GET Discover Screenshots

Use this method to discover which screenshots are available for a given test run. This information is returned as URIs for thumbnail and full-size images.


Note that you are searching for captured images, based on the given sref for the test run.

Method GET
Path /capturedImages?testRun=test_run_sref

Realm: account_realm

Authorization: Bearer access_token

The sref for the test run must be URL encoded, so your request will look something like this:

Path /capturedImages?testRun=testRuns%2F123456789


The response is an array of object detailing the images available, with no pagination.


"results": [


"thumbnailImageUri": "images/9cbb0fbc5a1d5c78b9f54fc17983661813",

"interval": 0,

"hasChanged": true,

"fullSizeImageUri": "images/a535edf350e225534efbe87ef147496146"



"thumbnailImageUri": "images/9cfbb0fb5a1d367c789f54fc1798366113",

"interval": 0.1,

"hasChanged": false,

"fullSizeImageUri": "images/a5354df350e22534e6fbe8ef1f43796146"




Captured Image Parameters

Parameter Details
thumbnailImageUri The URI of the thumbnail image for screenshot at that time interval
interval The time interval (in seconds) that the image refers to
hasChanged Whether or not the image at this time interval has changed from the prior interval
fullSizeImageUri The URI of the full-size image for screenshot at that time interval


This topic was last updated on August 19, 2021, at 03:30:47 PM.

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