Uninstalling Eggplant Integrations for HPE ALM

If you want to uninstall Eggplant Integrations for HPE ALM, use the Eggplant Integrations - HPE ALM Uninstall program. This uninstall program is located in the directory in which your Eggplant Integrations for HPE ALM is installed.

Step by Step: Uninstalling Eggplant Integrations for HPE ALM

The following steps guide you through uninstalling Eggplant Integrations for HPE ALM:

  1. Navigate to the directory in which your Eggplant Integrations for HPE ALM is installed. This is C:\Program Files (x86)\eggplant-alm by default.
  2. Double-click the uninstall.exe file with the eggplant icon. The Uninstall wizard window opens.
  3. Click Next. The uninstall program runs and uninstalls the Eggplant Integrations. The next panel indicates the Eggplant Integrations was uninstalled.
  4. Click Next to close the uninstall program.


This topic was last updated on 2月 01, 2019, at 11:13:23 午前.

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