OCR Language Support

The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) engine is a versatile tool within Eggplant Functional built for working with dynamic text. This page outlines all languages supported for use with OCR.

Using the Language Property

Language dictionaries can be specified either in Text Preferences or in line with your OCR search using the Language property. to any OCR search in Eggplant Functional scripts. The OCR Engine provides its own system dictionaries for the languages that have full built-in dictionary support. The property values listed in Supported OCR Language Properties are case sensitive.

The Language property can be used for both reading and searching for text using OCR. For more on the difference between reading and searching for text, see How to Use OCR.


//Using the Language property to find text (searching)

Click (Text:"Aubergine", Language:"French")

//Using the Language property to restrict the readText() function

log ReadText(("TLImage","BRImage"), Language:"French") -- where "TLImage" and "BRImage" are captured images that define a search rectangle by indicating the top left and bottom right corners of that rectangle, respectively.

Supported OCR Language Properties

Eggplant Functional comes with numerous languages out of the box. Additional languages are also available for purchase.

Custom OCR Dictionaries

In addition to selecting specific languages, you can use SenseTalk properties to customize the OCR engine dictionary. You can add specific words that you want text searches to recognize, and you can list words that you want to prohibit the OCR engine from recognizing. For complete information about creating a custom dictionary, see Customize the OCR Engine Dictionary.

Languages Supported

The table below shows a comprehensive list of all languages supported for use with OCR.

* Denotes Full Dictionary Support

Note: These predefined language properties are case-sensitive.
Abkhaz Faeroese Kurdish Rundi
Adyghe Fijian Lak Russian *
Afrikaans Finnish * Lappish RussianOldSpelling *
Agul French * Latin * RussianWithAccent *
Albanian Frisian Latvian * Samoan
Altaic Friulian Lezgin Selkup
Arabic GaelicScottish Lithuanian * SerbianCyrillic
ArmenianEastern * Gagauz Luba SerbianLatin
ArmenianGrabar * Galician Macedonian Shona
ArmenianWestern * Ganda Malagasy Sioux (Dakota)
Awar German * Malay Slovak *
Aymara GermanNewSpelling * Malinke Slovenian *
AzeriCyrillic GermanLuxembourg Maltese Somali
AzeriLatin * Greek * Mansi Sorbian
Bashkir * Guarani Maori Sotho
Basque Hani Mari Spanish *
Belarusian Hausa Maya Sunda
Bemba Hawaiian Miao Swahili
Blackfoot Hebrew Minankabaw Swazi
Breton Hungarian * Mixed (Russian and English) * Swedish *
Bugotu Icelandic Mohawk Tabassaran
Bulgarian * Ido Moldavian Tagalog
Buryat Indonesian * Mongol Tahitian
Catalan * Ingush Mordvin Tajik
Chamorro Interlingua Nahuatl Tatar *
Chechen Irish Nenets Tinpo (Jingpo)
ChinesePRC Italian * Nivkh Tongan
ChineseTaiwan Japanese * Nogay Tswana
Chukcha Japanese+English * Norweigan (NorvegianNynorsk and NorvegianBokmal) * Tun
Chuvash JapaneseModern NorwegianBokmal * Turkish *
Corsican Kabardian NorwegianNynorsk * Turkmen
CrimeanTatar Kalmyk Nyanja TurkmenLatin
Croatian * KarachayBalkar Occidental Tuvin
Crow Karakalpak Ojibway Udmurt
Czech * Kasub Ossetic UighurCyrillic
Danish * Kawa Papiamento UighurLatin
Dargwa Kazakh PidginEnglish (Tok Pisin language) Ukrainian *
Dungan Khakas Polish * UzbekCyrillic
Dutch * Khanty PortugueseBrazilian * UzbekLatin
DutchBelgian Kikuyu PortugueseStandard * Visayan (Cebuano)
English * Kirgiz Provencal Welsh
EskimoCyrillic Kongo Quechua Wolof
EskimoLatin Korean * RhaetoRomanic Xhosa
Esperanto KoreanHangul * Romanian * Yakut
Estonian * Koryak RomanianMoldavia Zapotec
Even Kpelle Romany Zulu
Evenki Kumyk Ruanda  

Eggplant Functional scripts recognize other keywords as pre-defined language properties as shown in Other Supported Keywords.

Other Supported Keywords

Basic CMC7 E13B Pascal
C++ Cobol Fortran OCRA
Chemistry Digits Java OCRB


This topic was last updated on August 19, 2021, at 03:30:51 PM.

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