Class VirtualUserScript

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    EggplantVirtualUserScript, SeleniumVirtualUserScript, WebBrowserScript

    public abstract class VirtualUserScript
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements DataDictionary
    The VirtualUserScript class is the base class of all eggPlant Performance Script classes. All other Virtual User types are specializations of this class.

    The script wizards (recorders and generators) create Virtual User Scripts with source code files containing classes whose base class is VirtualUserScript or one of its specializations. Many of the operations (methods) of VirtualUserScript are delegated to the VirtualUser class. Access to the VirtualUser instance can be obtained via the getVU() method.

    All subclasses of VirtualUserScript must implement the abstract method script(), as this is the method which is called when the Virtual User Script is executed during a test. A blank script() method is created when a Virtual User Script is created in eggPlant Performance Studio.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected CustomCancellationToken ct
      A helper object used to communicate between main and foreground scripts.
      protected boolean isMainScript
      Internal use only.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void acceptCancellation()
      Called to accept the script response to the requested cancellation.
      void add​(DataDictionary d)
      Merges the specified DataDictionary into this DataDictionary.
      protected boolean checkIfCancellationRequested()
      For internal use only.
      void clearProgressPoint()
      Clears the current progress point set for this Virtual User.
      void createBackgroundScript​(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String vuScriptClassName)
      Creates a new background script and starts it.
      void createBackgroundScript​(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String vuScriptClassName, AutomaticStopCriteria stopCriterion, java.util.EnumSet<ExecutionFlags> executionFlags, java.time.Duration pauseBetweenScriptsLoops, java.time.Duration autoStopTimeout)
      Creates a new background script and starts it if requested.
      void endRequest​(java.lang.String request)
      For internal use only.
      void endRequest​(java.lang.String request, MetricCollection metrics)
      For internal use only.
      void endTiming​(java.lang.String id)
      Writes an end timing event to the VU event log.
      void endTiming​(java.lang.String id, boolean pass)
      Writes an end timing event to the VU event log, specifying whether the timing passed.
      int endTransaction​(java.lang.String id)
      Writes an end transaction event to the VU event log.
      int endTransaction​(java.lang.String id, boolean pass)
      Writes an end transaction event to the VU event log, specifying whether the transaction passed.
      int endTransaction​(java.lang.String id, boolean pass, java.lang.String tag)
      Writes an end transaction event to the VU event log, specifying whether the transaction passed, and specifying a tag which appears in the Info column.
      void error​(java.lang.Exception e)
      Writes an error message to the VU event log, which will consist of the details of the specified Exception.
      void error​(java.lang.String info)
      Writes an error message to the VU event log.
      void error​(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Exception e)
      Writes an error message to the VU event log, which will include the stack trace of the specified Exception.
      void error​(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String info)
      Writes an error message to the VU event log, specifying an identifier which appears in the ID column.
      void error​(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String info, java.lang.String imagePath)
      Writes an error message and an image link to the VU event log, specifying an identifier which appears in the ID column.
      void exitVU()
      Stops execution of this Virtual User.
      void exitVU​(boolean pass)
      Stops execution of this Virtual User, specifying whether the script completed successfully.
      void exitVU​(java.lang.String msg, boolean pass)
      Stops execution of this Virtual User, specifying whether the script completed successfully and a message to display at the end of the event log.
      void fail​(java.lang.String message, boolean throwException)
      Writes a fail event to the VU event log.
      void failTiming​(java.lang.String id)
      Writes a fail timing event to the VU event log.
      int failTransaction​(java.lang.String id)
      Writes a fail transaction event to the VU event log.
      int failTransaction​(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String tag)
      Writes a fail transaction event to the VU event log, specifying a tag which appears in the Info column.
      void finalSequence()
      Stops execution of the current script and then executes the scripts in the final section of the current workflow.
      void finishIterating()
      Prevents further iterations of the iterated sequence of scripts for this Virtual User.
      boolean finishIteratingRequested()
      Returns true if this Virtual User has been requested to finish iterating.
      void flushEventLog()
      Flushes the event log to disk.
      static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format)
      Converts the current date/time to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.
      static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format, java.time.Duration offset)
      Converts the current date/time, offset by a specified Duration, to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.
      static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format, java.time.Duration offset, java.time.ZoneId timezone)
      Converts the current date/time to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.
      static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format, java.time.Duration offset, java.time.ZoneId timezone, java.util.Locale locale)
      Converts the current date/time to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.
      static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format, java.time.Duration offset, java.util.Locale locale)
      Converts the current date/time to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.
      static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format, java.time.LocalDateTime dateTime)
      Converts a LocalDateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.
      static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format, java.time.LocalDateTime dateTime, java.time.Duration offset)
      Converts a LocalDateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.
      static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format, java.time.LocalDateTime dateTime, java.time.Duration offset, java.time.ZoneId timezone)
      Converts a LocalDateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.
      static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format, java.time.LocalDateTime dateTime, java.time.Duration offset, java.time.ZoneId timezone, java.util.Locale locale)
      Converts a LocalDateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.
      static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format, java.time.LocalDateTime dateTime, java.time.Duration offset, java.util.Locale locale)
      Converts a LocalDateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.
      static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format, java.time.LocalDateTime dateTime, java.time.ZoneId timezone)
      Converts a LocalDateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.
      static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format, java.time.LocalDateTime dateTime, java.time.ZoneId timezone, java.util.Locale locale)
      Converts a LocalDateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.
      static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format, java.time.LocalDateTime dateTime, java.util.Locale locale)
      Converts a LocalDateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.
      static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format, java.time.ZoneId timezone)
      Converts the current date/time to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.
      static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format, java.time.ZoneId timezone, java.util.Locale locale)
      Converts the current date/time to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.
      static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format, java.util.Locale locale)
      Converts the current date/time to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.
      <T> T get​(java.lang.String key)
      Returns a reference to an Object held in the dictionary.
      java.lang.Object get​(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object defaultValue)
      Returns an Object value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found.
      java.lang.String getBackgroundScriptID()
      Gets the script ID, which was provided when this script was started as a background script.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getBackgroundScriptIDs()
      Returns a list of currently registered wtih the VU background script IDs.
      ScriptStatus getBackgroundScriptStatus​(java.lang.String id)
      Returns a status of the given background script.
      boolean getBoolean​(java.lang.String key)
      Returns a boolean value held in the dictionary.
      boolean getBoolean​(java.lang.String key, boolean defaultValue)
      Returns a boolean value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found.
      int getCurrentIteration()
      Gets the number of the iteration that this Virtual User is currently executing (beginning at 1).
      static javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar getCurrentTimeInXml()  
      java.lang.String getCurrentTransaction()
      Gets the name of the transaction that is currently in progress.
      DataDictionary getDataDictionary()
      Gets the Data Dictionary belonging to this VirtualUser.
      DataDictionary getDataDictionary​(java.lang.String key)
      Gets the Data Dictionary named with the specified key and assigned to the Virtual User in eggPlant Performance Studio.
      java.lang.String getDataPath()
      Gets the path to the data folder.
      DataTable getDataTable​(java.lang.String key)
      Gets the specified Data Table.
      double getDouble​(java.lang.String key)
      Returns a double value held in the dictionary.
      double getDouble​(java.lang.String key, double defaultValue)
      Returns a double value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found.
      int getElapsedTime()
      Gets the elapsed time since the beginning of the test, in milliseconds.
      java.lang.String getFilesDataPath()
      Gets the path of the data\Files folder.
      float getFloat​(java.lang.String key)
      Returns a float value held in the dictionary.
      float getFloat​(java.lang.String key, float defaultValue)
      Returns a float value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found.
      int getGroupSize()
      Gets the number of Virtual Users in the group that this Virtual User belongs to.
      int getGroupSize​(java.lang.String groupName)
      Gets the number of Virtual Users in the specified Virtual User group.
      com.facilita.fc.runtime.SimpleDataDictionary getGroupSizes()
      Gets the number of Virtual Users in each Virtual User group.
      int getIndex()
      Gets the index number of this Virtual User within the Virtual User group that it belongs to.
      int getInitialDelay()
      Gets the initial delay for this Virtual User, between the start of the test and the start of the first script execution.
      java.lang.String getInjectorFamilyName()
      Returns the injector family name
      java.lang.String getInjectorName()
      Returns the injector machine name
      int getInt​(java.lang.String key)
      Returns an int value held in the dictionary.
      int getInt​(java.lang.String key, int defaultValue)
      Returns an int value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found.
      java.lang.Integer getInteger​(java.lang.String key)
      Returns a java.lang.Integer value held in the dictionary.
      java.lang.Integer getInteger​(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Integer defaultValue)
      Returns a java.lang.Integer value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found.
      protected boolean getIsStopped()
      Internal use only.
      int getIteration()
      Gets the number of the iteration that this Virtual User is currently executing (beginning at 0).
      int getIterationDelay()
      Gets the delay time in milliseconds between iterations of the repeated sequence of scripts.
      int getIterationForTime()
      Gets the time in milliseconds that the iterated sequence of scripts will iterate for.
      java.lang.String getLastError()
      Gets the most recent error encountered by this Virtual User.
      java.lang.String getLastTransaction()
      Gets the name of the most recent transaction to have ended.
      java.util.List getList​(java.lang.String key)
      Returns a List value held in the dictionary.
      java.util.List getList​(java.lang.String key, java.util.List defaultList)
      Returns a List value held in the dictionary, or the defaultList if the key cannot be found.
      long getLong​(java.lang.String key)
      Returns a long value held in the dictionary.
      long getLong​(java.lang.String key, long defaultValue)
      Returns a long value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found.
      java.util.Map getMap()
      Gets a Map containing all the keys/values in this dictionary.
      int getMaxFailures()
      Gets the maximum number of failures allowed in the script before this Virtual User terminates.
      static java.lang.String getMillisecondsSinceEpoch()  
      static java.lang.String getMillisecondsSinceEpoch​(long offset)  
      java.lang.String getName()
      Gets the name of this dictionary.
      int getNumberOfErrors()
      Gets the number of errors that have been reported for this Virtual User.
      int getNumberOfFailures()
      Gets the current number of script failures for this Virtual User.
      int getNumberOfIterations()
      Gets the total number of iterations that the repeated sequence of scripts will execute.
      int getNumberOfWarmupIterations()
      Gets the number of warm-up iterations for this Virtual User.
      int getNumberOfWarnings()
      Gets the number of warnings that have been reported for this Virtual User.
      int getPauseFactor()
      Gets the current percentage pause factor.
      java.lang.String getProgressPoint()
      Gets the text of the most recent progress point that was set.
      java.lang.String getRunPath()
      Gets the path to the test run results.
      java.lang.String getSandboxPath()
      Gets the path to the sandbox location.
      java.lang.String getScriptName()
      Gets the name of this Virtual User Script.
      static java.lang.String getSecondsSinceEpoch()  
      static java.lang.String getSecondsSinceEpoch​(long offset)  
      com.facilita.fc.runtime.Service getService​(java.lang.Class<com.facilita.fc.runtime.Service> serviceClass)
      Get a Service object of the specified type
      java.lang.String getString​(java.lang.String key)
      Returns a String value held in the dictionary.
      java.lang.String getString​(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String defaultValue)
      Returns a String value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found.
      int getTimingElapsedTime()
      Gets the elapsed time of the current active timing.
      TransactionData getTransactionData​(java.lang.String id)
      Get data about the specified transaction.
      int getTransactionElapsedTime​(java.lang.String id)
      Gets the current elapsed time of the transaction with the specified id.
      int getTransactionElapsedTime​(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String tag)
      Gets the current elapsed time of the transaction with the specified id and tag.
      boolean getTransactionLoggingOn()
      Returns true if transactions should be logged for this VU.
      int getUniqueID()
      Gets a test-wide unique identifier for this Virtual User.
      int getUniqueID​(java.lang.String groupName, int index)
      Gets a test-wide unique identifier for a specified Virtual User within a Virtual User group.
      VirtualUser getVirtualUser()
      Gets the current VU instance, as an object of type VirtualUser.
      VirtualUser getVU()
      Gets the current VU instance, as the most specialised subclass of VirtualUser.
      java.lang.String getVUName()
      Gets the name of the group that this Virtual User belongs to.
      boolean hasKey​(java.lang.String key)
      Returns true if the specified key is contained within the dictionary.
      boolean isFinalScript()
      Returns true if the current executing script is within the final section of this Virtual User's workflow.
      boolean isFirstScript()
      Returns true if the current executing script is the first script to be executed.
      boolean isInitialScript()
      Returns true if the current executing script is within the initial section of this Virtual User's workflow.
      boolean isIteratedScript()
      Returns true if the current executing script is within the repeated section of this Virtual User's workflow.
      boolean isLastIteration()
      Returns true if more iterations will occur for the current Virtual User.
      boolean isPacing()
      Returns true if this Virtual User will adjust the delay between iterations to maintain a steady pace of iterations.
      boolean isReadOnly()
      Returns true if this dictionary is read-only.
      java.util.Iterator keys()
      Returns an Iterator that can be used to iterate over the keys in this dictionary.
      int lastIterationDelay()
      Gets the delay time in milliseconds between the previous iteration and the current iteration.
      void logCurrentDataValues()
      Write all of the current data values to the VU event log
      void nextIteration()
      Stops execution of the current script, and starts execution of the next iteration.
      void nextScript()
      Stops execution of the current script, and starts execution of the next script in the sequence.
      void nextSequence()
      Stops execution of the current script and any other scripts in the current sequence, and starts execution of the next sequence of scripts.
      protected void onBackgroundScriptCancellation()
      Called when the background script executing in a loop is cancelled
      int pause()
      Pauses the execution of the script.
      int pause​(int interval)
      Pauses the execution of the script for a specified interval (modified by getPauseFactor()).
      void pre()
      This method is called just before this script is executed for the first time.
      void raiseAlert​(int severity, java.lang.String message)
      Writes an alert of the specified severity to the Alerts table in Test Controller.
      void recordMetric​(java.lang.String name, int value)
      Records a user metric.
      void recordMetrics​(MetricCollection metrics)
      Records multiple user metrics simultaneously.
      void recordTransaction​(java.lang.String id, int startTime, int duration)
      Records a transaction in the VU event log.
      void recordTransaction​(java.lang.String id, int startTime, int duration, boolean pass)
      Records a transaction in the VU event log, specifying whether the transaction passed.
      void recordTransaction​(java.lang.String id, java.util.Date startTime, int duration)
      Records a transaction in the VU event log.
      void recordTransaction​(java.lang.String id, java.util.Date startTime, int duration, boolean pass)
      Records a transaction in the VU event log, specifying whether the transaction passed.
      void requestToStopBackgroundScript​(java.lang.String id)
      Requests currently running background script to stop.
      void resume()
      Resumes the background script (which was previously suspended).
      void resumeBackgroundScript​(java.lang.String id)
      Resumes currently suspended background script.
      void resumeTransaction​(java.lang.String id)
      Resumes the timing of the specified transaction.
      void resumeTransaction​(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String tag)
      Resumes the timing of the specified transaction, identified by tag as well as id.
      abstract void script()
      This is the method which will be run by the VirtualUser when it executes this script, and is where you should write your test script code.
      <T> T selectRandomEntryFromList​(java.lang.String key)
      Selects a random entry from a list stored in this Virtual User's data dictionary.
      <T> void set​(java.lang.String key, T o)
      Sets an Object value in the dictionary.
      protected void setBackgroundScriptID​(java.lang.String backgroundScriptID)
      For internal use only.
      void setBoolean​(java.lang.String key, boolean b)
      Sets a boolean value in the dictionary.
      void setCancellationToken​(CustomCancellationToken ct)
      For internal use only.
      void setDouble​(java.lang.String key, double i)
      Sets a double value in the dictionary.
      void setFloat​(java.lang.String key, float i)
      Sets a float value in the dictionary.
      void setInt​(java.lang.String key, int i)
      Sets an int value in the dictionary.
      void setInteger​(java.lang.String key, java.lang.Integer i)
      Sets an Integer value in the dictionary.
      void setList​(java.lang.String key, java.util.List list)
      Sets a List value in the dictionary.
      void setLong​(java.lang.String key, long i)
      Sets a long value in the dictionary.
      void setName​(java.lang.String name)
      Sets the name of this dictionary.
      void setNumberOfWarmupIterations​(int numberOfWarmupIterations)
      Sets the number of warm-up iterations for this Virtual User.
      void setPauseFactor​(int pauseFactor)
      Sets the current percentage pause factor.
      void setProgressPoint​(java.lang.String progressPoint)
      Sets a progress point in the VU event log.
      void setProgressPoint​(java.lang.String progressPoint, boolean pass)
      Sets a progress point in the VU event log, specifying whether the progress point passed.
      void setProgressPoint​(java.lang.String progressPoint, java.lang.String info, boolean pass)
      Sets a progress point in the VU event log, specifying whether the progress point passed and specifying extra information which appears in the Info column.
      void setString​(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String string)
      Sets a String value in the dictionary.
      void setSynchronizationPoint​(java.lang.String id)
      Set a named synchronization point.
      void setTransactionLoggingOn​(boolean value)
      Sets whether transactions should be logged for this VU.
      void startBackgroundScript​(java.lang.String id)
      Starts previously created and not started background script
      void startRequest​(java.lang.String request)
      For internal use only.
      void startTiming​(java.lang.String id)
      Writes a start timing event to the VU event log.
      void startTransaction​(java.lang.String id)
      Writes a start transaction event to the VU event log.
      void startTransaction​(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String tag)
      Writes a start transaction event to the VU event log, specifying a tag which appears in the Info column.
      void stopBackgroundScriptImmediately​(java.lang.String id)
      Tells the script to stop immediately.
      void stopImmediately()
      Internal use only.
      void suspend()
      Asks the background script to suspend.
      void suspendBackgroundScript​(java.lang.String id)
      Suspends currently executing background script.
      void suspendTransaction​(java.lang.String id)
      Suspends the timing of the specified transaction.
      void suspendTransaction​(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String tag)
      Suspends the timing of the specified transaction, identified by tag as well as id.
      int timeToPause​(int interval)
      Gets the length of time that this Virtual User would pause for if pause(int) were called with the specified interval.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Returns a String representation of the dictionary.
      protected void tryToSuspend()
      Try to suspend a background script.
      void unsetSynchronizationPoint​(java.lang.String id)
      Unset a named synchronization point.
      boolean verify​(boolean arg, boolean throwException)
      Verifies that a boolean expression is true.
      boolean verifyEQ​(double arg1, double arg2, double delta, boolean throwException)
      Verifies that two doubles are equal.
      boolean verifyEQ​(int arg1, int arg2, boolean throwException)
      Verifies that two integers are equal.
      boolean verifyEQ​(long arg1, long arg2, boolean throwException)
      Verifies that two longs are equal.
      boolean verifyEQ​(java.lang.String arg1, java.lang.String arg2, boolean throwException, boolean caseInsensitive)
      Verifies that two String objects are equal.
      boolean verifyLE​(double arg1, double arg2, double delta, boolean throwException)
      Verifies that one double is less than or equal to another.
      boolean verifyLE​(int arg1, int arg2, boolean throwException)
      Verifies that one integer is less than or equal to another.
      boolean verifyLE​(long arg1, long arg2, boolean throwException)
      Verifies that one long is less than or equal to another.
      boolean verifyLE​(java.lang.String arg1, java.lang.String arg2, boolean throwException, boolean caseInsensitive)
      Verifies that one String is less than or equal to another.
      boolean verifyLT​(double arg1, double arg2, double delta, boolean throwException)
      Verifies that one double is less than another.
      boolean verifyLT​(int arg1, int arg2, boolean throwException)
      Verifies that one integer is less than another.
      boolean verifyLT​(long arg1, long arg2, boolean throwException)
      Verifies that one long is less than another.
      boolean verifyLT​(java.lang.String arg1, java.lang.String arg2, boolean throwException, boolean caseInsensitive)
      Verifies that one String is less than another.
      <T> T waitFor​(java.lang.String key, long timeout)
      Returns a reference to an object stored in the data dictionary.
      void waitForBackgroundScriptToFinish​(java.lang.String id, java.time.Duration timeout)
      Waits for the background script to finish work in the given timeout, if timeout is not provided or null it waits until the tasks finish (if at all), if timeout is not null, then it returns false if it expired before the timeout reached.
      boolean waitForBoolean​(java.lang.String key, long timeout)
      Returns a boolean stored in the data dictionary.
      double waitForDouble​(java.lang.String key, long timeout)
      Returns a double stored in the data dictionary.
      float waitForFloat​(java.lang.String key, long timeout)
      Returns a float stored in the data dictionary.
      int waitForInt​(java.lang.String key, long timeout)
      Returns an int stored in the data dictionary.
      java.util.List waitForList​(java.lang.String key, long timeout)
      Returns a reference to a List stored in the data dictionary.
      long waitForLong​(java.lang.String key, long timeout)
      Returns a long stored in the data dictionary.
      java.lang.String waitForString​(java.lang.String key, long timeout)
      Returns a reference to a String stored in the data dictionary.
      void waitForSynchronizationPoint​(java.lang.String id, long timeoutMilliseconds)
      Wait for a named synchronization point to be set.
      void warn​(java.lang.Exception e)
      Writes a warning message to the VU event log, consisting of the specified exception
      void warn​(java.lang.String info)
      Writes a warning message to the VU event log.
      void warn​(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String info)
      Writes a warning message to the VU event log, specifying an identifier which appears in the ID column.
      void warn​(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String info, java.lang.String imagePath)
      Writes a warning message and an image link to the VU event log, specifying an identifier which appears in the ID column.
      java.lang.String whereAmI()
      Returns a stack trace for this Virtual User.
      void writeMessage​(java.lang.Exception e)
      Write an information message to the VU event log, consisting of the exception specified.
      void writeMessage​(java.lang.String message)
      Writes an information message to the VU event log.
      void writeMessage​(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String message)
      Writes an information message to the VU event log, specifying an identifier which appears in the ID column.
      void writeMessage​(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String info, java.lang.String imagePath)
      Writes an information message to the VU event log and also a link to an image, specifying an identifier which appears in the ID column.
      void writeSystemLog​(java.lang.String message)
      Writes an alert of Error severity to the Alerts table in Test Controller.
      void writeSystemLog​(java.lang.String heading, java.lang.String message)
      Writes an alert of Error severity to the Alerts table in Test Controller, specifying a heading to prefix to the message.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • isMainScript

