Eggplant Network Administrator Options

The complete Settings menu is only available to Administrators. The options are:

Note: A non-Administrator user only has access to the Log File Control and Change Password options.


This option allows the installation or update of the Emulator license key.

The license key enables the use of the Emulator, defines the use criteria (perpetual license or time expired license) and defines the Emulator model.

The Emulator will not run without a valid license key.

Licensing window in Eggplant Network

The license key is loaded through the GUI from the local file system. Ensure you have a valid license key before proceeding with the Upload License File options.

Important: After a reboot, the appliance GUI defaults to the licensing page. While the license is being checked the top of the display shows No License. This is normal. Allow time for the Emulator to validate the newly entered license and to change the display to reflect the new license.


Every Emulator model supports multiple simultaneous users. Users can have their own logins for the Emulator.

If you have purchased a model that supports two licensed port pairs (4 ports), it’s possible for one user to use Ports 0 and 1 while another user uses Ports 2 and 3 with two different emulations running concurrently.

Note: Only Administrators can add new users.

To add a user, click Add User and fill in the Add User dialog box.

Add User dialog in Eggplant Network

Note: Only one Emulator user can be the Administrator. New users configured here will not be Administrator level users.
Important: If Administrators forget their passwords, those passwords can only be reset using the Management Console Facility under supervision of Eggplant Technical Support.

To delete a user, select that user and click Remove User.

It is also possible to change a user's status from Administrator user to a non-Administrator or vice versa. Click on the user required to highlight the selected user. Click Edit User, and in the dialog, select Administrator to enable or disable the user status. Then click Update.

Software Updates

Software updates containing enhancements and bug fixes are available for you to download and install, subject to a valid support agreement. Contact your support representative for information about obtaining updates.

All software updates require the system to be rebooted.

Download the update to your local machine, then click Upload Patch File.

Software Update window in Eggplant Network

The patch file is loaded through the GUI from the local file system. Ensure that you have a valid patch file before proceeding.

Most updates install within a few minutes, although major upgrades might take significantly longer. Review the supporting patch documentation for further information.

Click OK to acknowledge the reboot message, and the appliance reboots.

Note: After a reboot, the appliance GUI defaults to the license pane. While the license is being checked, the top of the display shows No License. This is normal. Allow enough time for the Emulator to validate the license.

Appliance Menu

The Appliance Menu has two sub-menu functions, Control and Config.


The Appliance Control option allows users to Reboot or Shutdown the Emulator.

Reboot: This option reboots the appliance in Emulator mode.

Important: Rebooting an active appliance terminates all running emulations. Unsaved emulations and scenarios are lost.

Shutdown: This option shuts down the Emulator application and powers down the appliance.

Important:: Shutting down an active appliance terminates all running emulations. Unsaved emulations and scenarios are lost.

Reboot and Shutdown can also be initiated from the LCD panel.


The Appliance Config option allows the user to specify a Name/Identifier for the emulator. This can be an IP address, or any text up to a maximum of 16 characters.

This identifier appears at the top of the sidebar in the form <user>@<identifier>. The identifier text also appears on the browser tab, so that users working with multiple emulators can easily see which tab displays which emulator GUI.

If the sidebar is hidden, the collapsed sidebar displays the user and machine identity vertically.

The user can remove the machine name by deleting the text on the Config page and clicking Update. The default product name appears on the tab again.

Log File Control

The Log File Control option allows you to select either Manual or Automatic configuration. Selecting manual means that you must delete the graph log files using Delete on the Emulation Logs page. The Automatic option deletes log files older than the specified number of days.

Log File Control pane in Eggplant Network

Change Password

Users can change their own passwords by clicking Change Password.

The Change Password dialog displays.

Change password dialog in Eggplant Network

Enter the new password and retype it, then click Update.

Important: If Administrator users forget their passwords, they can only be reset using the Management Console Facility under supervision of Eggplant Technical Support.


This topic was last updated on August 19, 2021, at 03:30:51 PM.

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