WebSocketMessage ExtractRegExp Method C# API
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Public methodExtractRegExp(ExtractionCursor, String)
Extracts multiple string objects from the message content, wherever the specified regular expression matches, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive.
Public methodExtractRegExp(ExtractionCursor, String, Boolean)
Extracts multiple string objects from the message content, wherever the specified regular expression matches, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive.
Public methodExtractRegExp(ExtractionCursor, String, String)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified beforeRegExp and afterRegExp string objects - returning an empty string if they cannot be found.
Public methodExtractRegExp(ExtractionCursor, String, String, ActionType)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified beforeRegExp and afterRegExp string objects - returning an empty string if they cannot be found, and what action to take in case of failure.
Public methodExtractRegExp(ExtractionCursor, String, String, Boolean)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified beforeRegExp and afterRegExp string objects - returning an empty string if they cannot be found, and specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive.
Public methodExtractRegExp(ExtractionCursor, String, String, ActionType, Boolean)
Extracts text from the message content - everything between (but not including) the specified beforeRegExp and afterRegExp string objects - returning an empty string if they cannot be found, specifying whether the search will be case-sensitive, and what action to take in case of failure.
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