        protected boolean isMainScript
        Internal use only.
      • ct

        protected CustomCancellationToken ct
        A helper object used to communicate between main and foreground scripts. Background script is normally use it to check to see if it needs to exit.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VirtualUserScript

        public VirtualUserScript()
    • Method Detail

      • script

        public abstract void script()
                             throws java.lang.Exception
        This is the method which will be run by the VirtualUser when it executes this script, and is where you should write your test script code.

        This is an abstract method and must be overridden in subclasses of VirtualUserScript. In scripts created using eggPlant Performance Studio, a blank script() method is automatically added.

        If this script is assigned to a Virtual User group in a test, or is part of a workflow that is assigned to a Virtual User group in a test, then the script will be executed when the test is run.

        If this Virtual User (along with any others in the group) is assigned a single script, then the script() method of the VirtualUserScript object is called once per iteration.

        If this Virtual User (along with any others in the group) is assigned a workflow, then the point at which the script() method is called depends on which section of the workflow the script is in.

        • initial sequence of scripts: the script() method of each VirtualUserScript object is called once at the beginning of the test, in the order in which the scripts appear in the sequence.
        • repeated sequence of scripts: the script() method of each VirtualUserScript object is called once per iteration, in the order in which the scripts appear in the sequence.
        • final sequence of scripts: the script() method of each VirtualUserScript object is called once at the end of the test, in the order in which the scripts appear in the sequence.
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • pre

        public void pre()
                 throws java.lang.Exception
        This method is called just before this script is executed for the first time.

        Override this method in your VirtualUserScript subclass if you have code which should be run only once, before script() is executed.

        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • getIsStopped

        protected boolean getIsStopped()
        Internal use only.
        Internal use only
      • stopImmediately

        public void stopImmediately()
        Internal use only.
      • getBackgroundScriptID

        public java.lang.String getBackgroundScriptID()
        Gets the script ID, which was provided when this script was started as a background script.
        the script ID
      • setBackgroundScriptID

        protected void setBackgroundScriptID​(java.lang.String backgroundScriptID)
        For internal use only.
        backgroundScriptID - Internal use only
      • setCancellationToken

        public void setCancellationToken​(CustomCancellationToken ct)
        For internal use only.
        ct - Internal use only
      • tryToSuspend

        protected void tryToSuspend()
        Try to suspend a background script. It won't succeed if it is already locked by another script/VU.
      • onBackgroundScriptCancellation

        protected void onBackgroundScriptCancellation()
        Called when the background script executing in a loop is cancelled
      • acceptCancellation

        public void acceptCancellation()
        Called to accept the script response to the requested cancellation. It means this script would have ScriptStatus.Canceleld when afterwards. If this method is not called and the scipt is successefuly finished, then the status of the script is ScriptStatus.RanToCompletion
      • checkIfCancellationRequested

        protected boolean checkIfCancellationRequested()
        For internal use only.
        Internal use only
      • suspend

        public void suspend()
        Asks the background script to suspend.
      • resume

        public void resume()
        Resumes the background script (which was previously suspended).
      • getBackgroundScriptIDs

