Installing Eggplant AI
Note: Users of Hosted Eggplant AI can skip this topic.
Eggplant AI is a web application that can be accessed via a web browser. This section provides step-by-step instructions to install and license Eggplant AI on Windows and Linux operating systems.
- System Requirements
- Installing Eggplant AI on Windows
- Installing Eggplant AI on Linux
- Initial Login and Licensing
- Uninstalling Eggplant AI
System Requirements
Hardware Requirements
- Operating system: Windows 10, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.6
- RAM: 8 GB minimum
- Disk Space: 4 GB minimum, 5 GB for /opt minimum (Linux)
- Processor: 64-bit Intel Core i7 2.3 GHz or equivalent
Port Availability
- 80 or the next available port if port 80 is in use (HTTP Access)
- 443 (HTTP Access with SSL)
Important: Do not configure the following TCP ports to prevent conflicts during Eggplant AI installation on Linux OS:
- 4566-4568
- 7800-7900
If the postgresql-server package is already installed on the Linux operating system, you may not be able to install Eggplant AI.
Supported Browsers
- Google Chrome 73 and later
- Mozilla Firefox 66 and later
- Safari 12 and later
- Internet Explorer 11 and later
Installing Eggplant AI on Windows
- Download the Eggplant AI server installation file from the Eggplant AI Downloads page.
- Double-click the downloaded installation file to launch the Setup wizard. Click Next to begin installing Eggplant AI.
- On the Installation Directory screen, use the default installation directory (C:\eggplantAI) or use the file browser to select the desired installation directory. Click Next to continue your installation. Important: If you change the installation directory from the default selection, the directory name must not contain spaces.
- (Optional) If this is a fresh installation, an upgrade from a previous Eggplant AI version, or an upgrade to an Eggplant AI version newer than 2.1, the Existing database screen appears. If you are installing Eggplant AI 2.1 on top of an existing Eggplant AI 2.1 installation, the Existing database dialog box does not appear, and the installation continues with the next step.
On the Existing database screen, you might need to enter a path for the current installation of Eggplant AI. Use the following information to decide whether this step is necessary for your installation:
- If this is a fresh installation, leave the Existing database field blank.
- If you are upgrading from a version of Eggplant AI earlier than 2.1, add the path to the application data for the installed version. For example, you might add C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\data to the Existing database field.
- If you are upgrading from Eggplant AI 2.1 to a later version, and plan to use the same directory as the previous version, leave the Existing database field blank.
- If you are upgrading from Eggplant AI 2.1 to a later version, and plan to use a different directory than the previous version, add the path for the current application data (<install directory>/pgsql/data) to the Existing database field.
- Click Next to continue to the next screen.
- On the Ready to Install screen, click Next to continue or Back to return and make changes. If you click Next, the installation begins. The installation step takes some time to complete.
- When prompted, set the default HTTP port as follows:
- If port 80 is available, the installation suggests using port 80. Select Yes to continue or No to make a different selection:
- If port 80 is not available, you can enter the HTTP port you want to use:
Note: After you set the HTTP port, the following Eggplant AI services start:- PostgreSQL database service: EggplantAIPgServ
- Ruby service: EggplantAIServ
- Nginx service: EggplantAIWebServ
- Click Finish to complete the installation.
See Licensing AI to open Eggplant AI and manage your Eggplant AI licenses.
Tip: Although Eggplant AI assigns port 80 by default (i.e., if you didn't change it during installation), you can specify a different one after installation:
Follow these steps to manually change the port for Eggplant AI:
- Edit the C:\eggplantAI\nginx\conf\nginx.conf file.
- Locate the following lines and replace port 80 with the desired port:server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80; - Save your work.
Installing Eggplant AI on Linux
Note: You must use sudo in front of your commands (as specified below) to perform all operations related to installing and uninstalling Eggplant AI.
- Download eggplantai-3.0.2-1.x86_64.rpm (installation package) from the Eggplant website.
