Date and Time Values in SenseTalk

SenseTalk includes commands and functions for working with dates and times. One date or time can be subtracted from another by using the minus ( - ) operator, to get their difference in seconds. A time interval can also be added to a date or time to obtain a new date/time value (see Adding and Subtracting Time Intervals).

Dates, Times, and Time Intervals

SenseTalk makes no fundamental distinction between a "date" and a "time"—both are treated as precise instants in the flow of time, or points along a timeline whose origin (zero value) was at the stroke of midnight at the beginning of January 1, 2001, Coordinated Universal Time. Any date or time before that instant is treated internally as a negative value, and later times as a positive value indicating the number of seconds since the origin.

SenseTalk can recognize dates and times expressed in a wide variety of formats such as "4/22/67" or "1967-04-22 18:00." See the timeInputFormat global property for details. The Natural format allows even more variations, such as "May 15, 2004 10:57 PM", or even "yesterday", "today", or "next Tuesday in the afternoon." The words today and now (without enclosing quotes) can be used to indicate the current date or the current date and time (unless they are used as variables and assigned some other value). See Natural Format for more information about this format.

Whenever a date value is supplied without a time of day, it is taken to mean noon of that day. When a time is given without a date, it is assumed to mean the indicated time on the current date (today). All dates and times are assumed to be in the local time zone, as currently set on the machine where the script is running.

A time interval or duration is a length of time. When dealing with time intervals, SenseTalk assumes durations measured in seconds if no specific unit is given, but also allows many other units to be used including weeks, days, hours, milliseconds, etc. (see Time Intervals in Values).

In addition to durations that can be precisely measured in seconds, SenseTalk also supports calendar durations measured in months, including months, calendarQuarters, calendarYears, etc. To see the full list of calendarDuration units that are available, use this command:

put (each item of the unitNames whose unitType is calendarDuration) sorted

See Calendar Durations in Values for more information.

Both time intervals and calendar durations can be used with the ago and hence operators to produce a time value that is a length of time in the past or future.

Note: Because there is no real difference between dates and times, this document sometimes refers to either a date or a time as "a date/time value."

Related Global and Local Properties

SenseTalk includes several global or local properties that you can use to affect the behavior of date and time values in your scripts. You will see these properties mentioned in the descriptions of concepts below. Full definitions of each property can be found on Local and Global Properties for Working with Values. The specific properties are:

Date/Time Arithmetic

Adding and Subtracting Time Intervals

Starting from any date (or time), you can obtain a different date/time by simply adding or subtracting a time interval.


put today + 2 weeks into dueDate


subtract 3 hours 14 minutes 22 seconds from timer

Calculating Date or Time Differences

By subtracting one date or time value from another, you can easily calculate the number of days between dates or the elapsed time for some process. The difference is always a time interval expressed in seconds, but you can convert it to a different unit (such as days) by dividing it by the number of seconds in that unit (which can be expressed using a time interval expression such as 1 day, for example).


put (expirationDate-"today") / 1day into daysRemaining


put the time into startTime -- Start timing here


run "somethingTimeConsuming" -- Whatever you want to time


put the time - startTime into secondsElapsed

Date or Time Comparisons

The SenseTalk comparison operators ("is", "=", "comes before", "<", and the like) ordinarily treat the two values being compared as text, unless they are both numbers or it "knows" they are both date or time values. Because comparisons usually treat values as text, the following will not produce the desired result:

if the date is between "Sep 21" and "Dec 21" then put "Happy Autumn"

To persuade SenseTalk to perform date or time comparisons, use the date() or time() functions to convert the text to an internal date/time representation. This will work (note that when the year isn’t specified, the current year is assumed, so this example will work in any year):

if the date is between date ("Sep 21") and date ("Dec 21") then

put "Happy Autumn!"

end if

Commands and Functions for Working with Dates and Times

Below are the specific commands and functions you can use to manipulate date and time values in SenseTalk.

Date, AsDate Functions

Behavior: Returns the current date, or the date value for a given expression. The long date function returns a verbose version of the date, including the current day of the week and the full name of the month. Abbreviated date and short date variants provide the date in other formats. The value returned by the date function, when converted to text, will automatically display a formatted date, as shown in the Examples. Its value may also be treated as a number, representing the exact date and time when the function was called, for use in date/time calculations. When dateExpr is given, returns a value representing noon on the given day (if dateExpr includes a time of day, it is ignored).