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getBackgroundScriptIDs()
        Returns a list of currently registered wtih the VU background script IDs.
        a list of currently registered wtih the VU background script IDs.
      • getBackgroundScriptStatus

        public ScriptStatus getBackgroundScriptStatus​(java.lang.String id)
        Returns a status of the given background script.
        id - Unique script ID, identifying the background script.
        the status of the specified background script
      • createBackgroundScript

        public void createBackgroundScript​(java.lang.String id,
                                           java.lang.String vuScriptClassName,
                                           AutomaticStopCriteria stopCriterion,
                                           java.util.EnumSet<ExecutionFlags> executionFlags,
                                           java.time.Duration pauseBetweenScriptsLoops,
                                           java.time.Duration autoStopTimeout)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
        Creates a new background script and starts it if requested.
        id - Unique script ID, identifying the background script.
        vuScriptClassName - Fully qualified script's class name.
        stopCriterion - Automatic stop criterion, describing how and when to terminate the background script (if at all).
        executionFlags - Bitwise flags describing execution of the script.
        pauseBetweenScriptsLoops - If script is run in a loop (executionFlags contain ExecutionFlags.Loop) then you can set the pause between such loops. Zero here means no pause.
        autoStopTimeout - Automatic timeout is used when stopCriterion is not AutomaticStopCriteria.NeverStopAutomatically. If it is null, default setting from VU Group is used instead. Zero here means no wait. -1 ms timeout mean indefinite timeout.
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • createBackgroundScript

        public void createBackgroundScript​(java.lang.String id,
                                           java.lang.String vuScriptClassName)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
        Creates a new background script and starts it.
        id - Unique script ID, identifying the background script.
        vuScriptClassName - Fully qualified script's class name. This is an overload method, which is equivalent to createBackgroundScript(id, vuScriptClassName, AutomaticStopCriteria.StopImmediatelyAtEndOfVirtualUser, EnumSet.of(ExecutionFlags.LongRunningScript, ExecutionFlags.SingleShot), Duration.ZERO, null);
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • startBackgroundScript

        public void startBackgroundScript​(java.lang.String id)
        Starts previously created and not started background script
        id - Unique script ID, identifying the background script.
      • requestToStopBackgroundScript

        public void requestToStopBackgroundScript​(java.lang.String id)
                                           throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        Requests currently running background script to stop. Since it just requests it to stop, the background script must check periodically if it was asked to do so and gracefully exit when detects it by checking this.ct.IsCancellationRequested flag.
        id - Unique script ID, identifying the background script.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The interrupted status of the current thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.
      • stopBackgroundScriptImmediately

        public void stopBackgroundScriptImmediately​(java.lang.String id)
                                             throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        Tells the script to stop immediately. It will result in the script terminating if it calls any API or exits itself by checking this.ct.IsCancellationRequested flag. Mind that if it does something in a tight loop or made a call to another library it can take as much time as it needed to finish those operations.
        id - Unique script ID, identifying the background script.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The interrupted status of the current thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.
      • suspendBackgroundScript

        public void suspendBackgroundScript​(java.lang.String id)
                                     throws java.lang.InterruptedException,
        Suspends currently executing background script.
        id - Unique script ID, identifying the background script.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The interrupted status of the current thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.
        java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException - when attempting to retrieve the result of a task that aborted by throwing an exception
      • resumeBackgroundScript

        public void resumeBackgroundScript​(java.lang.String id)
                                    throws java.lang.InterruptedException,
        Resumes currently suspended background script.
        id - Unique script ID, identifying the background script.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The interrupted status of the current thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.
        java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException - when attempting to retrieve the result of a task that aborted by throwing an exception
      • waitForBackgroundScriptToFinish

        public void waitForBackgroundScriptToFinish​(java.lang.String id,
                                                    java.time.Duration timeout)
                                             throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        Waits for the background script to finish work in the given timeout, if timeout is not provided or null it waits until the tasks finish (if at all), if timeout is not null, then it returns false if it expired before the timeout reached.
        id - Unique script ID, identifying the background script.
        timeout - How long to wait before give up
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The interrupted status of the current thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.
      • getVirtualUser

        public final VirtualUser getVirtualUser()
        Gets the current VU instance, as an object of type VirtualUser.

        If you have added methods to a custom Virtual User subclass, they will not be callable on the object returned from this method. Instead use getVU().

        the current VU instance
        See Also:
      • getVU

        public VirtualUser getVU()
        Gets the current VU instance, as the most specialised subclass of VirtualUser.

        If you have added methods to a custom Virtual User subclass, you can call them on the object returned from this method.


         MyCustomUser thisVU = getVU();
        the current VU instance
      • getScriptName

        public final java.lang.String getScriptName()
        Gets the name of this Virtual User Script.


         writeMessage(String.format("Script is: %s", getScriptName()));
        the name of this Virtual User Script
      • finishIterating

        public final void finishIterating()
        Prevents further iterations of the iterated sequence of scripts for this Virtual User.

        The current script will continue executing, and any subsequent scripts in the iterated sequence of scripts will also be executed. Once the end of the iteration is reached, the Virtual User will not start another iteration but will instead execute the scripts in the final sequence of scripts before exiting.

      • finishIteratingRequested

        public boolean finishIteratingRequested()
        Returns true if this Virtual User has been requested to finish iterating. This happens when finishIterating() is called.
        true if this Virtual User has been requested to finish iterating
      • getLastError

        public java.lang.String getLastError()
        Gets the most recent error encountered by this Virtual User.
        the most recent error encountered by this Virtual User
      • isInitialScript

        public final boolean isInitialScript()
        Returns true if the current executing script is within the initial section of this Virtual User's workflow.
        true if the current executing script is within the initial section of this Virtual User's workflow
        See Also:
        isFinalScript(), isIteratedScript()
      • isIteratedScript

        public final boolean isIteratedScript()
        Returns true if the current executing script is within the repeated section of this Virtual User's workflow.
        true if the current executing script is within the repeated section of this Virtual User's workflow
        See Also:
        isInitialScript(), isFinalScript()
      • isFirstScript

        public boolean isFirstScript()
        Returns true if the current executing script is the first script to be executed.
        Returns true if the current executing script is the first script to be executed.
      • getIterationForTime

        public int getIterationForTime()
        Gets the time in milliseconds that the iterated sequence of scripts will iterate for.
        • Returns 0 if the iterated sequence of scripts have been set to execute a certain number of iterations, or to iterate forever.
        • Returns a value greater than 0 if the iterated sequence of scripts have been set to execute for a given length of time.
        In the second case, the value returned is the amount of time to be spent iterating. Once this length of time is met or exceeded, no further iterations of the iterated sequence of scripts will occur.
        the time in milliseconds that the iterated sequence of scripts will iterate for
      • isFinalScript

        public final boolean isFinalScript()
        Returns true if the current executing script is within the final section of this Virtual User's workflow.
        true if the current executing script is within the final section of this Virtual User's workflow
        See Also:
        isInitialScript(), isIteratedScript()
      • getNumberOfFailures

        public final int getNumberOfFailures()
        Gets the current number of script failures for this Virtual User.

        Failures are exceptions - such as communication exceptions - which are caught and produce an error message in the event log. They do not cause the Virtual User to exit until the number of failures reaches the value returned by getMaxFailures().

        the current number of script failures for this Virtual User
        See Also:
      • getMaxFailures

        public final int getMaxFailures()
        Gets the maximum number of failures allowed in the script before this Virtual User terminates.

        Failures are exceptions - such as communication exceptions - which are caught and produce an error message in the event log. They do not cause the Virtual User to exit until the number of failures reaches this value.

        the maximum number of failures allowed in the script before this Virtual User terminates
        See Also:
      • flushEventLog

        public final void flushEventLog()
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
        Flushes the event log to disk.

        Any events still held in-memory are written to the Virtual User event log on disk. This enables the event log file to be viewed before the test has completed.

        Note that writing an error event also flushes the log.

        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
        See Also:
        warn(String), writeMessage(String), error(String)
      • getDataTable

        public final DataTable getDataTable​(java.lang.String key)
                                     throws NoSuchValueException
        Gets the specified Data Table.

        This method allows you to locate the existing Data Table by name. The dictionaries it contains can then be accessed by using the appropriate methods of DataTable.

        key - the name of the DataTable
        a reference to a named DataTable object
        NoSuchValueException - the data table does not exist
      • isPacing

        public final boolean isPacing()
        Returns true if this Virtual User will adjust the delay between iterations to maintain a steady pace of iterations.

        The Virtual User pauses between each iteration of the iterated sequence of scripts. If the pacing option is selected in the VU Group runtime properties in eggPlant Performance Studio, then the iteration delay value is adjusted each time to maintain a fixed rate of script iterations.

        true if this Virtual User will adjust the delay between iterations to maintain a steady pace of iterations
        See Also:
      • lastIterationDelay

        public final int lastIterationDelay()
        Gets the delay time in milliseconds between the previous iteration and the current iteration.

        This method will return zero on the first iteration. If the pacing option is selected, then the iteration delay value is adjusted each time to maintain a fixed rate of script iterations.

        the time between the previous iteration and the current iteration, in milliseconds
        See Also:
        getIterationDelay(), isPacing()
      • getNumberOfIterations

        public final int getNumberOfIterations()
        Gets the total number of iterations that the repeated sequence of scripts will execute.

        A return value of zero indicates that the iterated scripts are iterating for a specified time or forever, and not for a specified number of iterations.

        the number of iterations that the repeated sequence of scripts will execute, as set in the VU Group runtime settings in eggPlant Performance Studio
      • getNumberOfWarmupIterations

        public final int getNumberOfWarmupIterations()
        Gets the number of warm-up iterations for this Virtual User.

        The value indicates the number of warm-up iterations this Virtual User will execute and is only relevant to the repeated sequence of scripts. Warm-up iterations are considered to be of no interest statistically and during a warm-up iteration the start and end transaction events are not written to the event log of the VU.

        the number of warm-up iterations for this Virtual User
        See Also:
        startTransaction(String), endTransaction(String)
      • setNumberOfWarmupIterations

        public final void setNumberOfWarmupIterations​(int numberOfWarmupIterations)
        Sets the number of warm-up iterations for this Virtual User.

        The value indicates the number of warm-up iterations this Virtual User will execute and is only relevant to the repeated sequence of scripts. Warm-up iterations are considered to be of no interest statistically and during a warm-up iteration the start and end transaction events are not written to the event log of the VU.

        numberOfWarmupIterations - the number of warm-up iterations for this Virtual User
        See Also:
        startTransaction(String), endTransaction(String)
      • getIteration

        public final int getIteration()
        Gets the number of the iteration that this Virtual User is currently executing (beginning at 0).

        As a Virtual User completes execution of the iterated sequence of scripts, the iteration number is increased by 1 and execution of the next iteration of the iterated sequence of scripts is started from the beginning.

        This method returns 0 if this Virtual User is executing the first iteration. Compare to getCurrentIteration().

        the number of the iteration that this Virtual User is currently executing (beginning at 0)
      • getCurrentIteration

        public final int getCurrentIteration()
        Gets the number of the iteration that this Virtual User is currently executing (beginning at 1).

        As a Virtual User completes execution of the iterated sequence of scripts, the iteration number is increased by 1 and execution of the next iteration of the iterated sequence of scripts is started from the beginning.

        This method returns 1 if this Virtual User is executing the first iteration. Compare to getIteration().

        the number of the iteration that this Virtual User is currently executing (beginning at 1)
      • getDataDictionary

        public final DataDictionary getDataDictionary()
        Gets the Data Dictionary belonging to this VirtualUser.
        the Data Dictionary belonging to this VirtualUser
      • getDataDictionary

        public final DataDictionary getDataDictionary​(java.lang.String key)
                                               throws NoSuchValueException
        Gets the Data Dictionary named with the specified key and assigned to the Virtual User in eggPlant Performance Studio.
        key - the name of the Data Dictionary as it appears in eggPlant Performance Studio
        the specified Data Dictionary
        NoSuchValueException - the dictionary does not exist
      • getElapsedTime

        public final int getElapsedTime()
        Gets the elapsed time since the beginning of the test, in milliseconds.
        the elapsed time since the beginning of the test, in milliseconds
      • getInitialDelay

        public final int getInitialDelay()
        Gets the initial delay for this Virtual User, between the start of the test and the start of the first script execution.

        By the time this method can be called, the initial delay will already have happened, and this will return the actual number of milliseconds that this Virtual User waited before starting script execution. The value returned includes the initial group delay and the ramp-up for this specific Virtual User.

        the initial delay, in milliseconds
      • getIterationDelay

        public final int getIterationDelay()
        Gets the delay time in milliseconds between iterations of the repeated sequence of scripts.

        This is the value set in the VU Group runtime properties in eggPlant Performance Studio. If the pacing option is selected, then the iteration delay value is adjusted each time to maintain a fixed rate of script iterations.

        the time between iterations, in milliseconds
        See Also:
      • writeSystemLog

        public final void writeSystemLog​(java.lang.String message)
        Writes an alert of Error severity to the Alerts table in Test Controller.

        This method was included for backwards compatibility with older eggPlant Performance scripts. The Test Controller Alerts table is made accessible from the script using writeSystemLog(String). writeSystemLog() will add an alert of severity level Error. Other table fields include the time into the test the error alert was raised (HH:MM:SS), the source of the alert (this will always be 'Engine' when called from the script), the index of the VU which raised the alert and the injector that the VU was deployed on, the group which the VU was a member of and the script that the VU was executing when the alert was raised.

        WriteSystemLog must be used sparingly. It is possible to flood the Alerts log. For diagnostic purposes use writeMessage(String), setProgressPoint(String) , error(String) and warn(String) to output to the VU event log; this can be viewed at runtime in Test Controller. The Alerts log should only be used for a small number of important messages.

        message - an alert message which appears in the Description column of the alerts table in the Alerts sub-view of Test Controller
        See Also:
        raiseAlert(int, String), writeMessage(String), error(String), warn(String)
      • writeSystemLog

        public final void writeSystemLog​(java.lang.String heading,
                                         java.lang.String message)
        Writes an alert of Error severity to the Alerts table in Test Controller, specifying a heading to prefix to the message.

