Import a Raw Test Run into the Analysis Database

This Eggplant Performance Analyzer REST method imports a raw test run into the analysis database. You use the following URL with a POST HTTP method as described here.



HTTP Method

POST: Imports a raw test run into the analysis database.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
path string The path of the directory containing the raw test run. (Note that this path must be accessible from the server.)
importOptions object Optional import options.

Import Options

Parameter Type Description
includeHttpRequests Boolean Whether or not to include HTTP requests in the database. (Defaults to true.)
includeQueryData Boolean Whether or not to include query data for any HTTP requests that are imported. (Defaults to false.)
allowOverlappingTransactions Boolean Whether or not to allow overlapping transactions during the import. (Defaults to false.)
maxLoggedErrorsPerVU number The maximum number of errors and warnings to record for each virtual user. (Defaults to 1000).
createSUTChartTemplates Boolean Whether or not to create new time series chart templates for SUT measurements gathered during the test run. The chart templates will be added to the project to which the test run belongs. If SUT measurements found in the test run already exist as chart templates within the project, they will be ignored. (Defaults to true).

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
run number string The URL of the newly imported test run.

Example Request





"path": "C:\\workspaces\\My Workspace\\projects\\My Project\\runs\\My Series\\My Test.1" ,

"importOptions": {

"includeQueryData": true



Example response


"1": "http://localhost:5000/analyzer/api/1.0/My Workspace/My Project/My Series/My Test/1"



This topic was last updated on January 13, 2022, at 02:42:23 PM.

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