM as a server in your environment. Your Eggplant Functional license is installed on the license server rather than on the machine running Eggplant Functional. Therefore, it's essential that any machine that runs Eggplant Functional is able to access the RLM server machine over the network.
Eggplant Functional contacts the license server each time it launches and requests a valid license to run. Ensure that the server is able to run continuously, or at least that it is available whenever users need to access licenses for Eggplant Functional.
Each team license has a designated number of users. Each time you launch Eggplant Functional, the application asks RLM for a license in order to complete its launch. If there is an unused license available, the server checks out the license for that instance and allows that computer to run Eggplant Functional.
For example, if your team purchases an Eggplant Functional team license set up with three users, you could use Eggplant Functional on as many as three computers at the same time. If all three licenses are in use when you launch a fourth instance of Eggplant Functional, you will see a message that no licenses are available and you won't be able to run the application until a license becomes available. Note that with this system, the three machines using the Eggplant Functional licenses could potentially be different machines each time.
You can complete most license administration for your environment through a web interface. By default, the web server runs on the local machine where the RLM server runs, and you can access the administration site over port 5054:
Reprise Software maintains a comprehensive RLM License Administration Manual where you can find information about using license server failover, transferring licenses between servers, and other features. The sections below describe basic set up and licensing procedures for using RLM with Eggplant Functional.
RLM System Requirements
- Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 (64-bit or 32-bit); macOS, Mac OS X (any version, 64-bit or 32-bit). RLM can also be installed on Linux/Unix systems; visit the Reprise Software website for full details.
- Processor and RAM: RLM has no minimum specification for CPU or RAM; virtually any machine will work, provided it is a server that is continuously and reliably accessible.
Note: If you are running RLM in a large environment where you might have hundreds of installed licenses, you might find better RLM performance by using a machine with higher CPU and RAM specifications. For further guidance, consult Reprise Software.
Setting Up the License Server
The following video provides an overview of the setup process for RLM.

Follow the steps below to get the RLM license server running in your environment for Eggplant Functional license management. It is important to run the RLM server on a machine that is accessible from any other machine in your environment that will run Eggplant Functional with a team license. You should also ensure that the server is able to run continuously.
- Download the Eggplant RLM license server from the Eggplant Functional Downloads page. There is one download that includes the RLM server for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Inside the folder that you download, you will find a folder for each platform:
- RLM_Server_Linux
- RLM_Server_Mac
- RLM_Server_Windows
The folder for each platform contains the RLM executable (rlm for Mac/Linux, rlm.exe for Windows) as well as a file called testplant.set, which provides the information necessary to run RLM for Eggplant Functional. Typically, you do not need to do anything with the testplant.set file; however, if you are running RLM with additional third-party products, see Running RLM for Multiple Products below.
- Copy the folder for your platform to an appropriate location on the machine where you intend for the server to run, such as the Applications folder on Mac or the Program Files folder on Windows.Note: It is important that you remember where you locate this folder because you need to copy new team license files to it so that the license server can read them.
- Copy your team license files (i.e., .lic files) to the RLM_Server folder. If you have not generated your licenses, see Generating Team Licenses for Eggplant Functional for instructions on how to do this in Greenhouse, Eggplant's web-based license management portal.Note: You can start the server without adding license files, and you can add additional license files at any time. If you add license files while the server is running, you can use the Reread/Restart Servers function in the RLM web administration portal so that they are recognized by the server.
- Start RLM from the command line. Remember, the RLM executable is in the RLM_Server folder. You need to execute a command to launch the executable from that directory.
>cd C:\Program Files (x86)\RLM_Server_Win
>rlmImportant: You must keep the command window open. If you close the command window, it shuts down the running processes, which means stopping the server. See Running RLM as a Service below for information about starting the server as a service.
- When the server is running, you can access the Reprise License Manager Administration portal from a browser by going to:
http://<IP address>:5054
where <IP address> is the IP address of the machine where the server is running. If you access the web portal from the machine where the server is running, you can use
http://localhost:5054Note: By default, the ISV port is set to TCP port 5052, the RLM server port is set to TCP port 5053, and the administrator portal port is set to TCP port 5054. Note that ports 5052 and 5053 cannot be changed. - In Eggplant Functional, set the Licenser Host on the Eggplant License Registry panel, which you access from the main menu by selecting Eggplant > Licenses. Enter the hostname or IP address for the machine where RLM is running. You need to enter this information in every instance of Eggplant Functional that needs to access the RLM server. Note that you don't need to include this setting on an instance of Eggplant Functional that runs on the same machine as RLM.