The asDate function also converts the value given in dateExpr to a date, but instead of assigning it the standard date format, the asDate function will derive the format from the way dateExpr itself is formatted. The asDate function can also be called using the as {a} date operator.


the { [ long | short | abbr{ev{iated}} ] } date {of dateExpr}




put the date -- "10/07/95"


put the short date -- "10/7/95"


put the abbrev date -- "Sat, Oct 7, 1995"


put the long date -- "Saturday, October 7, 1995"


put date("May 14, 1942") -- "05/14/42"


put asDate("May 14, 1942") -- "May 14, 1942"


UTCOffset (or SecondsFromGMT) Function

Behavior: Returns the difference in seconds between the current local time and Coordinated Universal Time or UTC (the synonymous secondsFromGMT refers to the historical term Greenwich Mean Time or GMT). If called with one parameter which is a date, it returns the local difference from UTC on the given date (which may vary depending on whether or not daylight savings is in effect on that date).


the UTCOffset {of aDate}



put the UTCOffset -- returns "-25200" (in MST)


put UTCOffset("June 4, 2001") / 1hour -- returns -6

Seconds Function

Behavior: Returns the current number of seconds since the beginning of January 1, 2001. The long seconds function returns a more precise version of the seconds, including the current fraction of a second. Abbreviated seconds and short seconds variants are also available, which provide values rounded to the microsecond (6 decimal places) and millisecond (3 decimal places), respectively. If a dateTimeValue is given, the number returned will be the number of seconds since the beginning of January 1, 2001, until the given time (a negative number if the given time is earlier than 2001).


the { [ long | short | abbr{ev{iated}} ] } seconds

the seconds of dateTimeValue

seconds( {dateTimeValue} )


put the seconds -- 62899676


put the long seconds -- 62899676.90865231


Ticks Function

Behavior: Returns the number of ticks (1/60 second) since the SenseTalk engine was started.


the ticks



if the ticks is greater than 36000 then

put "SenseTalk was started more than 10 minutes ago."

end if


Time, AsTime Functions

Behavior: Returns the current time of day, or the time value of a given expression. The long time function returns a longer version of the time, including the seconds. Abbreviated time and short time variants provide the time in other formats.


the { [ long | short | abbr{ev{iated}} ] } time {of timeExpr}




put the time -- shows "02:38 PM"


put the short time -- shows "02:38"


put the abbrev time -- shows "02:38:32"


put the long time -- shows "02:38:32 PM"


put time("7:35:42")-- shows "07:35 AM"


put asTime("7:35:42") -- shows "07:35:42"

Tech Talk

The value returned by the time function, when converted to text, will automatically display a formatted time, as shown in the Examples. Its value may also be treated as a number, representing the exact date and time when the function was called (or the exact date and time represented by its parameter), for use in date/time calculations or comparisons.

If the clockFormat global property is set to "24 hour", the format used by all of the time functions will not include "AM" or "PM" but instead will indicate hours between 00 and 23.

When timeExpr is given, that value is evaluated and returned as an internal time representation. It can also be called with the name asTime in this way, for consistency with other conversion functions.

The asTime function also converts the value given in timeExpr to a time, but instead of assigning it the standard time format, the asTime function will derive the format from the way timeExpr itself is formatted. The asTime function can also be called using the as {a} time operator.


Date or Time Components

The following functions provide individual components of a given date or time. Or, when called without a parameter, each function returns a specific component of the current date or time. For example:

  • the hour returns the current hour
  • the hour of "8.45 AM" returns the hour component of the given time. In this case, 8.