        This method was included for backwards compatibility with older eggPlant Performance scripts. The Test Controller Alerts table is made accessible from the script using writeSystemLog(String). writeSystemLog() will add an alert of severity level Error. Other table fields include the time into the test the error alert was raised (HH:MM:SS), the source of the alert (this will always be 'Engine' when called from the script), the index of the VU which raised the alert and the injector that the VU was deployed on, the group which the VU was a member of and the script that the VU was executing when the alert was raised.

        WriteSystemLog must be used sparingly. It is possible to flood the Alerts log. For diagnostic purposes use writeMessage(String), setProgressPoint(String) , error(String) and warn(String) to output to the VU event log; this can be viewed at runtime in Test Controller. The Alerts log should only be used for a small number of important messages.

        heading - a String to be prefixed to the output message
        message - an alert message which appears in the Description column of the alerts table in the Alerts sub-view of Test Controller
        See Also:
        raiseAlert(int, String), writeMessage(String), error(String), warn(String)
      • raiseAlert

        public final void raiseAlert​(int severity,
                                     java.lang.String message)
        Writes an alert of the specified severity to the Alerts table in Test Controller.

        The AlertManager class contains static final variables which can be passed as the severity parameter, i.e. AlertManager.Information, AlertManager.Warning and AlertManager.Error.

        RaiseAlert must be used sparingly. It is possible to flood the Alerts log. For diagnostic purposes use writeMessage(String), setProgressPoint(String), error(String) and warn(String) to output to the VU event log; this can be viewed at runtime in Test Controller. The Alerts log should only be used for a small number of important messages.

        severity - the severity of the alert
        message - an alert message which appears in the Description column of the alerts table in the Alerts sub-view of Test Controller
      • warn

        public final void warn​(java.lang.String id,
                               java.lang.String info)
        Writes a warning message to the VU event log, specifying an identifier which appears in the ID column.
        id - the warning identifier, which appears in the ID column
        info - a warning message which appears in the Info column
      • warn

        public void warn​(java.lang.String id,
                         java.lang.String info,
                         java.lang.String imagePath)
        Writes a warning message and an image link to the VU event log, specifying an identifier which appears in the ID column.

        An error message is written to the VU event log, and then the event log is flushed.

        The image must be contained within the run directory (as returned by getRunPath(), and the path passed should be relative to this path.

        id - the error identifier, which appears in the ID column
        info - an error message which appears in the Info column
        imagePath - the path to an image file (such as a png or bmp). The path should be a relative path.
        Throws: - The image specified does not exist
      • warn

        public final void warn​(java.lang.Exception e)
        Writes a warning message to the VU event log, consisting of the specified exception
        e - The exception to write to the event log.
      • warn

        public final void warn​(java.lang.String info)
        Writes a warning message to the VU event log.
        info - a warning message which appears in the Info column
      • error

        public final void error​(java.lang.String id,
                                java.lang.String info)
        Writes an error message to the VU event log, specifying an identifier which appears in the ID column.

        An error message is written to the VU event log, and then the event log is flushed.

        id - the error identifier, which appears in the ID column
        info - an error message which appears in the Info column
      • error

        public void error​(java.lang.String message,
                          java.lang.Exception e)
        Writes an error message to the VU event log, which will include the stack trace of the specified Exception.

        An error event is written to the VU's event log and the the event log is flushed.

        message - an error message which appears in the Info column
        e - the stack trace of this Exception will be recorded in the error message
      • error

        public void error​(java.lang.Exception e)
        Writes an error message to the VU event log, which will consist of the details of the specified Exception.

        An error message is written to the VU event log, and then the event log is flushed.

        e - The exception to record in the event log.
      • error

        public void error​(java.lang.String id,
                          java.lang.String info,
                          java.lang.String imagePath)
        Writes an error message and an image link to the VU event log, specifying an identifier which appears in the ID column.

        An error message is written to the VU event log, and then the event log is flushed.

        The image must be contained within the run directory (as returned by getRunPath(), and the path passed should be relative to this path.

        id - the error identifier, which appears in the ID column
        info - an error message which appears in the Info column
        imagePath - the path to an image file (such as a png or bmp). The path should be a relative path.
        Throws: - The image specified does not exist
      • error

        public final void error​(java.lang.String info)
        Writes an error message to the VU event log.

        An error message is written to the VU event log, and then the event log is flushed.

        info - an error message which appears in the Info column
      • getNumberOfWarnings

        public int getNumberOfWarnings()
        Gets the number of warnings that have been reported for this Virtual User.
        the number of warnings that have been reported for this Virtual User
      • getNumberOfErrors

        public int getNumberOfErrors()
        Gets the number of errors that have been reported for this Virtual User.
        the number of errors that have been reported for this Virtual User
      • pause

        public int pause​(int interval)
                  throws BadValueException,
        Pauses the execution of the script for a specified interval (modified by getPauseFactor()).

        The specified interval may be altered by a previous call to setPauseFactor(int) or by the runtime options set in eggPlant Performance Studio.

        interval - the number of milliseconds to pause before executing the next statement
        the length of time that the script actually paused for, in milliseconds
        BadValueException - the interval is less than 0
        ContextTerminationException - This Virtual User has been terminated
      • pause

        public int pause()
                  throws BadValueException,
        Pauses the execution of the script.

        The script pauses for a random number of milliseconds between the minimum and maximum values set in eggPlant Performance Studio. The actual pause time may be altered by a previous call to setPauseFactor(int) or by the runtime options set in eggPlant Performance Studio.

        the length of time that the script paused for, in milliseconds
        BadValueException - Invalid pause interval settings
        ContextTerminationException - This Virtual User has been terminated
      • timeToPause

        public int timeToPause​(int interval)
                        throws BadValueException
        Gets the length of time that this Virtual User would pause for if pause(int) were called with the specified interval.

        When calling pause(int), a length of time in milliseconds is passed as a parameter. The actual pause time may be different, depending on values passed to setPauseFactor(int) or runtime options set in eggPlant Performance Studio. This method returns the actual time that the Virtual User would pause for, if pause(int) were called with the specified interval.

        interval - the interval, in milliseconds
        the actual length of the pause, in milliseconds
        BadValueException - the interval is less than 0
      • getIndex

        public final int getIndex()
        Gets the index number of this Virtual User within the Virtual User group that it belongs to.

        The first Virtual User has index 1.


         // pause for 1 second, every 10th VU
         if ((getIndex() % 10) == 0)
        the index number of this Virtual User within the Virtual User group that it belongs to
      • getPauseFactor

        public final int getPauseFactor()
        Gets the current percentage pause factor.

        The length of time which this Virtual User will pause for when the pause() or pause(int) methods are called will be multiplied by the percentage pause factor.

        e.g. a percentage pause factor of 200 will make pauses last twice as long, and a percentage pause factor of 50 will make pauses last half as long.

        a percentage factor to apply to all subsequent pause() statements
      • setPauseFactor

        public final void setPauseFactor​(int pauseFactor)
                                  throws BadValueException
        Sets the current percentage pause factor.

        You can use this property to slow down or speed up a running test, by changing the length of time that this Virtual User will pause for.


         // to make all pauses twice as long (200%)
         // or to reduce all following pauses to 10% of their stated value
        pauseFactor - a percentage factor to apply to all subsequent pause() statements
        BadValueException - Invalid pause factor
        See Also:
      • clearProgressPoint

        public final void clearProgressPoint()
        Clears the current progress point set for this Virtual User.

        This has the effect of clearing the Progress Point column in Test Controller for this Virtual User.

      • setProgressPoint

        public final void setProgressPoint​(java.lang.String progressPoint)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
        Sets a progress point in the VU event log.

        A progress point can be used to indicate that the execution of a script has reached a certain point, or that the application under test is in a certain state. The progressPoint text will be written to the VU event log, and will appear in Test Controller summary views during the test.


        progressPoint - the progress point identifier, which will appear in the Progress Point column in Test Controller
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • setProgressPoint

        public final void setProgressPoint​(java.lang.String progressPoint,
                                           boolean pass)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
        Sets a progress point in the VU event log, specifying whether the progress point passed.

        A progress point can be used to indicate that the execution of a script has reached a certain point, or that the application under test is in a certain state. The progressPoint text, and whether it passed or failed will be written to the VU event log, and will appear in Test Controller summary views during the test.


         String response = ....   // the response from the server
         if (response.contains("Invalid User or Password"))
             setProgressPoint("logon", false);   // logon failed
             setProgressPoint("logon", true);   // logon OK
        progressPoint - the progress point identifier, which will appear in the Progress Point column in Test Controller
        pass - true if the progress point should be interpreted as a pass
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • setProgressPoint

        public final void setProgressPoint​(java.lang.String progressPoint,
                                           java.lang.String info,
                                           boolean pass)
                                    throws java.lang.Exception
        Sets a progress point in the VU event log, specifying whether the progress point passed and specifying extra information which appears in the Info column.

        A progress point can be used to indicate that the execution of a script has reached a certain point, or that the application under test is in a certain state. The progressPoint text, and whether it passed or failed will be written to the VU event log, and will appear in Test Controller summary views during the test.


         String response = ....   // the response from the server
         if (response.contains("Invalid User or Password"))
             setProgressPoint("logon", response, false);   // logon failed
             setProgressPoint("logon", response, true);   // logon OK
        progressPoint - the progress point identifier, which will appear in the Progress Point column in Test Controller
        info - extra information which appears in the Info column
        pass - true if the progress point should be interpreted as a pass
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • getProgressPoint

        public java.lang.String getProgressPoint()
        Gets the text of the most recent progress point that was set.
        the text of the most recent progress point that was set
      • exitVU

        public final void exitVU()
                          throws ContextTerminationException
        Stops execution of this Virtual User.

        The script processing for this Virtual User is immediately ended (i.e. all further statements in this script are not executed, and the execution of all further scripts is also stopped). An information message is written to the VU event log to indicate that exitVU() has been called, and the final end entry in the log is written.

        This method raises a ContextTerminationException and under normal conditions you should not write any code to catch this exception, as this would interfere with the mechanism of the eggPlant Performance engine.

        ContextTerminationException - This Virtual User has been terminated
      • exitVU

        public final void exitVU​(boolean pass)
                          throws ContextTerminationException
        Stops execution of this Virtual User, specifying whether the script completed successfully.

        The script processing for this Virtual User is immediately ended (i.e. all further statements in this script are not executed, and the execution of all further scripts is also stopped). An information message is written to the VU event log to indicate that exitVU() has been called, and the final end entry in the log is annotated with Pass or Fail in the ID column depending on the value of pass. The Virtual User will also be counted in the In Error column in Test Controller if pass is false.

        This method raises a ContextTerminationException and under normal conditions you should not write any code to catch this exception, as this would interfere with the mechanism of the eggPlant Performance engine.

        pass - true if the script should be considered to have completed successfully
        ContextTerminationException - This Virtual User has been terminated
      • exitVU

        public final void exitVU​(java.lang.String msg,
                                 boolean pass)
                          throws ContextTerminationException
        Stops execution of this Virtual User, specifying whether the script completed successfully and a message to display at the end of the event log.

        The script processing for this Virtual User is immediately ended (i.e. all further statements in this script are not executed, and the execution of all further scripts is also stopped). An information message is written to the VU event log to indicate that exitVU() has been called, and the final end entry in the log is annotated with Pass or Fail in the ID column depending on the value of pass. The Virtual User will also be counted in the In Error column in Test Controller if pass is false.

        This method raises a ContextTerminationException and under normal conditions you should not write any code to catch this exception, as this would interfere with the mechanism of the eggPlant Performance engine.

        msg - an information message which appears in the Info column of the end entry
        pass - true if the script should be considered to have completed successfully
        ContextTerminationException - This Virtual User has been terminated
      • getCurrentTransaction

        public java.lang.String getCurrentTransaction()
        Gets the name of the transaction that is currently in progress.

        This is the name of the most recent transaction to be started by a call to startTransaction(String). If no transaction is currently in progress, then an empty String will be returned.

        the name of the transaction that is currently in progress
      • nextIteration

        public final void nextIteration()
                                 throws ScriptContextTerminationException
        Stops execution of the current script, and starts execution of the next iteration.

        The execution of the calling script ceases and the execution of the next iteration of scripts is begun. If the sequence of scripts being executed is the initial or final sequence of scripts, then the execution of this sequence is curtailed. Otherwise, the execution of the repeated sequence of scripts begins again at the next iteration.

        This method raises a ScriptContextTerminationException, and under normal conditions you should not write any code to catch this exception, as this would interfere with the mechanism of the eggPlant Performance engine.

        ScriptContextTerminationException - This script has been terminated
      • finalSequence

        public final void finalSequence()
                                 throws ScriptContextTerminationException
        Stops execution of the current script and then executes the scripts in the final section of the current workflow.

        The execution of the calling script ceases and the execution of all further scripts in the current sequence is curtailed.

        This method raises a ScriptContextTerminationException, and under normal conditions you should not write any code to catch this exception, as this would interfere with the mechanism of the eggPlant Performance engine.

        ScriptContextTerminationException - This script has been terminated
      • nextSequence

        public final void nextSequence()
                                throws ScriptContextTerminationException
        Stops execution of the current script and any other scripts in the current sequence, and starts execution of the next sequence of scripts.

        This method raises a ScriptContextTerminationException, and under normal conditions you should not write any code to catch this exception, as this would interfere with the mechanism of the eggPlant Performance engine.

        ScriptContextTerminationException - This script has been terminated
      • nextScript

        public final void nextScript()
                              throws ScriptContextTerminationException
        Stops execution of the current script, and starts execution of the next script in the sequence.

