Installing the Eggplant Performance Applications

The Eggplant Performance solution consists of the following set of applications. See the Eggplant Performance Components for a quick description of each of the applications. The machine where you install the Eggplant Performance Studio, Test Controller, and optionally Analyzer applications becomes the Controller machine in your performance test environment.

Below is a summary of the applications and how they are packaged for installation:

  • Eggplant Performance: This installer includes the Studio, Test Controller, and injector software and is only available for Windows operating systems. You run this installation program on the machine where you plan to develop your virtual user (VU) scripts, configure test data, and define tests. This machine will be your test Controller. See Eggplant Performance Installation and Licensing for information about installing this package on your Controller machine.
  • Eggplant Performance Analyzer: This installer contains the Analyzer application, and is also only available for Windows operating systems. You can install it on your Controller machine with the other applications, or a separate Windows machine. For information about installing Analyzer, see Installing Eggplant Performance Analyzer.
  • Eggplant Performance Injector (for Windows, OS X, and Linux): These are separate installation programs for each operating system so you can install injectors on machines that are remote from the Controller. See Injector Installation for information about installing injectors on different machines.
  • Eggplant Performance OCR (for use with the Citrix VU): This is a separate installation program for the optical character recognition (OCR) component. It is an optional component that is for use with C# Citrux VUs and is available on Windows only. If you want to use OCR, you must install it with an injector, which means either the Controller machine or a with an injector on a separate Windows machine. OCR is provided as a separate install because it requires 1 GB of disk space. Thus, you should only install it if you intend to use it. See Setting Up Eggplant Performance Injectors on Windows for information about installing OCR.


This topic was last updated on January 13, 2022, at 02:42:23 PM.

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