Developing Virtual User Scripts

Virtual User Scripting Process

Developing Virtual User Scripts

Depending upon the virtual user type and particular circumstances of the system under test, Virtual User Scripts can be created in a number of ways:

  • Recording user actions to generate a script
  • Generating a script based upon a set of rules and properties
  • Hand-coding a script

See the section Working with Virtual User Scripts for more information.

Virtual User Scripts can be further enhanced by adding logic and control flow, response verification and also data parameterization. BecauseEggplant Performance Virtual User Scripts are implemented in industry standard programming languages, the full power of those languages and their Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) are available to the Eggplant Performance user. The Virtual User Scripts are compiled/built using the installed and configured builders.

Virtual User Scripts can be executed by a virtual user singly or by placing them within a Workflow as part of a sequence of scripts. A Test is then created with one or more Virtual User Groups. Each Virtual User Group is constructed to either run a script or Workflow and their runtime settings are configured. Next, Data Sources are assigned to the test and/or Virtual User Groups before finally running the test.


This topic was last updated on January 13, 2022, at 02:42:23 PM.

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