Example Python Script Using Eggdrive
This example shows how you can use Eggdrive in a Python script. For more information about how to use Eggdrive, see Using Eggdrive.
import xmlrpc.client
def main():
# Create the server proxy
server = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("")
# Start the session
# Connect to a SUT
server.execute ('connect "localhost"')
# Launch Chrome (Where, "Chrome" is an image of its icon)
result= server.execute ('DoubleClick "Chrome"')
print (result)
# Wait for the search box to appear
result= server.execute ('Click (Text: "Search Google or type a URL", WaitFor: 10)')
print (result)
# Go to the Eggplant website
result= server.execute ('TypeText("https://www.eggplantsoftware.com" & returnKey)')
print (result)
# Wait for the banner
result= server.execute('WaitFor 10.0', '(Text: "Let\'s rid the world of bad software")')
print (result)
# Quit Chrome
result= server.execute ('TypeText(altKey, f4)')
print (result)
except Exception as exc:
print("An exception occurred: {}".format(exc))
# End the session
server.endsession ("")
except Exception as exc:
print("An exception occurred: {}".format(exc))
if __name__ == '__main__':