        The execution of the calling script ceases and the execution of the next script in the sequence of scripts to be executed is begun. This method and the return statement are not equivalent. This method should be used in preference to the return statement. Remember that a VirtualUserScript may have additional methods other than script() and executing a return statement from anywhere other than the script() method will not exit the execution of the VirtualUserScript object.

        This method raises a ScriptContextTerminationException and under normal conditions you should not write any code to catch this exception, as this would interfere with the mechanism of the eggPlant Performance engine.

        ScriptContextTerminationException - This script has been terminated
      • startTiming

        public void startTiming​(java.lang.String id)
                         throws java.lang.Exception
        Writes a start timing event to the VU event log.

        The time in milliseconds since the start of the test run is recorded when this method is called. When endTiming(String) is called with the same id, an end timing event is written to the VU event log. eggPlant Performance uses the time difference between the events to calculate the timing with the specified id.

        Timings are similar to transactions but are measured and grouped separately in test results.

        id - the timing identifier
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
        See Also:
        endTiming(String), endTiming(String, boolean)
      • startTransaction

        public void startTransaction​(java.lang.String id)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
        Writes a start transaction event to the VU event log.

        The time in milliseconds since the start of the test run is recorded when this method is called. When endTransaction(String) is called with the same id, an end transaction event is written to the VU event log. eggPlant Performance uses the time difference between the events to calculate the transaction time for the transaction named with the specified id.

        Test Controller and Analyzer use the transaction times to calculate statistics such as average transaction time for each different id. These statistics give an indication of the performance of the System Under Test, as they show how long it takes for Virtual Users to perform the actions.

        id - the transaction identifier
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
        See Also:
        endTransaction(String), suspendTransaction(String), resumeTransaction(String)
      • startTransaction

        public void startTransaction​(java.lang.String id,
                                     java.lang.String tag)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
        Writes a start transaction event to the VU event log, specifying a tag which appears in the Info column.

        The time in milliseconds since the start of the test run is recorded when this method is called. When endTransaction(String) is called with the same id, an end transaction event is written to the VU event log. eggPlant Performance uses the time difference between the events to calculate the transaction time for the transaction named with the specified id.

        Test Controller and Analyzer use the transaction times to calculate statistics such as average transaction time for each different id. These statistics give an indication of the performance of the System Under Test, as they show how long it takes for Virtual Users to perform the actions.

        id - the transaction identifier
        tag - extra information which appears in the Info column
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
        See Also:
        endTransaction(String, boolean, String), suspendTransaction(String), resumeTransaction(String)
      • getTransactionElapsedTime

        public int getTransactionElapsedTime​(java.lang.String id)
                                      throws ContextTerminationException
        Gets the current elapsed time of the transaction with the specified id.


         // do activity
         if (getTransactionElapsedTime("Transaction1") > 5000)
             setProgressPoint("Activity > 5 Seconds");
         // do more activity
         endTransaction("Transaction1", true);
        id - the transaction identifier
        the elapsed time of the transaction, in milliseconds
        ContextTerminationException - This Virtual User has been terminated
      • getTransactionElapsedTime

        public int getTransactionElapsedTime​(java.lang.String id,
                                             java.lang.String tag)
                                      throws ContextTerminationException
        Gets the current elapsed time of the transaction with the specified id and tag.


         startTransaction("Transaction1", "Tag1");
         // do activity
         startTransaction("Transaction1", "Tag2");
         if (getTransactionElapsedTime("Transaction1", "Tag1") > 5000)
             setProgressPoint("Activity > 5 Seconds");
         endTransaction("Transaction1", true, "Tag1");
         // do more activity
         endTransaction("Transaction1", true, "Tag2");
        id - the identifier of the transaction
        tag - the transaction tag
        the elapsed time of the transaction, in milliseconds
        ContextTerminationException - This Virtual User has been terminated
      • getTimingElapsedTime

        public int getTimingElapsedTime()
                                 throws ContextTerminationException
        Gets the elapsed time of the current active timing.

        Returns 0 (zero) if there is no current timing. A timing can be started using the startTiming(String) method.


         // do activity
         if (getTimingElapsedTime() > 5000)
             setProgressPoint("Activity > 5 Seconds");
         // do more activity
        the elapsed time of the timing, in milliseconds
        ContextTerminationException - This Virtual User has been terminated
      • isLastIteration

        public final boolean isLastIteration()
        Returns true if more iterations will occur for the current Virtual User.

        If the currently executing script belongs to the initial or final sequence of scripts in this Virtual User's workflow, then this will always return true.

        If the currently executing script belongs to the iterated sequence of scripts and this method returns true, then the VU will cease to iterate once the current sequence has completed execution.

        If the Virtual User is set to iterate for a certain length of time, then the time remaining is checked and an estimate is made as to whether further iterations may occur.

        true if there will be no more iterations in the current sequence
      • suspendTransaction

        public final void suspendTransaction​(java.lang.String id,
                                             java.lang.String tag)
                                      throws java.lang.Exception
        Suspends the timing of the specified transaction, identified by tag as well as id.

        Use resumeTransaction(String, String) to resume timing again afterwards.


         startTransaction("login", "1");
         // This should be included in the transaction time
         suspendTransaction("login", "1");
         // The time taken for this processing to be done will be
         // subtracted from the total "login" transaction time
         // because it isn't related to the performance of the SUT
         resumeTransaction("login", "1");
         // This should be included in the transaction time
         endTransaction("login", true, "1");
        id - the transaction identifier
        tag - the transaction tag
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
        See Also:
        resumeTransaction(String,String), startTransaction(String, String), endTransaction(String, boolean, String)
      • suspendTransaction

        public final void suspendTransaction​(java.lang.String id)
                                      throws java.lang.Exception
        Suspends the timing of the specified transaction.

        Use resumeTransaction(String) to resume timing again afterwards.


         // This should be included in the transaction time
         // The time taken for this processing to be done will be
         // subtracted from the total "login" transaction time
         // because it isn't related to the performance of the SUT
         // This should be included in the transaction time
        id - the transaction identifier
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
        See Also:
        resumeTransaction(String), startTransaction(String), endTransaction(String)
      • resumeTransaction

        public final void resumeTransaction​(java.lang.String id,
                                            java.lang.String tag)
                                     throws java.lang.Exception
        Resumes the timing of the specified transaction, identified by tag as well as id.

        Use this method after a call to suspendTransaction(String, String).


         startTransaction("login", "1");
         // This should be included in the transaction time
         suspendTransaction("login", "1");
         // The time taken for this processing to be done will be
         // subtracted from the total "login" transaction time
         // because it isn't related to the performance of the SUT
         resumeTransaction("login", "1");
         // This should be included in the transaction time
         endTransaction("login", true, "1");
        id - the transaction identifier
        tag - the transaction tag
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
        See Also:
        suspendTransaction(String,String), startTransaction(String, String), endTransaction(String, boolean, String)
      • resumeTransaction

        public final void resumeTransaction​(java.lang.String id)
                                     throws java.lang.Exception
        Resumes the timing of the specified transaction.

        Use this method after a call to suspendTransaction(String).


         // This should be included in the transaction time
         // The time taken for this processing to be done will be
         // subtracted from the total "login" transaction time
         // because it isn't related to the performance of the SUT
         // This should be included in the transaction time
        id - the transaction identifier
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
        See Also:
        suspendTransaction(String), startTransaction(String), endTransaction(String)
      • getLastTransaction

        public java.lang.String getLastTransaction()
        Gets the name of the most recent transaction to have ended.
        the name of the most recent transaction to have ended
      • endTransaction

        public int endTransaction​(java.lang.String id)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
        Writes an end transaction event to the VU event log.

        The time in milliseconds since the start of the test run is recorded when this method is called. The startTransaction(String) method should already have been called with the same id. eggPlant Performance uses the time difference between the events to calculate the transaction time for the transaction named with the specified id.

        Test Controller and Analyzer use the transaction times to calculate statistics such as average transaction time for each different id. These statistics give an indication of the performance of the System Under Test, as they show how long it takes for Virtual Users to perform the actions.

        id - the transaction identifier
        elapsed time in milliseconds since the start of the test
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
        See Also:
        startTransaction(String), suspendTransaction(String), resumeTransaction(String)
      • endTransaction

        public int endTransaction​(java.lang.String id,
                                  boolean pass)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
        Writes an end transaction event to the VU event log, specifying whether the transaction passed.

        The time in milliseconds since the start of the test run is recorded when this method is called. The startTransaction(String) method should already have been called with the same id. eggPlant Performance uses the time difference between the events to calculate the transaction time for the transaction named with the specified id.

        Test Controller and Analyzer use the transaction times to calculate statistics such as average transaction time for each different id. These statistics give an indication of the performance of the System Under Test, as they show how long it takes for Virtual Users to perform the actions.

        If the transaction failed, then it will be counted separately in Test Controller and Analyzer.

        id - the transaction identifier
        pass - true if the transaction should be interpreted as a pass
        elapsed time in milliseconds since the start of the test
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
        See Also:
        startTransaction(String), suspendTransaction(String), resumeTransaction(String)
      • endTransaction

        public int endTransaction​(java.lang.String id,
                                  boolean pass,
                                  java.lang.String tag)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
        Writes an end transaction event to the VU event log, specifying whether the transaction passed, and specifying a tag which appears in the Info column.

        The time in milliseconds since the start of the test run is recorded when this method is called. The startTransaction(String) method should already have been called with the same id. eggPlant Performance uses the time difference between the events to calculate the transaction time for the transaction named with the specified id.

        Test Controller and Analyzer use the transaction times to calculate statistics such as average transaction time for each different id. These statistics give an indication of the performance of the System Under Test, as they show how long it takes for Virtual Users to perform the actions.

        If the transaction failed, then it will be counted separately in Test Controller and Analyzer.

        id - the transaction identifier
        pass - true if the transaction should be interpreted as a pass
        tag - extra information which appears in the Info column
        elapsed time in milliseconds since the start of the test
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
        See Also:
        startTransaction(String, String), suspendTransaction(String), resumeTransaction(String)
      • failTransaction

        public int failTransaction​(java.lang.String id)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
        Writes a fail transaction event to the VU event log.

        The time in milliseconds since the start of the test run is recorded when this method is called. The startTransaction(String) method should already have been called with the same id. eggPlant Performance uses the time difference between the events to calculate the transaction time for the transaction named with the specified id.

        This transaction will be interpreted as having failed, so it will be counted separately in Test Controller and Analyzer. This is equivalent to calling endTransaction(String, boolean) with a pass value of false.

        Test Controller and Analyzer use the transaction times to calculate statistics such as average transaction time for each different id. These statistics give an indication of the performance of the System Under Test, as they show how long it takes for Virtual Users to perform the actions.

        id - the transaction identifier
        elapsed time in milliseconds since the start of the test
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
        See Also:
        startTransaction(String), endTransaction(String)
      • failTransaction

        public int failTransaction​(java.lang.String id,
                                   java.lang.String tag)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
        Writes a fail transaction event to the VU event log, specifying a tag which appears in the Info column.

        The time in milliseconds since the start of the test run is recorded when this method is called. The startTransaction(String, String) method should already have been called with the same id. eggPlant Performance uses the time difference between the events to calculate the transaction time for the transaction named with the specified id.

        This transaction will be interpreted as having failed, so it will be counted separately in Test Controller and Analyzer. This is equivalent to calling endTransaction(String, boolean, String) with a pass value of false.

        Test Controller and Analyzer use the transaction times to calculate statistics such as average transaction time for each different id. These statistics give an indication of the performance of the System Under Test, as they show how long it takes for Virtual Users to perform the actions.

        id - the transaction identifier
        tag - extra information which appears in the Info column
        elapsed time in milliseconds since the start of the test
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
        See Also:
        startTransaction(String, String), endTransaction(String, boolean, String)
      • getTransactionLoggingOn

        public final boolean getTransactionLoggingOn()
        Returns true if transactions should be logged for this VU.

        When the Transaction Logging flag is false, start and end transaction events are not written to the event log.

        true if transactions should be logged
        See Also:
      • setTransactionLoggingOn

        public final void setTransactionLoggingOn​(boolean value)
        Sets whether transactions should be logged for this VU.

        When the Transaction Logging flag is false, start and end transaction events are not written to the event log.

        value - true if transactions should be logged
        See Also:
      • endTiming

        public void endTiming​(java.lang.String id)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
        Writes an end timing event to the VU event log.

        The time in milliseconds since the start of the test run is recorded when this method is called. The startTiming(String) method should already have been called with the same id. eggPlant Performance uses the time difference between the events to calculate the timing with the specified id.

        Timings are similar to transactions but are measured and grouped separately in test results.

        id - the timing identifier
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
        See Also:
      • endTiming

        public void endTiming​(java.lang.String id,
                              boolean pass)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
        Writes an end timing event to the VU event log, specifying whether the timing passed.

        The time in milliseconds since the start of the test run is recorded when this method is called. The startTiming(String) method should already have been called with the same id. eggPlant Performance uses the time difference between the events to calculate the timing with the specified id.

        Timings are similar to transactions but are measured and grouped separately in test results.

        If the timing failed, then it will be counted separately in Test Controller and Analyzer.

        id - the timing identifier
        pass - true if the timing should be interpreted as a pass
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
        See Also:
      • failTiming

        public void failTiming​(java.lang.String id)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
        Writes a fail timing event to the VU event log.

