Eggplant Performance Test Controller:
GET Alerts Method

This method gets a list of all the alerts that have occurred during the test.



HTTP Method

GET: Gets a list of all the alerts that have occurred during the test

Response Parameters

The response will be a list of alerts. Each alert has the following entries:

Parameter Type Description
engine String The engine on which this alert occurred
group String The VU group within which this alert occurred
severity String The severity of the alert (Error, Warning, or Information)
time String The time at which the alert occurred
injector String The injector on which this alert occurred
message String The alert text
script String The script in which this alert occurred
injectorFamily String The injector family in which this alert occurred
VU Int

The VU where this alert occurred

Example Request


Example Response



"engine": "",

"group": "",

"severity": "Information",

"time": "2016-09-17T09:48:55.335000+00:00",

"injector": "",

"message": "Starting engines",

"script": "",

"injectorFamily": "",

"VU": -1

}, {

"engine": "",

"group": "",

"severity": "Information",

"time": "2016-09-17T09:48:55.392000+00:00",

"injector": "",

"message": "Engine startup complete",

"script": "",

"injectorFamily": "",

"VU": -1

}, {

"engine": "",

"group": "",

"severity": "Information",

"time": "2016-09-17T09:48:55.394000+00:00",

"injector": "",

"message": "Initializing engines",

"script": "",

"injectorFamily": "",

"VU": -1

}, {

"engine": "",

"group": "",

"severity": "Information",

"time": "2016-09-17T09:48:55.485000+00:00",

"injector": "",

"message": "Engine initialization complete",

"script": "",

"injectorFamily": "",

"VU": -1

}, {

"engine": "",

"group": "",

"severity": "Information",

"time": "2016-09-17T09:48:55.486000+00:00",

"injector": "",

"message": "Starting virtual users",

"script": "",

"injectorFamily": "",

"VU": -1

}, {

"engine": "",

"group": "",

"severity": "Information",

"time": "2016-09-17T09:48:55.500000+00:00",

"injector": "",

"message": "Virtual users started",

"script": "",

"injectorFamily": "",

"VU": -1




This topic was last updated on January 13, 2022, at 02:42:23 PM.

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