Gets a string containing all the characters that, by default, are considered unsafe and must be percent-encoded.
Namespace: Facilita.WebAssembly: clrWebBrowser (in clrWebBrowser.dll) Version: (
Field Value
A string containing all the characters that, by default, are considered unsafe and must be percent-encoded.Remarks
- Outside the printable ASCII range (i.e. is not in the ASCII range 32 to 127) OR
- One of these unsafe characters
By default, the list of unsafe characters is as follows:
Character | Name |
'<' | less-than sign |
'>' | greater-than sign |
'"' | quotation mark |
'%' | percent sign |
'{' | left curly bracket |
'}' | right curly bracket |
'|' | vertical line |
'\' | reverse solidus |
'^' | circumflex accent |
'[' | left square bracket |
']' | right square bracket |
'`' | grave accent |
' ' | space |
'\r' | carriage return |
'\n' | line feed |
'\t' | tab |
'&' | ampersand |
For more information about percent-encoding, refer to
RFC 3986.
See Also