Year Function

Behavior: Returns the year number of a given date, or the current year.


the year {of dateTimeValue}



put the year into currentYear


put year("4 July 1776") -- "1776"


Month Function

Behavior: Returns the month number (from 1 to 12) of a given date, or the current month.


the month {of dateTimeValue}



put the month into monthNum


put month("4 July 1776") -- "7"


MonthName Function

Behavior: Returns the month name of a given date, or the current month.


the monthName {of dateTimeValue}



put monthName() into monthName


put the monthName of "27 April 2022" -- "April"


Day Function

Behavior: Returns the day number (from 1 to 31) of a given date, or of the current date.


the day {of dateTimeValue}



put day() into dayNum


put the day of "4 July 1776" -- "4"


WeekdayName Function

Behavior: Returns the day name of a given date, or of the current date.


the weekdayName {of dateTimeValue}



put weekdayName() into dayName


put the weekdayName of "27 April 2022" -- "Wednesday"


DayOfWeek Function

Behavior: Returns the weekday number (from 1 to 7) of a given date, or of the current date. The first day of the week, number 1, is determined by your system settings.


the dayOfWeek {of dateTimeValue}



put dayOfWeek() into weekdayNum


put the dayOfWeek of "4 July 1776" -- "5" (Thursday)


DayOfYear Function

Behavior: Returns the day number within a year (from 1 to 366) of a given date, or the current date.


the dayOfYear {of dateTimeValue}



put dayOfYear() into dayNum


put the dayOfYear of "4 July 1776" -- "186" (the 186th day of the year)


DayOfCommonEra Function

Behavior: Returns the day number of a given date, or of the current date, since the beginning of the Common Era (January 1 of the year 1). This function can be useful for calculating the number of elapsed days between any two dates.


the dayOfCommonEra {of dateTimeValue}



put the dayOfCommonEra into todayNum


put dayOfCommonEra("4 July 1776") -- shows "648491"


put "The U.S. has been independent for "& \

dayOfCommonEra() - dayOfCommonEra("4 July 1776") &" days"


Hour Function

Behavior: Returns the hour number (from 0 to 23) of a given time value, or of the current time.


the hour {of dateTimeValue}



put the hour into hourNum


put hour("5:37:22 PM") -- "17"


Minute Function

Behavior: Returns the minute number (from 0 to 59) of a given time value, or of the current time.


the minute {of dateTimeValue}



put minute() into minutesPastTheHour


put the minute of "5:37:22 PM" -- "37"


Second Function

Behavior: Returns the second number (from 0 to 59) of a given time, or of the current time.


the second {of dateTimeValue}



put the second into currentSecondNumber


put second("5:37:22 PM") -- "22"

Note: The value returned by the second() function will always be a number from 0 to 59. This is quite different from the seconds() function, which returns the number of seconds since the beginning of January 1, 2001.


Millisecond, Microsecond Functions


  • the millisecond function: Returns the millisecond number (from 0 to 999) of a given time, or of the current time. A millisecond is one thousandth of a second.
  • the microsecond function: Returns the microsecond number (from 0 to 999999) of a given time, or of the current time. A microsecond is one millionth of a second.


the millisecond {of dateTimeValue}


the microsecond {of dateTimeValue}



put millisecond() into currentMillisecond


put the millisecond of startTime


set tempName to the hour& the minute& the second& the microsecond


put microsecond(previousTime)


Convert Command

Behavior: The convert command converts a date/time value to different date/time formats. If the source value being converted is a container, the contents of the container are replaced with the converted value. Otherwise, the result is placed in the variable it.

In either case (except when converting to one of the seconds formats), the resulting value internally is a date/time value with the requested format. This format allows you to add or subtract time intervals from the result while retaining the same format.

The actual formats used are defined in the timeFormat global property and can be changed if desired. The seconds formats have no corresponding value in the timeFormat, so converting to seconds, long seconds, and so forth, results in a fixed string rather than a formatted time value.


convert source to formatName {and formatName}

The possible values you can use for formatName are shown in the Format Name column in the following table.

Format Name Format

Example Value




short date



long date

[weekday], [monthName] [day], [year]

Tuesday, November 9, 2004

abbreviated date

[wkday], [mon] [day], [year]

Tue, Nov 9, 2004


[hr12]:[mi] [pm]

03:17 PM

short time



long time

[hr12]:[mi]:[se] [pm]

03:17:25 PM

abbreviated time



local time

[hr12]:[mi] [pm] [timeZoneID]

03:17 PM America/Denver

short local time

[hr12]:[mi] [pm] [timeZone]

03:17 PM -0700

long local time

[hr12]:[mi]:[se] [pm] [timeZoneID]

03:17:25 PM America/Denver

abbreviated local time

[hr12]:[mi]:[se] [pm] [timeZone]

