WebBrowser LocalIpEndPoint Property C# API
Gets or sets the local IpEndPoint to use when making a connection to a web server.

Namespace: Facilita.Web
Assembly: clrWebBrowser (in clrWebBrowser.dll) Version: (

public IpEndPoint LocalIpEndPoint { get; set; }

Field Value

The local IpEndPoint to use when making a connection to a web server.

NotSupportedExceptionEither the WinInet or WinHTTP handler is currently in use, for which this property is not supported.

Usually, it is not necessary to set this property, and each Virtual User will use the same IP address.

IP Spoofing can be enabled by assigning Virtual Users different local IpEndPoint objects. For more information, search the main Eggplant Performance user guide for "IP Spoofing".

Note Note
This property only applies if you are using the Internal HTTP handler.

See Also