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Version: 25.1

Demonstration Videos

These demonstration videos provide an informal overview of selected areas of SenseTalk functionality. They are intended mainly to provide an introduction and general understanding of each topic. For comprehensive details on each feature, be sure to consult the written documentation.

Many of these videos are also embedded in specific areas within the documentation. They are collected here on this page to gather them all in one place and provide a single point of reference for those who may prefer this learning by watching.

General Information

An Introduction to SenseTalk

Case Sensitivity in SenseTalk, including the use of patterns for fine-grained control of case matching.

Global Properties in SenseTalk

Script Debugging in Eggplant

Repeat Loops in SenseTalk

Variables and Values

SenseTalk Values

Using Variables in SenseTalk including assigning values, unassigned variables, and more

The Different Types of Variables in SenseTalk, their scope and duration, and how to work with predefined variables

Using Containers

Working with References in SenseTalk

Value Representation

Value Collections

Working with Lists in SenseTalk

Working with Property Lists in SenseTalk

Using Ranges in SenseTalk

Ranges, Lists, and Property Lists as Data Structures

Working with Trees and XML in SenseTalk


Chunk Expressions in SenseTalk

Using Each Expressions in SenseTalk

Text and Patterns

Text Functions

String Interpolation and the Merge function

The SenseTalk Pattern Language

Numbers, Dates & Times

Using Numbers with Units in SenseTalk

Working with Dates and Times in SenseTalk


Working with Databases in SenseTalk

Working with an Excel Worksheet as a Database

Objects and Messages

Working with SenseTalk as an Object-oriented Language

The Message Passing Path