Response ExtractRegExp Method C# API
Overload List

Public methodExtractRegExp(ExtractionCursor, String)
Extracts multiple string objects from the response content, wherever the specified regular expression matches.
Public methodExtractRegExp(ExtractionCursor, String, Boolean)
Extracts multiple string objects from the response content, wherever the specified regular expression matches, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive.
Public methodExtractRegExp(ExtractionCursor, String, String, SearchFlags)
Extracts text from the response content - everything between (but not including) the specified beforeRegExp and afterRegExp string objects - returning an empty string if they cannot be found.
Public methodExtractRegExp(ExtractionCursor, String, String, SearchFlags, Boolean)
Extracts text from the response content - everything between (but not including) the specified beforeRegExp and afterRegExp string objects - returning an empty string if they cannot be found, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive.
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