Color |
Represents a color as an RGB value.
ConnectionInfo |
Represents a connection property list created by eggPlant.
ConnectionProperties |
Defines the properties used to connect to the SUT.
ConnectionType |
EggplantResultsFolderWatcher |
Watches a directory, and detects when ePF creates any image files
Image files created will be sent as a message via the attached IMessageSender
EggplantReturnData |
EggplantVirtualUser |
An eggPlant Virtual User.
EggplantVirtualUserInterface |
IEggplantVUWatcher |
IImageSender |
ImageInfo |
Provides information about an image
Point |
Represents a Point on the screen.
Rectangle |
Represents an area of the screen.
ScriptResults |
Represents the results of a script.
Size |
Represents the size (width and height) of an area of the screen.