Eggplant Monitoring API Troubleshooting Guide

This guide is intended to be a quick reference to assist you in understanding and, if possible, resolving common issues that you might encounter when using the Eggplant Monitoring API.

User Interface

The following table lists error messages you might see when using the Eggplant Monitoring Query Builder, along with the message meaning and possible solutions.

Issue Meaning Solution
Authentication failure message displays at login The account you are using does not have access to the API Contact your account manager
You have exceeded the maximum number of allowed requests message displays at login The number of API queries made by your company has exceeded the contractual allowance, or the allowance has not been set Contact support or your account manager
Query Builder AccountId filter does not show all the monitoring accounts you expect The account you are using does not have access to all required monitoring accounts Contact support or your account manager
Query Builder Id filter drop-down is empty

You have not selected any accounts from the AccountId drop-down


If this is the first time you are using the API user interface, an API query allowance might not be set for your company

Go back and select at least one AccountId


Exit the API and try to log in again

Query Builder Return tree does not contain a branch that you expect None of the tests covered by the test filters you have defined contain any data within this branch of the Return tree Redefine your test filters
Your query returns results for significantly fewer tests than you expected The LimitTestResults value may not have been defined, in which case only 20 test results will be returned Increase the LimitTestResults value as necessary
Query Builder becomes unresponsive when trying to select test filters or data filters The API key might have expired Refresh the screen to see if a 401 authentication failure message displays. If so, the key has expired. Log in to the API again to generate a new one.

Specific Error Codes

This table lists error codes you might encounter when using the Eggplant Monitoring Query Builder, along with possible solutions.

Code Message Meaning Solution
101 (HTTP) Service currently unavailable The API is down or unreachable Contact support
301 (response) Maximum number of items exceeded. Response was truncated. You have requested too much data for the API to provide in one query Narrow your query, or divide it into several queries
401 (response) Authentication failure Your API key has expired Log in again to generate a new key
402 (response) You have exceeded the maximum number of allowed requests. The number of API queries made by your company has exceeded the contractual allowance, or the allowance has not been set Contact support or your account manager

Programmatic Calls

The following table lists error codes you might encounter when using Eggplant Monitoring API calls programmatically,

Code Message Meaning Solution
101 (HTTP) Service currently unavailable The API is down or unreachable Contact support
301 (response) Maximum number of items exceeded. Response was truncated. You have requested too much data for the API to provide in one query Narrow your query, or divide it into several queries
401 (response) Authentication failure

The API key has expired


The application has provided an incorrect API key


The account you are using does not have access to the API

Generate a new key and use it in your query


Enter a different key in the query


Contact your account manager

402 (response) You have exceeded the maximum number of allowed requests. The number of API queries made by your company has exceeded the contractual allowance Contact support or your account manager
402 (HTTP) Payment required The number of API queries made by your company has exceeded the contractual allowance Contact support or your account manager
403 (HTTP) Not Found The API cannot resolve the supplied query URL Most likely the URL is constructed incorrectly, i.e., with an API key with a length other than 32 characters


This topic was last updated on August 19, 2021, at 03:30:47 PM.

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