        The time in milliseconds since the start of the test run is recorded when this method is called. The startTiming(String) method should already have been called with the same id. eggPlant Performance uses the time difference between the events to calculate the timing with the specified id.

        This timing will be interpreted as having failed, so it will be counted separately in Test Controller and Analyzer. This is equivalent to calling endTiming(String, boolean) with a pass value of false.

        Timings are similar to transactions but are measured and grouped separately in test results.

        id - the timing identifier
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • writeMessage

        public void writeMessage​(java.lang.String message)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
        Writes an information message to the VU event log.
        message - an information message which appears in the Info column
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • writeMessage

        public void writeMessage​(java.lang.String id,
                                 java.lang.String message)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
        Writes an information message to the VU event log, specifying an identifier which appears in the ID column.
        id - the message identifier, which appears in the ID column
        message - an information message which appears in the Info column
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • writeMessage

        public void writeMessage​(java.lang.Exception e)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
        Write an information message to the VU event log, consisting of the exception specified.
        e - The exception to write to the event log.
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • writeMessage

        public void writeMessage​(java.lang.String id,
                                 java.lang.String info,
                                 java.lang.String imagePath)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
        Writes an information message to the VU event log and also a link to an image, specifying an identifier which appears in the ID column.

        The image must be contained within the run directory (as returned by getRunPath(), and the path passed should be relative to this path.

        id - the message identifier, which appears in the ID column
        info - an information message which appears in the Info column
        imagePath - the path to an image file (such as a png or bmp). The path should be a relative path.
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • getGroupSizes

        public final com.facilita.fc.runtime.SimpleDataDictionary getGroupSizes()
        Gets the number of Virtual Users in each Virtual User group.


         // get the number of Virtual Users in the group "G1"
         int groupSize = getGroupSizes().getInt("G1");
        a DataDictionary in which the keys are group names and the values are the group sizes
      • getUniqueID

        public final int getUniqueID()
        Gets a test-wide unique identifier for this Virtual User.

        The first Virtual User has the identifier 1.

         // pause for 1 second, every 10th VU
         if ((getUniqueID() % 10) == 0)
        the unique identifier of this Virtual User
      • getGroupSize

        public final int getGroupSize​(java.lang.String groupName)
                               throws NoSuchValueException,
        Gets the number of Virtual Users in the specified Virtual User group.


         // get the number of Virtual Users in the group "G1"
         int groupSize = getGroupSize("G1");
        groupName - a Virtual User group
        the size of the Virtual User group
        NoSuchValueException - Invalid group name
        BadValueException - Group name is null
      • getUniqueID

        public final int getUniqueID​(java.lang.String groupName,
                                     int index)
                              throws BadValueException
        Gets a test-wide unique identifier for a specified Virtual User within a Virtual User group.

        The first Virtual User has identifier 1.


         // get the unique identifier for the 5th VU in the "Supervisors" Virtual User group
         int vuNum = getUniqueID("Supervisors", 5);
        groupName - the group name
        index - the index of the Virtual User within the group
        the unique identifier of the Virtual User
        BadValueException - Invalid group name
      • getString

        public final java.lang.String getString​(java.lang.String key,
                                                java.lang.String defaultValue)
                                         throws BadValueException
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Returns a String value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found.

        Default data warning:
        When called from a VU script, if the defaultValue is returned then a message is also written to the VU Event Log. This feature helps highlight problems with data bindings when data is expected to come from a data source, but the default value is returned instead.

        An example of the message entry in the Event Log:

        MessageDefault data warningNo value found for key: myString, using default value instead: abcd

        To turn this feature off, go to the Test view in eggPlant Performance Studio and uncheck the option "Enable default data warnings" on the Data tab.

        Specified by:
        getString in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to be looked up in the dictionary
        defaultValue - the value to return if the key is not present in the dictionary
        a String value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found
        BadValueException - the key was null
        See Also:
        DataDictionary.setString(String, String)
      • getInteger

        public final java.lang.Integer getInteger​(java.lang.String key,
                                                  java.lang.Integer defaultValue)
                                           throws BadValueException
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Returns a java.lang.Integer value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found.

        Default data warning:
        When called from a VU script, if the defaultValue is returned then a message is also written to the VU Event Log. This feature helps highlight problems with data bindings when data is expected to come from a data source, but the default value is returned instead.

        An example of the message entry in the Event Log:

        MessageDefault data warningNo value found for key: myInteger, using default value instead: 1234

        To turn this feature off, go to the Test view in eggPlant Performance Studio and uncheck the option "Enable default data warnings" on the Data tab.

        Specified by:
        getInteger in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to be looked up in the dictionary
        defaultValue - the value to return if the key is not present in the dictionary
        a java.lang.Integer value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found
        BadValueException - the key was null
        See Also:
        DataDictionary.setInteger(String, Integer)
      • getInt

        public final int getInt​(java.lang.String key,
                                int defaultValue)
                         throws BadValueException
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Returns an int value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found.

        Default data warning:
        When called from a VU script, if the defaultValue is returned then a message is also written to the VU Event Log. This feature helps highlight problems with data bindings when data is expected to come from a data source, but the default value is returned instead.

        An example of the message entry in the Event Log:

        MessageDefault data warningNo value found for key: myInt, using default value instead: 1234

        To turn this feature off, go to the Test view in eggPlant Performance Studio and uncheck the option "Enable default data warnings" on the Data tab.

        Specified by:
        getInt in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to be looked up in the dictionary
        defaultValue - the value to return if the key is not present in the dictionary
        an int value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found
        BadValueException - the key was null
        See Also:
        DataDictionary.setInt(String, int)
      • getLong

        public final long getLong​(java.lang.String key,
                                  long defaultValue)
                           throws BadValueException
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Returns a long value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found.

        Default data warning:
        When called from a VU script, if the defaultValue is returned then a message is also written to the VU Event Log. This feature helps highlight problems with data bindings when data is expected to come from a data source, but the default value is returned instead.

        An example of the message entry in the Event Log:

        MessageDefault data warningNo value found for key: myLong, using default value instead: 1234567890L

        To turn this feature off, go to the Test view in eggPlant Performance Studio and uncheck the option "Enable default data warnings" on the Data tab.

        Specified by:
        getLong in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to be looked up in the dictionary
        defaultValue - the value to return if the key is not present in the dictionary
        a long value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found
        BadValueException - the key was null
        See Also:
        DataDictionary.setLong(String, long)
      • getFloat

        public final float getFloat​(java.lang.String key,
                                    float defaultValue)
                             throws BadValueException
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Returns a float value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found.

        Default data warning:
        When called from a VU script, if the defaultValue is returned then a message is also written to the VU Event Log. This feature helps highlight problems with data bindings when data is expected to come from a data source, but the default value is returned instead.

        An example of the message entry in the Event Log:

        MessageDefault data warningNo value found for key: myFloat, using default value instead: 3.142F

        To turn this feature off, go to the Test view in eggPlant Performance Studio and uncheck the option "Enable default data warnings" on the Data tab.

        Specified by:
        getFloat in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to be looked up in the dictionary
        defaultValue - the value to return if the key is not present in the dictionary
        a float value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found
        BadValueException - the key was null
        See Also:
        DataDictionary.setFloat(String, float)
      • getDouble

        public final double getDouble​(java.lang.String key,
                                      double defaultValue)
                               throws BadValueException
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Returns a double value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found.

        Default data warning:
        When called from a VU script, if the defaultValue is returned then a message is also written to the VU Event Log. This feature helps highlight problems with data bindings when data is expected to come from a data source, but the default value is returned instead.

        An example of the message entry in the Event Log:

        MessageDefault data warningNo value found for key: myDouble, using default value instead: 1.234

        To turn this feature off, go to the Test view in eggPlant Performance Studio and uncheck the option "Enable default data warnings" on the Data tab.

        Specified by:
        getDouble in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to be looked up in the dictionary
        defaultValue - the value to return if the key is not present in the dictionary
        a double value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found
        BadValueException - the key was null
        See Also:
        DataDictionary.setDouble(String, double)
      • getBoolean

        public final boolean getBoolean​(java.lang.String key,
                                        boolean defaultValue)
                                 throws BadValueException
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Returns a boolean value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found.

        Default data warning:
        When called from a VU script, if the defaultValue is returned then a message is also written to the VU Event Log. This feature helps highlight problems with data bindings when data is expected to come from a data source, but the default value is returned instead.

        An example of the message entry in the Event Log:

        MessageDefault data warningNo value found for key: myBoolean, using default value instead: true

        To turn this feature off, go to the Test view in eggPlant Performance Studio and uncheck the option "Enable default data warnings" on the Data tab.

        Specified by:
        getBoolean in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to be looked up in the dictionary
        defaultValue - the value to return if the key is not present in the dictionary
        a boolean value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found
        BadValueException - the key was null
        See Also:
        DataDictionary.setBoolean(String, boolean)
      • get

        public final java.lang.Object get​(java.lang.String key,
                                          java.lang.Object defaultValue)
                                   throws BadValueException
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Returns an Object value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found.

        Default data warning:
        When called from a VU script, if the defaultValue is returned then a message is also written to the VU Event Log. This feature helps highlight problems with data bindings when data is expected to come from a data source, but the default value is returned instead.

        An example of the message entry in the Event Log:

        MessageDefault data warningNo value found for key: myObject, using default value instead: abcd1234

        To turn this feature off, go to the Test view in eggPlant Performance Studio and uncheck the option "Enable default data warnings" on the Data tab.

        Specified by:
        get in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to be looked up in the dictionary
        defaultValue - the value to return if the key is not present in the dictionary
        an Object value held in the dictionary, or the defaultValue if the key cannot be found
        BadValueException - the key was null
      • setString

        public final void setString​(java.lang.String key,
                                    java.lang.String string)
                             throws NotAllowedException,
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Sets a String value in the dictionary.

        key is associated with the value in the dictionary. If the key already exists in the dictionary then the old value is replaced by the new value, otherwise a new key/value pair is added to the dictionary.


         setString("hostName", "");
        Specified by:
        setString in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to associate with string in the dictionary
        string - the String to be associated with the key in the dictionary
        NotAllowedException - This dictionary is read only
        BadValueException - the key was null
        See Also:
      • setInteger

        public final void setInteger​(java.lang.String key,
                                     java.lang.Integer i)
                              throws NotAllowedException,
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Sets an Integer value in the dictionary.

        key is associated with the value in the dictionary. If the key already exists in the dictionary then the old value is replaced by the new value, otherwise a new key/value pair is added to the dictionary.


         setInteger("port", 8080);
        Specified by:
        setInteger in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to associate with i in the dictionary
        i - the Integer to be associated with the key in the dictionary
        NotAllowedException - This dictionary is read only
        BadValueException - the key was null
        See Also:
      • setInt

        public final void setInt​(java.lang.String key,
                                 int i)
                          throws NotAllowedException,
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Sets an int value in the dictionary.

        key is associated with the value in the dictionary. If the key already exists in the dictionary then the old value is replaced by the new value, otherwise a new key/value pair is added to the dictionary.


         setInt("port", 8080);
        Specified by:
        setInt in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to associate with i in the dictionary
        i - the int to be associated with the key in the dictionary
        NotAllowedException - This dictionary is read only
        BadValueException - the key was null
        See Also:
      • set

        public final <T> void set​(java.lang.String key,
                                  T o)
                           throws NotAllowedException,
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Sets an Object value in the dictionary.

        key is associated with the value in the dictionary. If the key already exists in the dictionary then the old value is replaced by the new value, otherwise a new key/value pair is added to the dictionary.


         set("today", new Date());
        Specified by:
        set in interface DataDictionary
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of object to add to the dictionary
        key - the key to associate with o in the dictionary
        o - the Object to be associated with the key in the dictionary
        NotAllowedException - This dictionary is read only
        BadValueException - the key was null
        See Also:
      • setDouble

        public final void setDouble​(java.lang.String key,
                                    double i)
                             throws NotAllowedException,
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Sets a double value in the dictionary.

        key is associated with the value in the dictionary. If the key already exists in the dictionary then the old value is replaced by the new value, otherwise a new key/value pair is added to the dictionary.


         setDouble("amount", 123.45);
        Specified by:
        setDouble in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to associate with i in the dictionary
        i - the double to be associated with the key in the dictionary
        NotAllowedException - This dictionary is read only
        BadValueException - the key was null
        See Also:
      • setFloat

        public final void setFloat​(java.lang.String key,
                                   float i)
                            throws NotAllowedException,
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Sets a float value in the dictionary.

        key is associated with the value in the dictionary. If the key already exists in the dictionary then the old value is replaced by the new value, otherwise a new key/value pair is added to the dictionary.


         setFloat("amount", 123.45);
        Specified by:
        setFloat in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to associate with i in the dictionary
        i - the float to be associated with the key in the dictionary
        NotAllowedException - This dictionary is read only
        BadValueException - the key was null
        See Also:
      • setLong

        public final void setLong​(java.lang.String key,
                                  long i)
                           throws NotAllowedException,
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Sets a long value in the dictionary.

        key is associated with the value in the dictionary. If the key already exists in the dictionary then the old value is replaced by the new value, otherwise a new key/value pair is added to the dictionary.


         setLong("amount", 9156598231230);
        Specified by:
        setLong in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to associate with i in the dictionary
        i - the long to be associated with the key in the dictionary
        NotAllowedException - This dictionary is read only
        BadValueException - the key was null
        See Also:
      • getList

        public final java.util.List getList​(java.lang.String key,
                                            java.util.List defaultList)
                                     throws BadValueException
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Returns a List value held in the dictionary, or the defaultList if the key cannot be found.

