Installing Eggplant Performance Via the Command Line
The installation of Eggplant Performance and Eggplant Performance Analyzer can be automated using a Windows command line or batch file.
Note: As part of the installation program, you are required to review and agree to comply with the terms of the Keysight EULA. Pay attention to the inclusion of the accept_eula parameters passed on the command line.
For Eggplant Performance (including Studio, Test Controller and a localhost injector alongside all the other apps and utilities), use the following batch file:
msiexec /i eggPlantPerformance9.1.0.XX.msi^
/quiet /qn /norestart^
/L eggPlantPerformance_install.log^
For Eggplant Performance Analyzer, use the following batch file:
--mode unattended^
--prefix "C:\Program Files\eggPlantPerformanceAnalyzer-9.1.0"^
--dblocation "C:\eggplant_performance_database"^
--dbport 38000^
--dbpassword XXXXXXXX^
--enable_db_logging 0^
--accept_eula yes
Note: The caret (^) symbols at the end of the lines are for use in a Windows .bat script, to allow the command to span multiple lines for readability. It is possible to omit those symbols and put all parameters on the same line.