03:17:25 PM -0700




short dateitems



long dateitems


2004,11,09,15,17,25,2, America/Denver

abbreviated dateitems



simple date



short simple date



long simple date

[monthName] [day]

November 9

abbreviated simple date

[mon] [day]

Nov 9

basic date

[mon] [day], [year]

Nov 9, 2004

short basic date

[mon] [day] [yr]

Nov 9 04

long basic date

[monthName] [day], [year]

November 9, 2004

abbreviated basic date

[monthName] [day] [yr]

November 9 04

basic time

[mon] [day], [year] [hr12]:[mi] [pm]

Nov 9, 2004 03:20 PM

short basic time

[mon] [day] [yr] [hour12]:[mi] [pm]

Nov 9 04 3:20 PM

long basic time

[monthName] [day], [year] [hr12]:[mi]:[se] [pm]

November 9, 2004 03:20:26 PM

abbreviated basic time

[monthName] [day] [yr] [hr12]:[mi]:[se] [pm]

November 9 04 03:20:26 PM

common date

[d] [mon] [year]

9 Nov 2004

short common date

[d] [mon] [yr]

9 Nov 04

long common date

[da] [monthName] [year]

09 November 2004

abbreviated common date

[da] [mon] [year]

09 Nov 2004

common time

[d] [mon] [year] [hr12]:[mi] [pm]

9 Nov 2004 08:29 AM

short common time

[d] [mon] [yr] [hour12]:[mi] [pm]

9 Nov 04 08:29 AM

long common time

[da] [monthName] [year] [hr12]:[mi]:[se] [pm]

09 November 2004 08:29 AM

abbreviated common time

[da] [mon] [year] [hr12]:[mi]:[se] [pm]

09 Nov 2004 08:29 AM

C time

[wkday] [mon] [day] [hr24]:[mi]:[se] [year]

Tue Nov 9 15:32:28 2004

short C time

[mon] [day] [hr24]:[mi] [year]

Nov 9 15:32 2004

long C time

[weekday] [monthName] [day] [hr24]:[mi]:[se] [year]

Tuesday November 9 15:32:28 2004

abbreviated C time

[mon] [day] [hr24]:[mi]:[se] [year]

Nov 9 15:32:28 2004

international date



short international date



long international date



abbreviated international date



international time



short international time



long international time



abbreviated international time

[year]-[mo]-[da] [hr24]:[mi]:[se] [timeZone]

2004-11-09 08:29:25 -0700

internet date

[wkday], [day] [mon] [year] [hr24]:[mi]:[se] [timeZone]

Tue, 9 Nov 2004 08:29:25 -0700

short internet date

[day] [mon] [year] [hr24]:[mi] [timeZone]

9 Nov 2004 08:29 -0700

long internet date

[day] [mon] [year] [hr24]:[mi] [timeZone]

Tuesday, 9 November 2004 08:29:25 -0700

abbreviated internet date

[day] [mon] [year] [hr24]:[mi]:[se] [timeZone]

9 Nov 2004 08:29:25 -0700


fixed string, described above


long seconds

fixed string, described above


abbreviated seconds

fixed string, described above


short seconds

fixed string, described above


For complete information about how date/time formats are defined in SenseTalk, see SenseTalk Date and Time Formats.


convert "8/14/02" to long date -- sets value of 'it'


convert the time to short date and time -- sets value of 'it'


convert expirationDate to date -- changes the value of expirationDate


convert line 2 of file "/tmp/resultLog" to abbreviated local time

If the clockFormat global property is set to 24 hour, all time formats will use a 24-hour clock format (e.g., 15:17) instead of using AM or PM (e.g., 3:17 PM). For more information about this property, see Local and Global Properties for Working with Values.

The dateitems formats can be especially useful for working with calendar dates. A date/time represented in dateitems format consists of 7 numbers delimited by commas, representing the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and day of the week (with 1 representing Sunday, and 7 representing Saturday). The long dateitems and abbreviated dateitems formats also include time zone information. The short dateitems omits the day of the week.

