WebSocketMessage MembersC# API

The WebSocketMessage type exposes the following members.

Public methodWebSocketMessage
For internal use only. Of no interest to the user.
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Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the WebSocketMessage
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExtract(ExtractionCursor, List String , String)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified list of before and after string objects
Public methodExtract(ExtractionCursor, String, String)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified before and after string objects
Public methodExtract(ExtractionCursor, List String , String, ActionType)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified list of before and after string objects, and what action to take in case of failure.
Public methodExtract(ExtractionCursor, List String , String, Boolean)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified list of before and after string objects, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive.
Public methodExtract(ExtractionCursor, List String , String, String)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified list of before and after string objects - returning the defaultValue if they cannot be found, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive.
Public methodExtract(ExtractionCursor, String, String, ActionType)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified before and after string objects, and what action to take in case of failure.
Public methodExtract(ExtractionCursor, String, String, Boolean)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified before and after string objects, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive.
Public methodExtract(ExtractionCursor, String, String, String)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified before and after string objects - returning the defaultValue if they cannot be found, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive.
Public methodExtract(ExtractionCursor, List String , String, ActionType, Boolean)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified list of before and after string objects, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive, and what action to take in case of failure.
Public methodExtract(ExtractionCursor, List String , String, String, Boolean)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified list of before and after string objects - returning the defaultValue if they cannot be found, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive.
Public methodExtract(ExtractionCursor, String, String, ActionType, Boolean)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified before and after string objects, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive, and what action to take in case of failure.
Public methodExtract(ExtractionCursor, String, String, String, Boolean)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified before and after string objects - returning the defaultValue if they cannot be found, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive.
Public methodExtractFromEnd(ExtractionCursor, List String , String)
Extracts text from the message content starting from the end. Everything between (but not including) the specified list of after and before string objects will be returned.
Public methodExtractFromEnd(ExtractionCursor, String, String)
Extracts text from the message, starting from the end. Everything between (but not including) the specified after and before string objects will be returned. If either value cannot be found, an empty string will be returned.
Public methodExtractFromEnd(ExtractionCursor, List String , String, ActionType)
Extracts text from the message content starting from the end. Everything between (but not including) the specified list of after and before string objects will be returned.
Public methodExtractFromEnd(ExtractionCursor, List String , String, Boolean)
Extracts text from the message content starting from the end. Everything between (but not including) the specified list of after and before string objects will be returned.
Public methodExtractFromEnd(ExtractionCursor, List String , String, String)
Extracts text from the message content starting from the end. Everything between (but not including) the specified list of after and before string objects will be returned.
Public methodExtractFromEnd(ExtractionCursor, String, String, ActionType)
Extracts text from the message, starting from the end. Everything between (but not including) the specified after and before string objects will be returned. If either value cannot be found, an empty string will be returned.
Public methodExtractFromEnd(ExtractionCursor, String, String, Boolean)
Extracts text from the message, starting from the end. Everything between (but not including) the specified after and before string objects will be returned. If either value cannot be found, an empty string will be returned.
Public methodExtractFromEnd(ExtractionCursor, String, String, String)
Extracts text from the message, starting from the end. Everything between (but not including) the specified after and before string objects will be returned. If either value cannot be found, the defaultValue will be returned.
Public methodExtractFromEnd(ExtractionCursor, List String , String, ActionType, Boolean)
Extracts text from the message content starting from the end. Everything between (but not including) the specified list of after and before string objects will be returned.
Public methodExtractFromEnd(ExtractionCursor, List String , String, String, Boolean)
Extracts text from the message content starting from the end. Everything between (but not including) the specified list of after and before string objects will be returned.
Public methodExtractFromEnd(ExtractionCursor, String, String, ActionType, Boolean)
Extracts text from the message, starting from the end. Everything between (but not including) the specified after and before string objects will be returned. If either value cannot be found, an empty string will be returned.
Public methodExtractFromEnd(ExtractionCursor, String, String, String, Boolean)
Extracts text from the message, starting from the end. Everything between (but not including) the specified after and before string objects will be returned. If either value cannot be found, the defaultValue will be returned.
Public methodExtractRegExp(ExtractionCursor, String)
Extracts multiple string objects from the message content, wherever the specified regular expression matches, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive.
Public methodExtractRegExp(ExtractionCursor, String, Boolean)
Extracts multiple string objects from the message content, wherever the specified regular expression matches, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive.
Public methodExtractRegExp(ExtractionCursor, String, String)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified beforeRegExp and afterRegExp string objects - returning an empty string if they cannot be found.
Public methodExtractRegExp(ExtractionCursor, String, String, ActionType)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified beforeRegExp and afterRegExp string objects - returning an empty string if they cannot be found, and what action to take in case of failure.
Public methodExtractRegExp(ExtractionCursor, String, String, Boolean)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified beforeRegExp and afterRegExp string objects - returning an empty string if they cannot be found, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive.
Public methodExtractRegExp(ExtractionCursor, String, String, ActionType, Boolean)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified beforeRegExp and afterRegExp string objects - returning an empty string if they cannot be found, specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive, and what action to take in case of failure.
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFind(ExtractionCursor, String)
Finds the specified text within this WebSocketMessage.
Public methodFind(ExtractionCursor, String, ActionType)
Finds the specified text within this WebSocketMessage, and what action to take in case of failure.
Public methodFind(ExtractionCursor, String, Boolean)
Finds the specified text within this WebSocketMessage, specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive.
Public methodFind(ExtractionCursor, String, ActionType, Boolean)
Finds the specified text within this WebSocketMessage, specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive, and what action to take in case of failure.
Public methodStatic membergetCPtr
For internal use only. Of no interest to the user.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRfind(ExtractionCursor, String)
Finds the specified text within this WebSocketMessage, starting from the end of the content,
Public methodRfind(ExtractionCursor, String, ActionType)
Finds the specified text within this WebSocketMessage, starting from the end of the content, and what action to take in case of failure.
Public methodRfind(ExtractionCursor, String, Boolean)
Finds the specified text within this WebSocketMessage, starting from the end of the content, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive.
Public methodRfind(ExtractionCursor, String, ActionType, Boolean)
Finds the specified text within this WebSocketMessage, starting from the end of the content, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive, and what action to take in case of failure.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodVerifyContains(String)
Determines whether the content of this WebSocketMessage contains the specified text.
Public methodVerifyContains(String, ActionType)
Determines whether the content of this WebSocketMessage contains the specified text, and specifying what action to take in case of failure.
Public methodVerifyContains(String, Boolean)
Determines whether the content of this WebSocketMessage contains the specified text, specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive.
Public methodVerifyContains(String, ActionType, Boolean)
Determines whether the content of this WebSocketMessage contains the specified text, specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive, and what action to take in case of failure.
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Public propertyAsXml
Gets an XML DOM representation of this message.
Public propertyCharEncoding
Gets or sets the encoding to use to decode text in this message.
Public propertyIsBinary
Gets a value indicating whether this message is a binary message.
Public propertyLength
Gets the length in bytes of this message
Public propertyRawData
Get the contents of the message.
Public propertyText
Get the contents of the message.
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See Also