        Default data warning:
        When called from a VU script, if the defaultList is returned then a message is also written to the VU Event Log. This feature helps highlight problems with data bindings when data is expected to come from a data source, but the default value is returned instead.

        An example of the message entry in the Event Log:

        MessageDefault data warningNo value found for key: myList, using default value instead: List with first item: Item01

        To turn this feature off, go to the Test view in eggPlant Performance Studio and uncheck the option "Enable default data warnings" on the Data tab.

        Specified by:
        getList in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to be looked up in the dictionary
        defaultList - the value to return if the key is not present in the dictionary
        a List value held in the dictionary, or the defaultList if the key cannot be found
        BadValueException - the key was null
        See Also:
        DataDictionary.setList(String, List)
      • setList

        public final void setList​(java.lang.String key,
                                  java.util.List list)
                           throws NotAllowedException,
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Sets a List value in the dictionary.

        key is associated with the value in the dictionary. If the key already exists in the dictionary then the old value is replaced by the new value, otherwise a new key/value pair is added to the dictionary.


         List<String> hostList = new ArrayList<String>();
         setList("hosts", hostList);
        Specified by:
        setList in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to associate with list in the dictionary
        list - the List to be associated with the key in the dictionary
        NotAllowedException - This dictionary is read only
        BadValueException - the key was null
        See Also:
      • setBoolean

        public final void setBoolean​(java.lang.String key,
                                     boolean b)
                              throws NotAllowedException,
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Sets a boolean value in the dictionary.

        key is associated with the value in the dictionary. If the key already exists in the dictionary then the old value is replaced by the new value, otherwise a new key/value pair is added to the dictionary.


         setBoolean("retryLogon", false);
        Specified by:
        setBoolean in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to associate with b in the dictionary
        b - the boolean to be associated with the key in the dictionary
        NotAllowedException - This dictionary is read only
        BadValueException - the key was null
        See Also:
      • keys

        public final java.util.Iterator keys()
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Returns an Iterator that can be used to iterate over the keys in this dictionary.
        Specified by:
        keys in interface DataDictionary
        an Iterator that can be used to iterate over the keys in this dictionary
      • setName

        public final void setName​(java.lang.String name)
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Sets the name of this dictionary.
        Specified by:
        setName in interface DataDictionary
        name - the name of the Data Dictionary
      • isReadOnly

        public final boolean isReadOnly()
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Returns true if this dictionary is read-only.
        Specified by:
        isReadOnly in interface DataDictionary
        true if this dictionary is read-only
      • getName

        public final java.lang.String getName()
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Gets the name of this dictionary.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface DataDictionary
        the name of the Data Dictionary
      • getMap

        public final java.util.Map getMap()
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Gets a Map containing all the keys/values in this dictionary.
        Specified by:
        getMap in interface DataDictionary
        a Map containing all the keys/values in this dictionary
      • logCurrentDataValues

        public void logCurrentDataValues()
                                  throws java.lang.Exception
        Write all of the current data values to the VU event log
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
        See Also:
      • toString

        public final java.lang.String toString()
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Returns a String representation of the dictionary.
        Specified by:
        toString in interface DataDictionary
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        a String representing the key/value pairs in the dictionary
      • whereAmI

        public java.lang.String whereAmI()
        Returns a stack trace for this Virtual User.
        a stack trace for this Virtual User
      • hasKey

        public boolean hasKey​(java.lang.String key)
        Description copied from interface: DataDictionary
        Returns true if the specified key is contained within the dictionary.


         if (myDictionary.HasKey("newHostName"))
             // do something
             // do something else
        Specified by:
        hasKey in interface DataDictionary
        key - the key to be looked up in the dictionary
        true if the dictionary contains the specified key
      • fail

        public final void fail​(java.lang.String message,
                               boolean throwException)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
        Writes a fail event to the VU event log.
        message - a failure message which appears in the Info column
        throwException - true if an FCException should be thrown
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • verify

        public boolean verify​(boolean arg,
                              boolean throwException)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
        Verifies that a boolean expression is true.
        arg - the expression to evaluate
        throwException - true if an FCException should be thrown if the expression evaluates to false
        true if the expression evaluates to true
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • verifyEQ

        public final boolean verifyEQ​(java.lang.String arg1,
                                      java.lang.String arg2,
                                      boolean throwException,
                                      boolean caseInsensitive)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Verifies that two String objects are equal.
        arg1 - the 1st String
        arg2 - the 2nd String
        throwException - true if an FCException should be thrown if the String objects are not equal
        caseInsensitive - true if the comparison should be case-insensitive
        true if the String objects are equal
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • verifyEQ

        public final boolean verifyEQ​(int arg1,
                                      int arg2,
                                      boolean throwException)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Verifies that two integers are equal.
        arg1 - the 1st integer
        arg2 - the 2nd integer
        throwException - true if an FCException should be thrown if the integers are not equal
        true if the integers are equal
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • verifyEQ

        public final boolean verifyEQ​(long arg1,
                                      long arg2,
                                      boolean throwException)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Verifies that two longs are equal.
        arg1 - the 1st long
        arg2 - the 2nd long
        throwException - true if an FCException should be thrown if the longs are not equal
        true if the longs are equal
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • verifyEQ

        public final boolean verifyEQ​(double arg1,
                                      double arg2,
                                      double delta,
                                      boolean throwException)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Verifies that two doubles are equal.
        arg1 - the 1st double
        arg2 - the 2nd double
        delta - the maximum permitted difference between the two values
        throwException - true if an FCException should be thrown if the doubles are not equal
        true if the doubles are equal
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • verifyLT

        public final boolean verifyLT​(java.lang.String arg1,
                                      java.lang.String arg2,
                                      boolean throwException,
                                      boolean caseInsensitive)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Verifies that one String is less than another.
        arg1 - the 1st String
        arg2 - the 2nd String
        throwException - true if an FCException should be thrown if the 1st String is not less than the 2nd String
        caseInsensitive - true if the comparison should be case-insensitive
        true if the 1st String is less than the 2nd String
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • verifyLT

        public final boolean verifyLT​(int arg1,
                                      int arg2,
                                      boolean throwException)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Verifies that one integer is less than another.
        arg1 - the 1st integer
        arg2 - the 2nd integer
        throwException - true if an FCException should be thrown if the 1st integer is not less than the 2nd integer
        true if the 1st integer is less than the 2nd integer
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • verifyLT

        public final boolean verifyLT​(long arg1,
                                      long arg2,
                                      boolean throwException)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Verifies that one long is less than another.
        arg1 - the 1st long
        arg2 - the 2nd long
        throwException - true if an FCException should be thrown if the 1st long is not less than the 2nd long
        true if the 1st long is less than the 2nd long
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • verifyLT

        public final boolean verifyLT​(double arg1,
                                      double arg2,
                                      double delta,
                                      boolean throwException)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Verifies that one double is less than another.
        arg1 - the 1st double
        arg2 - the 2nd double
        delta - the maximum permitted difference between the values
        throwException - true if an FCException should be thrown if the 1st double is not less than the 2nd double
        true if the 1st double is less than the 2nd double
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • verifyLE

        public final boolean verifyLE​(java.lang.String arg1,
                                      java.lang.String arg2,
                                      boolean throwException,
                                      boolean caseInsensitive)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Verifies that one String is less than or equal to another.
        arg1 - the 1st String
        arg2 - the 2nd String
        throwException - true if an FCException should be thrown if the 1st String is not less than or equal to the 2nd String
        caseInsensitive - true if the comparison should be case-insensitive
        true if the 1st String is less than or equal to the 2nd String
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • verifyLE

        public final boolean verifyLE​(int arg1,
                                      int arg2,
                                      boolean throwException)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Verifies that one integer is less than or equal to another.
        arg1 - the 1st integer
        arg2 - the 2nd integer
        throwException - true if an FCException should be thrown if the 1st integer is not less than or equal to the 2nd integer
        true if the 1st integer is less than or equal to the 2nd integer
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • verifyLE

        public final boolean verifyLE​(long arg1,
                                      long arg2,
                                      boolean throwException)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Verifies that one long is less than or equal to another.
        arg1 - the 1st long
        arg2 - the 2nd long
        throwException - true if an FCException should be thrown if the 1st long is not less than or equal to the 2nd long
        true if the 1st long is less than or equal to the 2nd long
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • verifyLE

        public final boolean verifyLE​(double arg1,
                                      double arg2,
                                      double delta,
                                      boolean throwException)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Verifies that one double is less than or equal to another.
        arg1 - the 1st double
        arg2 - the 2nd double
        delta - the maximum permitted difference between the values
        throwException - true if an FCException should be thrown if the 1st double is not less than or equal to the 2nd double
        true if the 1st double is less than or equal to the 2nd double
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • getVUName

        public java.lang.String getVUName()
        Gets the name of the group that this Virtual User belongs to.
        the Virtual User group name
      • getSandboxPath

        public java.lang.String getSandboxPath()
                                        throws NoSuchValueException,
        Gets the path to the sandbox location.

        The sandbox is the root location on an injector machine beneath which all test run files are stored. This includes files transferred from the controller machine (project/workspace dlls and jars, data) and test run results and events written during test execution.

        the path to the sandbox location
        NoSuchValueException - Unable to find sandbox path
        BadValueException - Sandbox path is null
      • getDataPath

        public java.lang.String getDataPath()
                                     throws NoSuchValueException,
        Gets the path to the data folder.

        This is the folder on an injector machine to which data files are transferred from the controller machine. Files in this folder are only transferred if explicitly assigned to a test or test group.

        Note that all files in the project data\Files folder are copied to all injectors - see getFilesDataPath().

        the path to the data folder
        NoSuchValueException - Unable to find data path
        BadValueException - Data path is null
      • getFilesDataPath

        public java.lang.String getFilesDataPath()
                                          throws NoSuchValueException,
        Gets the path of the data\Files folder.

        This is the folder on an injector machine to which all the files in the data\Files folder on the controller machine are transferred.

        the path of the data\Files folder
        NoSuchValueException - Unable to find data path
        BadValueException - Data path is null
      • getRunPath

        public java.lang.String getRunPath()
        Gets the path to the test run results.

        The run path is the disk location on an injector machine to which Virtual User event files and logs are written.

        the path to the test run results
      • startRequest

        public void startRequest​(java.lang.String request)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
        For internal use only.
        request - internal use only
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • endRequest

        public void endRequest​(java.lang.String request)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
        For internal use only.
        request - internal use only
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • endRequest

        public void endRequest​(java.lang.String request,
                               MetricCollection metrics)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
        For internal use only.
        request - internal use only
        metrics - internal use only
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • recordMetric

        public void recordMetric​(java.lang.String name,
                                 int value)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
        Records a user metric.

        This can be any numeric value which is considered relevant to the test, such as the number of search results returned by a web page, or a count of files in a directory.

        The metric value is written to the Virtual User event log. A chart showing how the metric value changes during the test will be available in Test Controller and Analyzer.

        name - the metric identifier
        value - the metric value
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • recordMetrics

        public void recordMetrics​(MetricCollection metrics)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
        Records multiple user metrics simultaneously.

        These can be any numeric value which is considered relevant to the test, such as the number of search results returned by a web page, or a count of files in a directory.

        Each metric value is written to the Virtual User event log. A chart showing how the metric values change during the test will be available in Test Controller and Analyzer.

        metrics - the collection of metrics to record
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
        See Also:
        recordMetric(String, int)
      • recordTransaction

        public void recordTransaction​(java.lang.String id,
                                      int startTime,
                                      int duration,
                                      boolean pass)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Records a transaction in the VU event log, specifying whether the transaction passed.

        The recommended way to record a transaction is by using the startTransaction(String) and endTransaction(String) methods.

        However this method is useful if you need to measure a transaction but the start time and/or the transaction name are not known at the point the transaction starts. For example, you may wish to record a different transaction name depending on the result of a particular call to the SUT.


         int startTime = getElapsedTime();
         boolean result = doSomething();
         int duration = getElapsedTime() - startTime;
         // Transaction name differs, depending on the result of the call
         if (result)
             recordTransaction("transaction1", startTime, duration, true);
             recordTransaction("transaction2", startTime, duration, false);
        id - the transaction identifier
        startTime - the time at which the transaction started, measured in milliseconds since the start of the test run
        duration - the duration of the transaction, in milliseconds
        pass - true if the transaction should be interpreted as a pass
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • recordTransaction

        public void recordTransaction​(java.lang.String id,
                                      int startTime,
                                      int duration)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Records a transaction in the VU event log.

        The recommended way to record a transaction is by using the startTransaction(String) and endTransaction(String) methods.