Here is an example that uses dateitems—a calculateAge function similar to one presented in the discussion of Helpers. This version takes advantage of dateitems to handle leap years:

function calculateAge birthDate -- Calculate age in years for a given birthDate

convert birthDate to dateItems -- Change it to yr,mon,day,hr,min,sec

split birthDate by comma -- Convert to a list

convert the date to dateItems -- Today's date in 'it' as dateItems

split it by comma -- Convert to a list

subtract birthDate from it -- Subtract one list of values from the other

// If today's day of month is less than birthDate's, then subtract a month:

if item 3 of it < 0 then subtract 1 from item 2 of it

// Then if today's month is less than birthDate's, subtract a year:

if item 2 of it < 0 then subtract 1 from item 1 of it

return item 1 of it -- The difference in years

end calculateAge

The exact format of all of the date and time formats can be customized within a script by setting the appropriate properties within the timeFormat global property, described in Global and Local Properties for Working with Values.

Basic Date, Basic Time Functions, Common Date, Common Time Functions, DateItems Function, International Date, International Time Functions, Internet Date Functions, Local Time Functions, Simple Date Functions, C Time Functions

Behavior: Each of these functions returns a formatted value representing either the current moment in time or a given moment in time, using a format that is unique to the particular function used. There are four variations of each function, using the function name alone, or preceded by one of the adjectives long, short, or abbreviated (which can be shortened to abbrev or abbr). All of the different formats are shown in the table for the convert command, above.

The basic date formats begin with the month name (or abbreviated name) followed by the day, then the year. The basic time formats add the time of day.

The common date and common time formats are similar to the basic formats, but show the day before the month name rather than after it.

The dateItems format presents a date and time as a comma-separated text list. The short dateItems returns six items: the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The dateItems (without an adjective) returns seven items, with the seventh being the day of the week (1-7, where Sunday is 1). The abbreviated dateItems adds the timezone offset in HHMM format, and the long dateItems returns that same information, but with the timezone name rather than offset. The value returned by the dateItems function, when converted to text, will automatically display a formatted date. Its value may also be treated as a number, representing the exact date and time when the function was called, for use in date/time calculations.

The international date and international time formats present the full date, the year and month, or the full date and time, in a manner that complies with the international ISO 8601 standard (see except for the abbreviatedinternationaltime, which presents a format used widely on the internet that varies slightly from the standard.

The internet date formats present a date and time in a manner that complies with the date and time specification of the internet message format as defined in RFC 2822 (, except that the longinternetdate shows full weekday and month names.

The local time formats present the current time of day, including time zone information.

The simple date formats present the date in a very simple format that includes only the month and day but omits the year.

The C time (or CTime) formats present the date and time in a format used by some C-based systems (including Python).


the { long | short | abbr{ev{iated}} } basic [date | time] {of dateExpr}

the { long | short | abbr{ev{iated}} } common [date | time] {of dateExpr}

the { long | short | abbr{ev{iated}} } date {of dateExpr}

the { long | short | abbr{ev{iated}} } international [date | time] {of dateExpr}

the { long | short | abbr{ev{iated}} } internet date {of dateExpr}

the { long | short | abbr{ev{iated}} } local time {of dateExpr}

the { long | short | abbr{ev{iated}} } simple date {of dateExpr}

the { long | short | abbr{ev{iated}} } [c time | ctime] {of dateExpr}


put the basic date -- Jan 4, 2008


put the basic date of "10/2/1869" -- Oct 2, 1869


put the long basic date -- January 4, 2008


put the basic time -- Jan 4, 2008 03:20 PM


put the common date -- 4 Jan 2008


put the common time -- 4 Jan 2008 03:20 PM


put the simple date -- 01/04


put the long simple date -- January 4


put the dateitems -- "1995,10,07,17,50,22,7"


put the short dateitems -- "1995,10,07,17,50,22"


put the abbrev dateitems -- "1995,10,07,17,50,22,6,-0600"


put the long dateitems -- "1995,10,07,17,50,22,6,America/Denver"


put dateitems("May 14, 1942") -- "1942,05,14,12,00,00,5"