- Install the RPM package with rpm:
- eai-pgsql: Supports PostgreSQL 9.5 service for Eggplant AI
- eai-server: Supports Eggplant AI runs
- eai-api: Supports delivering of the product's REST API
- eai-ml: Machine learning service
- eai-ri-engine: The main engine for Release Insights
- eai-ri-connectors: Release Insight's analysis connectors
- eai-nginx: The main HTTP server for Eggplant AI
sudo rpm -ivh eggplantai-3.0.2-1.x86_64.rpm
The RPM package is installed in the self-contained folder /opt/eggplantai along with the user postgres and group postgres in the home folder /opt/eggplantai/db.
The RPM package also installs the following systemd services relevant to Eggplant AI and enables them as part of the post-installation script:
For more information about systemd services, see RHEL's official documentation.
sudo rpm -Uvh eggplantai-3.0.2-1.x86_64.rpm
To enable services after upgrading:
sudo /opt/eggplantai/bin/
Eggplant AI configuration files are located in /opt/eggplantai/conf. This folder contains configuration files for Nginx and Eggplant AI Insights:
nginx.conf: Includes the main Nginx configuration.
nginx.conf_ssl: Includes a sample SSL configuration for HTTPS. See the official NGINX documentation for more details.
release-insights.ini: Includes the main configuration file to collect data for Eggplant AI Insights. For information about configuring Insights data, contact Eggplant support.
Eggplant AI has been tested to work with the default Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) enforcing profile for RHEL 7.6. SELinux enables system admins to define and access transition rights of users, application, process, and files in a Linux environment. If you suspect a possible issue, disable SELinux temporarily and include the results of running without SELinux for reporting the problem to Eggplant support.
Initial Login and Licensing
When Eggplant DAI is installed and running, you access the application in a browser. On your initial login, you must create an administrator account and enter your license key. Follow these steps to complete your initial login:
- Launch your browser from any computer that has access to the Eggplant AI server and enter the appropriate URL:
- To display the login prompt from the computer on which the Eggplant AI server is running, enter http://localhost.
- To display the login prompt from a remote computer, enter http://<serverIPaddress> where <serverIPaddress> is the Eggplant AI server's IP address or fully qualified domain name.
Note: To obtain the IP address of the Eggplant AI server, see your local IT administrator. Distribute the URLs from this step to all users requiring access to this Eggplant AI application. - Eggplant AI prompts you to set up an administrator account. Enter an email address (username) and password for the account. After you configure this administrator account, you can use it to set roles for other users requesting access. See Approving New Users for more information.
Enter your initial admin credentials and license key for Eggplant DAI
- Enter a license key. You can generate this in the Greenhouse Licensing Web Portal.
- Click OK.
After your account is created, a new Login dialog box appears prompting you to log in to Eggplant AI.
Greenhouse Licensing Web Portal
As an Eggplant customer, you have access to the Greenhouse licensing web portal, where you can review and create available license keys as well as download generated licenses for your account.
You can also use this portal to submit questions to support and view information about any support cases.
You should receive your initial Greenhouse login information from your account manager. If you don't have a password, you'll need to contact your account manager or If you need an Eggplant DAI license, contact your account manager or Eggplant Support.
Uninstalling Eggplant AI
Use the instructions below if you need to uninstall Eggplant AI.
- Locate and run the Eggplant AI uninstall program:
Windows: Choose Start > All Programs > Uninstall Eggplant AI.
Linux: Enter the following command to uninstall Eggplant AI:
sudo yum remove eggplantai - Click Yes when prompted if you want to uninstall Eggplant AI and its modules.
- Click OK after the removal process is done.
Uninstalling Eggplant AI does leave some folders intact. Note that the data that's left behind after you uninstall Eggplant AI contains user account information, user models, and execution data. Only remove these files and folders if they are no longer required. Assuming you installed Eggplant AI in the C:/eggplantAI directory, the following folders remain in case you want to retain any files:
- Nginx web server files: C:/eggplantAI/nginx
- Eggplant AI data directory files:
Windows: C:/eggplantAI/pgsql
Linux: /opt/eggplantai/db
- Server and Eggplant AI log files:
Windows: C:/eggplantAI/logs
Linux: /opt/eggplantai/logs
If you decide that you want to do a complete Eggplant AI removal after following the above steps to uninstall Eggplant AI, delete the following directory or folder:
Windows: C:/eggplantAI
Linux: /opt/eggplantai folder