Eggplant Performance

This guide describes the eggPlant Performance Java API. The core classes are VirtualUser and VirtualUserScript.

When a load test is run, Virtual Users simulate the actions of real users by running scripts. Each script is a subclass of the VirtualUserScript class. You can write a test script by adding actions to the script() method of the VirtualUserScript subclass.

The actions you use to put load on the System Under Test will vary depending on the type of system being tested. It could involve sending HTTP requests to a web server, manipulating a client-side API or automating a thick-client graphical user interface.

The VirtualUser class controls the test execution, and can be used to record transaction timings and metrics for statistical analysis after the test run.

Package Description
Contains exception classes that are thrown by the eggPlant Performance engine.
The eggPlant API provides classes and methods for GUI automation, using eggPlant Drive to communicate with eggPlant Functional.
Contains useful utility classes.
Contains classes for controlling Virtual Users within a test run.
Helper classes and enums for Virtual User scripts which run in the background.
The eggPlant Performance Selenium API provides class and methods for automating Web Browsers using Selenium WebDriver.
The eggPlant Performance Web Java API makes it easy to perform load tests against web sites and services, by providing classes and methods that simulate the behaviour of a web browser sending/receiving HTTP(s) requests to/from a web server.
Contains useful utility classes.