put the international date -- 2005-10-19


put the short international date -- 2005-10


put the international time -- 2005-10-19T18:32:31-0600


put the abbrev international time -- 2005-10-19 18:32:31 -0600


put the internet date -- Wed, 19 Oct 2005 18:21:47 -0600


put the short internet date -- 19 Oct 2005 18:21 -0600


put the long internet date -- Wednesday, 19 October 2005 18:21:47 -0600


put the local time -- 05:42 PM -0700


put the short local time -- 05:42 PM US/Mountain


put the long local time -- 05:42:12 PM US/Mountain


put the C time -- Fri Sep 17 13:38:17 2010


put the long CTime -- Friday September 17 13:39:48 2010

The value returned by each of these functions contains both a number and a format. When used as text, it will automatically be presented in the format shown in the table for the convert command, above. The returned value may also be treated as a number, for use in date/time calculations. When called without a parameter, the numeric value represents noon on the current date (for the date functions), or the exact date and time when the function was called (for the time functions).

When a dateExpr is given, that expression is evaluated as a date and/or time, and the value returned will represent that date and time (or noon on that date, for the date functions).


FormattedTime Function

Behavior: The formattedTime function returns a date/time value using a custom format that you supply. An optional second parameter is the date/time that you would like to format. If a date/time value is not given, the result is the current time, using the supplied format.

For complete information about how to write date/time formats in SenseTalk, see SenseTalk Date and Time Formats.


the formattedTime of customFormat

formattedTime(customFormat {,dateTimeValue})


put formattedTime("Calendar for %Y") into calendarTitle


put the formattedTime of "It's now day %j of %Y!"


put formattedTime(the timeFormat's longDate, sentDt) into dateSent


put formattedTime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", logTime) into logFileName


MonthNames and WeekDayNames Functions

Behavior:Use both functions when formatting dates:

  • the monthNames function: Returns a list of all month names.
  • the weekDayNames function: Returns a list of the names of days of the week.

Both functions can be called using the adjectives long, short, and abbreviated to return variations on these. In each case, the long form is the same as not specifying any adjective, the abbreviated form returns a list of three-letter abbreviations rather than the full name, and the short form returns numeric representations.


the {long | short | abbreviated} monthNames


the {long | short | abbreviated} weekDayNames



put monthNames() into monthList


put the abbreviated monthNames


put item dayNum of weekDayNames() into dayName


put the short weekDayNames -- displays the numbers 0 to 6


AvailableTimeZoneNames Function

Behavior: The availableTimeZoneNames function returns a list of time zone names known by the local operating system. These names are what SenseTalk recognizes within date/time strings wherever a time zone name is expected.

Note: Because this function relies on information from the local system, you might see different results when you use it on different operating systems or OS versions.


the availableTimeZoneNames



Log the availableTimeZoneNames // Logs all time zone names known by the local operating system


Logs all time zones in the Americas:

put the availableTimeZoneNames into tznames


repeat with each item zone of tznames

if zone contains "America"

insert zone after AmerZones

end if

end repeat

log AmerZones.archive


AvailableTimeZoneAbbreviations Function

Behavior: The availableTimeZoneAbbreviations function returns a property list whose keys are time zone abbreviations. The corresponding value for each abbreviation is the name of the time zone that the abbreviation represents. The abbreviations are recognized within date/time strings wherever a time zone name is expected.

Note: The availableTimeZoneAbbreviations function returns information from the local operating system. However, not every time zone recognized by the OS necessarily has a corresponding abbreviation. Therefore, the availableTimeZoneAbbreviations function might not include all time zones returned by the availableTimeZoneNames function.


the availableTimeZoneAbbreviations



put availableTimeZoneAbbreviations() // Returns a property list whose keys are the recognized time zone abbreviations


Logs the key and name of all time zones in the Americas:

put availableTimeZoneAbbreviations() into TimeZoneAbbrev


repeat with each item x of keys(TimeZoneAbbrev)

put x & ": " & property (x) of TimeZoneAbbrev into timeZonesAmericas

If timeZonesAmericas contains "America"

log timeZonesAmericas

End If

end repeat


Format Property

Behavior: Each date/time value has a display format associated with it. The format can be accessed directly by using the format property of the value. If the value is stored in a variable, the format property can also be set.


the format of dateTimeValue


dateTimeValue's format


put date().format -- [mo]/[da]/[yr]


put (long date).format -- [weekday], [monthName] [day], [year]


set the format of dueDate to the timeFormat.InternationalDate



This topic was last updated on May 03, 2022, at 01:37:16 PM.

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