Managing Shared Lists

A shared list is a list of similar values accessed by the same key name. For example, the following table describes two shared lists: CustomerId and OrderNumber:

Key Value





Note: Shared lists are ordered left to right (first to last). In the above CustomerId list, the first value is 50999 and the last value is 15613. It is important to be aware of this order when accessing the shared lists from virtual user (VU) scripts.

Importing Shared List Data

Shared List data can be imported from comma separated value (.csv) files. For a .csv file to be successfully imported it should be in the following format:





For example, importing the following .csv file will result in three shared lists: Animal, Mineral, and Vegetable.





Key Value








Values from a shared list can be copied to the clipboard.

Selecting a shared list in the Shared Lists table and then clicking the View button displays the values for the selected shared list in the List dialogue.


Name: The key name of the list.

List: The list of values. Values can be selected and copied to the clipboard.

Number of values: Total number of values in list.

Add Item

A value can be added to a shared list.

Selecting a shared list in the Shared Lists table and then clicking the Add Item button displays the Add Item dialog.

Add Item

Key: The key name of the list to which the value will be added.

Value: The value to add.

add first/add last: Check add first option to add the value to the beginning of the selected shared list, or add last to add the value to the end of the selected shared list.


A new shared list can be added to the Shared Data Server.

Clicking the New button opens the New List dialog.

New List

Key: The key name of the new shared list.

Value: A single value to add.

add first/add last: Disabled. Only a single value is created when creating a new shared list.

Remove First

A value can be removed from the beginning of an existing shared list.

Selecting a shared list in the Shared Lists table and then clicking the Remove First button removes the first item in the selected shared list.

Note: Removing the first item when there is only one item in the selected shared list also removes that shared list from the Shared Lists table.

Remove Last

A value can be removed from the end of an existing shared list.

Selecting a shared list in the Shared Lists table and then clicking the Remove Last button removes the last item in the selected shared list.

Note: Removing the last item when there is only one item in the selected shared list also removes that shared list from the Shared Lists table.


A shared list (key and values) can be removed from the Shared Lists table.

Selecting a shared list in the Shared Lists table and then clicking the Remove button removes the entire selected shared list.

Maximum List Values to Display

The number of values (columns of values) displayed in a shared list within the Shared Lists table can be restricted.

The number of values to display can be adjusted by using the Maximum list values to display selection box.


This topic was last updated on January 13, 2022, at 02:42:23 PM.

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