Running RLM as a Service
When you start RLM from a command prompt—either cmd.exe on Windows or Terminal on Mac—you must keep the command window open to keep the server running. If you close the window, it shuts down the running processes, which stops the server.
However, you can install and run RLM as a service on Windows or as a launch daemon on Mac so that the server runs without the command window open and restarts automatically if the machine restarts.
On Windows: As a Service
To install and run RLM as a Windows service, run the following command:
rlm -install_service -dlog <server.log>
where <server log> is the full path for where you want to create the server log file. There are additional optional parameters and arguments you can include. See the RLM License Administration Manual for complete details.
After you run the command, you can start (or stop) the service through the Windows Services manager. By default, it is set to automatically restart when the system restarts.
On Mac: As a Launch Daemon
When you run RLM on a Mac, you can create a .plist file that automatically starts RLM as a launch daemon whenever the Mac restarts. If you don't follow this procedure, you need to manually restart the server if you restart the machine.
The RLM_Server_Mac folder that is in the RLM server download includes a sample of the .plist file. The text of the file is copied below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>-dlog</string> <string>/path/to/log/file/rlmlog.dlog</string>
You must customize the file with the information specific to where you saved the RLM server. The highlighted sections in the example above show the code that you need to update in the example .plist file. Use a text editor to update the .plist file, then save and close the file.
You must save the .plist file in the LaunchDaemons folder on the Mac, which is found at /Library/LaunchDaemons. Additionally, you might need to provide root permissions to the file, which you can do with a Terminal command such as the following:
sudo chown root /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.testplant.rlm.plist
To start the license server daemon, enter a command such as this:
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.testplant.rlm.plist
At this point, the server restarts automatically if you restart the Mac machine where it is running.
Installing Licenses on RLM
License files for RLM are plain text files with a .lic file extension. Typically, place any license file in use into the directory with the running RLM executable. For example, if you are running the Windows rlm.exe program from within the RLM_Server_Win folder, you would add your licenses to the RLM_Server_Win folder.
Add or remove licenses as needed. The license server typically refreshes at a regular interval, at which point it would read any changes and give you access to new license information. However, you can force a refresh by using the Reread/Restart Servers function in the RLM web administration portal.
Setting a Password for Your License
To add a password to your RLM license, add _password to your .lic files, as in the example below. See Runscript Command Options to use an RLM password from the command line.
LICENSE testplant eggplantfunctional 1.0 03-aug-2019 5
customer=com.TestPlantTAM.L144 contract=51774 _ck=b9dafcc6c2 sig="c
2S25g2~WdQFekWVk8=JscyvDcA+DHcP~118m3UryY0TV3GCr2zoifiX1ktv9MqB" _password=somepassword
Running RLM for Multiple Products
RLM license server is used by many products for serving and verifying licenses. Therefore, if you are already running an RLM server, you do not need to follow the steps above to start a new server instance. Instead, add the Eggplant setup file (testplant.set) to the directory of the running server.
To run Eggplant Functional with an existing RLM server, follow these steps:
- Download the Eggplant RLM license server from the Eggplant Functional downloads page. The Eggplant-branded setup file is included in the download, so you need to complete this step even if you don't need to run a new RLM server.
- Copy the setup file, testplant.set, to your existing folder on your server machine. You can find this file inside the downloaded folder for each platform.
- Copy your team license files (i.e., .lic files) to the existing folder. If you haven't generated your licenses, see Generating Team Licenses for Eggplant Functional for instructions on how to do this in Greenhouse.
- In the RLM web administration portal, use the Reread/Restart Servers function to restart the server with the Eggplant Functional setup information and licenses.
Roaming Licenses
RLM provides a roaming option that allows users to check out an Eggplant Functional license from the RLM server to their specific machine and use it for up to seven days without having to reconnect to the RLM server.
Set the number of days to roam in the license panel. You can also set a limit to the maximum number of days of roaming on the license server. In the testplant.opt file, enter
ROAM_MAX_DAYS X eggplantfunctional
where X is the number of days to roam.
You can disable roaming on the license server by entering
ROAM_MAX_DAYS -1 eggplantfunctional
in the testplant.opt file. Roaming can also be disabled on a per license basis, when the license is issued.