Eggplant Performance

Eggplant's load and performance testing solutions

Getting Started

Installation, licensing, system requirements, and basic environment setup information

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Use Eggplant Performance Studio to create and define load and performance tests

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Using Studio

Find detailed information on using Eggplant Performance Studio to develop your tests

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Test Controller

Use Eggplant Performance Test Controller to run and monitor the tests you create

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Use Eggplant Performance Analyzer to analyze results and report on your test runs

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API Reference Manuals

Eggplant Performance includes API references for a range of virtual user types

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Release Notes

Find out what's new in the latest version of Eggplant Performance


Getting Started with JMeter

Integrate Eggplant Performance with JMeter for testing

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Eggplant Training Videos

Training and tutorial videos for Eggplant products

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User Forums

See what other Eggplant users are talking about

Training and Certifications

Learn to use products in the Eggplant Digital Automation Intelligence Suite