Link Qualification Criteria Data Values

The Link Qualification Criteria data input strings obviously have a particular format. This appendix is a quick reference of the data format options.

Address and Ports use comma delimiter syntax with dashes.


To display data only related to IP addresses from to

To display data only related to IP addresses from to and to and IP address

The Emulator also accepts Classless 
Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation; for example, to can be entered:

To display data only related to Ports 80 and 3289 to 3299:

Note: The port is set to 0 (for matching purposes) for all packets that do not have a port. You can use this fact in packet matching. For example the port range 1-65535 would eliminate ICMP (IPv4 but not TCP/UDP) and ARP (not IPv4 at all), which have no port. Specifying 0 (zero) in the TCP/UDP Ports matches packets that do not have a port number such as ARP and ICMP (ping).

Tag: This is typically the VLAN/MPLS tag number. This is the VLAN Tag (ID) applied to Tagged VLAN packets by switches that are tagged VLAN packet aware. The VLAN tag needs to be set according to the 802.1Q standard.


This topic was last updated on August 19, 2021, at 03:30:51 PM.

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