Create a Comparison Report

This Eggplant Performance Analyzer REST method creates a report from a comparison. You use the following URL with a POST HTTP method as described here.



HTTP Method

POST: Creates a report from a comparison.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
path string The path of the report to create.
reportTemplate string The name of a report template to use.
workspace string The name of the workspace that contains the report template to use.
project string The name of the project that contains the report template to use.
format string The format of the report. Possible values are “pdf”, “odt”, “html.”

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
report string The path of the newly created report.

Example Request





"path": "C:/My Report.pdf",

"reportTemplate": "Default Report",

"workspace": "Workspace 1",

"project": "Project 1",

"format": "pdf"


Example Response


"report": "C:/My Report.pdf"



This topic was last updated on January 13, 2022, at 02:42:23 PM.

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