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1. Create or Open a Suite

Suites are how we organize test assets in Eggplant Test. Your test scripts and images are all saved in suites that you can organize in a way that makes sense for your organization and workflows.

The best way to begin your journey with Eggplant Studio is to open an existing suite.

  • If you are new to Eggplant, you can start with our demo suite as described below in Open the Demo Suite.

  • If you are an Eggplant Functional user, you can use your existing suites in Eggplant Studio as described in Open an Existing Suite.

Or, if you are ready to create a brand-new suite, see Create a New Suite to start fresh.

If your test suite does not contain an existing script, create one by opening your suite in the Explorer view and clicking the Add Script button (the page icon with the plus sign) at the top of the panel.

Opening an Existing Suite

You can open an existing Eggplant Functional suite in VS Code using one of the following methods:

  • Click File and select Open Folder. Then navigate to your Eggplant Functional suite and click Open.
  • Alternatively, you can click the file Explorer view (two pages) icon in the activity bar on the left side of VS Code, and then click the script you wish to open.

All your scripts, connections and other resources will be displayed in VS Code for you to start working on.

Opening the Demo Suite

If you are new to Eggplant, you need to create a new test suite before you can work with scripts. We recommend that you open the Eggplant Studio Demo Suite, which is included in Eggplant Studio, before you try to create a new suite. The Demo.suite gives you an example of the organizational structure of a suite and its assets. You can open the Demo.suite by following these steps:

  1. In VS Code, display the Command Palette by choosing View > Command Palette.

  2. Type: Eggplant Studio: Open Demo Suite in Command Palette as shown as the following screen. The Demo.suite will open in Eggplant Studio.

running the command Eggplant Studio: Open Demo Suite

Creating a New Suite

When you create a new test suite, it will form the parent (or root) folder which contains all the resources in your test suite. Eggplant Studio will expect this to be the case, so it can function correctly.

You can only have a single suite open at a time. The simplest way to create a new suite in Eggplant Studio is by following these steps:

  1. In VS Code, display the Command Palette by choosing View > Command Palette.

  2. Type: Eggplant Studio: Create a Suite in the Command Palette as shown in the following screen. The new suite will open in Eggplant Studio.

running the command Eggplant Studio: Create a Suite