Installing and Setting Up Eggplant Integrations for HPE ALM

Integrating Eggplant Functional with HPE Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) using Eggplant Integrations for HPE ALM involves several tasks, which are described below. See Integrating with HPE Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) for an explanation of how this integration works.

Integrating Eggplant Functional with HPE ALM consists of three major tasks:

  1. Installing and configuring Eggplant Integrations for HPE ALM.
  2. Downloading the integration suites and modifying the required scripts.
  3. Running tests to set up HPE ALM and testing the integration.

Following is a brief video overview of installation and setup tasks for using Eggplant Integrations for HPE ALM.

A summary of these tasks follows, with links to detailed instructions for performing them. Additional information about running scripts is also provided in Tips and Items of Note below.

1. Installing and Configuring Eggplant Integrations for HPE ALM

  1. Install Eggplant Integrations for HPE ALM as described in Installing Eggplant Integrations for HPE ALM.
  2. Configure the HPE ALM mappings and generate an encrypted password for your HPE ALM server as described in Configuring Eggplant Integrations for HPE ALM.

2. Downloading the HPE ALM Integration Suites and Modifying the Required Scripts

We provide required scripts that you need to include in any of the Eggplant Functional tests you want to integrate into HPE ALM. The required scripts are included in suites that also contain sample scripts you can use for testing. Descriptions of the suites and scripts are provided in Modifying the HPE ALM Integration Scripts.

  1. Download the HPE ALM integration suites from the Eggplant Integrations downloads page. You need access to these suites from any computer where you will be running Eggplant Functional tests that you want to integrate with HPE ALM.
  2. Modify the scripts as described Modifying the HPE ALM Integration Scripts.

3. Running Tests to Set Up HPE ALM and Testing the Integration

The first time you run a test using Eggplant Integrations for HPE ALM, you must run it from within the Eggplant Functional GUI. This first test run sets up the tests within HPE ALM, and verifies your integration is configured correctly.

Note: You can use the sample test scripts we provide in the integration suites to run your first test using the Eggplant Integrations and required scripts, or you can add the required pre-run (setup) and post-run (teardown) scripts to your own suite and use one of your own tests.
  1. Add the modified Setup.script and TearDown.script to any Eggplant Functional suite that contains tests that will generate results you want to upload to HPE ALM.
  2. Set the Setup.script to run before your test script and the TearDown.script to run after it by clicking Settings in the Suite window to display the Settings panel.
    Note: You can see how this is done by looking at one our integration suites. For more information about adding pre-run and post-run scripts in Eggplant Functional, see Utility Scripts.
  3. Run your scripts from the Eggplant Functional GUI. You must do this at least once before the scripts can be run from HPE ALM. This step sets up the test lab among other related items in HPE ALM. After this first run from the GUI, you can run the scripts from HPE ALM. See Tips and Items of Note below for more information about running scripts with this integration.
  4. Review the script results in HPE ALM. When you run Eggplant Functional scripts from within the Eggplant Functional GUI, the result displays under Test Runs with a single run record in HPE ALM. When you run an Eggplant Functional script from within HPE ALM, two run records display as follows:
    • The result from the command line call to the runscript.bat file.
    • The result from the Eggplant Functional script: This is the same as the results shown in Eggplant Functional.
    Note: In some circumstances, you might see a third record. You can ignore this record. It is the result of an issue in HPE ALM.

Repeat this process on any computer running Eggplant Functional tests you want to integrate with HPE ALM.

Tips and Items of Note

  • Any tests created by the TearDown script in HPE ALM will be overwritten each time that script runs. If you manually modify any of the generated tests in HPE ALM, your modifications will be overwritten the next time the script runs unless you rename the script after you modify it.
  • You can run scripts on any machine where Eggplant Functional is installed.
  • Running scripts from within HPE ALM using the tests created by Eggplant Integrations for HPE ALM does not involve the integration. HPE ALM makes a direct call to the Eggplant Functional runscript.bat file to execute the script.
  • Because of the previous point, when the required pre-run and post-run scripts are configured on the suite containing the script, the results will be uploaded into HPE ALM. This is true regardless of whether the scripts are run from HPE ALM, or if you run them from the Eggplant Functional GUI, a command-line invocation, via Eggplant Manager, or via some other mechanism such as a continuous integration server.
  • You can duplicate any of the tests created by Eggplant Integrations for HPE ALM in HPE ALM and edit the scripts so that they set up additional script runs.


This topic was last updated on 2月 01, 2019, at 11:13:23 午前.

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