        However this method is useful if you need to measure a transaction but the start time and/or the transaction name are not known at the point the transaction starts. For example, you may wish to record a different transaction name depending on the result of a particular call to the SUT.


         int startTime = getElapsedTime();
         boolean result = doSomething();
         int duration = getElapsedTime() - startTime;
         // Transaction name differs, depending on the result of the call
         if (result)
             recordTransaction("transaction1", startTime, duration);
             recordTransaction("transaction2", startTime, duration);
        id - the transaction identifier
        startTime - the time at which the transaction started, measured in milliseconds since the start of the test run
        duration - the duration of the transaction, in milliseconds
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • recordTransaction

        public void recordTransaction​(java.lang.String id,
                                      java.util.Date startTime,
                                      int duration,
                                      boolean pass)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Records a transaction in the VU event log, specifying whether the transaction passed.

        The recommended way to record a transaction is by using the startTransaction(String) and endTransaction(String, boolean) methods.

        However this method is useful if you need to measure a transaction but the start time and/or the transaction name are not known at the point the transaction starts. For example, you may wish to record a different transaction name depending on the result of a particular call to the SUT.


         Date startTime = new Date();
         boolean result = doSomething();
         int duration = (int)(new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime());
         // Transaction name differs, depending on the result of the call
         if (result)
             recordTransaction("transaction1", startTime, duration, true);
             recordTransaction("transaction2", startTime, duration, false);
        id - the transaction identifier
        startTime - the time at which the transaction started
        duration - the duration of the transaction, in milliseconds
        pass - true if the transaction should be interpreted as a pass
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • recordTransaction

        public void recordTransaction​(java.lang.String id,
                                      java.util.Date startTime,
                                      int duration)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Records a transaction in the VU event log.

        The recommended way to record a transaction is by using the startTransaction(String) and endTransaction(String) methods.

        However this method is useful if you need to measure a transaction but the start time and/or the transaction name are not known at the point the transaction starts. For example, you may wish to record a different transaction name depending on the result of a particular call to the SUT.


         Date startTime = new Date();
         boolean result = doSomething();
         int duration = (int)(new Date().getTime() - startTime.getTime());
         // Transaction name differs, depending on the result of the call
         if (result)
             recordTransaction("transaction1", startTime, duration);
             recordTransaction("transaction2", startTime, duration);
        id - the transaction identifier
        startTime - the time at which the transaction started
        duration - the duration of the transaction, in milliseconds
        java.lang.Exception - An error occurred
      • getMillisecondsSinceEpoch

        public static java.lang.String getMillisecondsSinceEpoch()
      • getMillisecondsSinceEpoch

        public static java.lang.String getMillisecondsSinceEpoch​(long offset)
      • getSecondsSinceEpoch

        public static java.lang.String getSecondsSinceEpoch()
      • getSecondsSinceEpoch

        public static java.lang.String getSecondsSinceEpoch​(long offset)
      • formatDateTime

        public static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format,
                                                      java.time.LocalDateTime dateTime,
                                                      java.time.Duration offset,
                                                      java.time.ZoneId timezone,
                                                      java.util.Locale locale)
        Converts a LocalDateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.

        The format string should be a standard date and time format string, as described here


         String formattedDateTime = formatDateTime("HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy", LocalDateTime.of(2017, 9, 15, 7, 41, 25), Duration.ofHours(1), ZoneId.of("Asia/Tokyo"), Locale.FRENCH);
        format - The date and time format string
        dateTime - The LocalDateTime object to be represented as a string
        offset - An offset to apply to the DateTime object before it is formatted
        timezone - The time zone to use
        locale - The locale to use
        A string representation of the LocalDateTime
      • formatDateTime

        public static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format)
        Converts the current date/time to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.

        The format string should be a standard date and time format string, as described here


         String formattedDateTime = formatDateTime("HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy");
        format - The date and time format string
        A string representation of the current date/time
      • formatDateTime

        public static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format,
                                                      java.time.LocalDateTime dateTime)
        Converts a LocalDateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.

        The format string should be a standard date and time format string, as described here


         String formattedDateTime = formatDateTime("HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy", LocalDateTime.of(2017, 9, 15, 7, 41, 25));
        format - The date and time format string
        dateTime - The LocalDateTime object to be represented as a string
        A string representation of the LocalDateTime
      • formatDateTime

        public static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format,
                                                      java.time.Duration offset)
        Converts the current date/time, offset by a specified Duration, to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.

        The format string should be a standard date and time format string, as described here


         String formattedDateTime = formatDateTime("HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy", Duration.ofHours(1));
        format - The date and time format string
        offset - An offset to apply to the DateTime object before it is formatted
        A string representation of the current date/time
      • formatDateTime

        public static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format,
                                                      java.time.ZoneId timezone)
        Converts the current date/time to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.

        The format string should be a standard date and time format string, as described here


         String formattedDateTime = formatDateTime("HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy", ZoneId.of("Asia/Tokyo"));
        format - The date and time format string
        timezone - The time zone to use
        A string representation of the current date/time
      • formatDateTime

        public static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format,
                                                      java.util.Locale locale)
        Converts the current date/time to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.

        The format string should be a standard date and time format string, as described here


         String formattedDateTime = formatDateTime("HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy", Locale.FRENCH);
        format - The date and time format string
        locale - The locale to use
        A string representation of the current date/time
      • formatDateTime

        public static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format,
                                                      java.time.LocalDateTime dateTime,
                                                      java.time.Duration offset)
        Converts a LocalDateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.

        The format string should be a standard date and time format string, as described here


         String formattedDateTime = formatDateTime("HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy", LocalDateTime.of(2017, 9, 15, 7, 41, 25), Duration.ofHours(1));
        format - The date and time format string
        dateTime - The LocalDateTime object to be represented as a string
        offset - An offset to apply to the DateTime object before it is formatted
        A string representation of the LocalDateTime
      • formatDateTime

        public static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format,
                                                      java.time.LocalDateTime dateTime,
                                                      java.time.ZoneId timezone)
        Converts a LocalDateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.

        The format string should be a standard date and time format string, as described here


         String formattedDateTime = formatDateTime("HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy", LocalDateTime.of(2017, 9, 15, 7, 41, 25), ZoneId.of("Asia/Tokyo"));
        format - The date and time format string
        dateTime - The LocalDateTime object to be represented as a string
        timezone - The time zone to use
        A string representation of the LocalDateTime
      • formatDateTime

        public static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format,
                                                      java.time.LocalDateTime dateTime,
                                                      java.util.Locale locale)
        Converts a LocalDateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.

        The format string should be a standard date and time format string, as described here


         String formattedDateTime = formatDateTime("HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy", LocalDateTime.of(2017, 9, 15, 7, 41, 25), Locale.FRENCH);
        format - The date and time format string
        dateTime - The LocalDateTime object to be represented as a string
        locale - The locale to use
        A string representation of the LocalDateTime
      • formatDateTime

        public static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format,
                                                      java.time.Duration offset,
                                                      java.time.ZoneId timezone)
        Converts the current date/time to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.

        The format string should be a standard date and time format string, as described here


         String formattedDateTime = formatDateTime("HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy", Duration.ofHours(1), ZoneId.of("Asia/Tokyo"));
        format - The date and time format string
        offset - An offset to apply to the DateTime object before it is formatted
        timezone - The time zone to use
        A string representation of the current date/time
      • formatDateTime

        public static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format,
                                                      java.time.Duration offset,
                                                      java.util.Locale locale)
        Converts the current date/time to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.

        The format string should be a standard date and time format string, as described here


         String formattedDateTime = formatDateTime("HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy", Duration.ofHours(1), Locale.FRENCH);
        format - The date and time format string
        offset - An offset to apply to the DateTime object before it is formatted
        locale - The locale to use
        A string representation of the current date/time
      • formatDateTime

        public static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format,
                                                      java.time.ZoneId timezone,
                                                      java.util.Locale locale)
        Converts the current date/time to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.

        The format string should be a standard date and time format string, as described here


         String formattedDateTime = formatDateTime("HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy", ZoneId.of("Asia/Tokyo"), Locale.FRENCH);
        format - The date and time format string
        timezone - The time zone to use
        locale - The locale to use
        A string representation of the LocalDateTime
      • formatDateTime

        public static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format,
                                                      java.time.LocalDateTime dateTime,
                                                      java.time.Duration offset,
                                                      java.time.ZoneId timezone)
        Converts a LocalDateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.

        The format string should be a standard date and time format string, as described here


         String formattedDateTime = formatDateTime("HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy", LocalDateTime.of(2017, 9, 15, 7, 41, 25), Duration.ofHours(1), ZoneId.of("Asia/Tokyo"));
        format - The date and time format string
        dateTime - The LocalDateTime object to be represented as a string
        offset - An offset to apply to the DateTime object before it is formatted
        timezone - The time zone to use
        A string representation of the LocalDateTime
      • formatDateTime

        public static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format,
                                                      java.time.LocalDateTime dateTime,
                                                      java.time.Duration offset,
                                                      java.util.Locale locale)
        Converts a LocalDateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.

        The format string should be a standard date and time format string, as described here


         String formattedDateTime = formatDateTime("HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy", LocalDateTime.of(2017, 9, 15, 7, 41, 25), Duration.ofHours(1), Locale.FRENCH);
        format - The date and time format string
        dateTime - The LocalDateTime object to be represented as a string
        offset - An offset to apply to the DateTime object before it is formatted
        locale - The locale to use
        A string representation of the LocalDateTime
      • formatDateTime

        public static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format,
                                                      java.time.LocalDateTime dateTime,
                                                      java.time.ZoneId timezone,
                                                      java.util.Locale locale)
        Converts a LocalDateTime object to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.

        The format string should be a standard date and time format string, as described here


         String formattedDateTime = formatDateTime("HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy", LocalDateTime.of(2017, 9, 15, 7, 41, 25), ZoneId.of("Asia/Tokyo"), Locale.FRENCH);
        format - The date and time format string
        dateTime - The LocalDateTime object to be represented as a string
        timezone - The time zone to use
        locale - The locale to use
        A string representation of the LocalDateTime
      • formatDateTime

        public static java.lang.String formatDateTime​(java.lang.String format,
                                                      java.time.Duration offset,
                                                      java.time.ZoneId timezone,
                                                      java.util.Locale locale)
        Converts the current date/time to its equivalent string representation using the specified format.

        The format string should be a standard date and time format string, as described here


         String formattedDateTime = formatDateTime("HH:mm:ss MM/dd/yyyy", Duration.ofHours(1), ZoneId.of("Asia/Tokyo"), Locale.FRENCH);
        format - The date and time format string
        offset - An offset to apply to the DateTime object before it is formatted
        timezone - The time zone to use
        locale - The locale to use
        A string representation of the LocalDateTime
      • getCurrentTimeInXml

        public static javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar getCurrentTimeInXml()
                                                                           throws javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException
      • getTransactionData

        public TransactionData getTransactionData​(java.lang.String id)
                                           throws NoSuchValueException
        Get data about the specified transaction.
        id - The id of the transaction
        data about the specified transaction.
        NoSuchValueException - The transaction cannot be found
      • getService

        public com.facilita.fc.runtime.Service getService​(java.lang.Class<com.facilita.fc.runtime.Service> serviceClass)
                                                   throws NoSuchValueException,
        Get a Service object of the specified type
        serviceClass - the type of Service object to get
        a Service object of the specified type
        NoSuchValueException - Unknown service class
        java.lang.NoSuchMethodException - Failed to construct service instance
        java.lang.SecurityException - Failed to construct service instance
        java.lang.InstantiationException - Failed to construct service instance
        java.lang.IllegalAccessException - Failed to construct service instance
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Failed to construct service instance
        java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException - Failed to construct service instance
      • unsetSynchronizationPoint

        public void unsetSynchronizationPoint​(java.lang.String id)
        Unset a named synchronization point.

        Any threads that are waiting for this synchronization point will not be allowed to continue until the synchronization point is set

        id - the name of the synchronization point to unset
        See Also:
        setSynchronizationPoint(String), waitForSynchronizationPoint(String, long)
      • waitForSynchronizationPoint

        public void waitForSynchronizationPoint​(java.lang.String id,
                                                long timeoutMilliseconds)
                                         throws com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException
        Wait for a named synchronization point to be set.

        This method will block until either the named synchronization point is set, or the timeout period has elapsed. If the timeout period elapses before the synchronization point is set then an exception will be thrown.

        id - the name of the synchronization point to wait for
        timeoutMilliseconds - the maximum time in milliseconds to wait before throwing an exception
        com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException - thrown if the synchronization point has not been set before the timeout period elapses.
        See Also:
        setSynchronizationPoint(String), unsetSynchronizationPoint(String)
      • waitFor

        public <T> T waitFor​(java.lang.String key,
                             long timeout)
                      throws com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException,
        Returns a reference to an object stored in the data dictionary. If the object is not yet in the data dictionary, then this method will wait for up to the timeout for the object to be added. For example, a foreground script may need to wait for a background script to put an object into the data dictionary before continuing.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the object to retreive from the data dictionary.
        key - The key to be looked up in the dictionary.
        timeout - The maximum amount of time (milliseconds) to wait for the object to be added to the dictionary.
        An object value held in the dictionary.
        com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException - The object was not put into the dictionary in time
        NoSuchValueException - the key does not exist in the dictionary
        BadValueException - the key was null
      • waitForString

        public java.lang.String waitForString​(java.lang.String key,
                                              long timeout)
                                       throws com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException,
        Returns a reference to a String stored in the data dictionary. If the String is not yet in the data dictionary, then this method will wait for up to the timeout for the String to be added. For example, a foreground script may need to wait for a background script to put a String into the data dictionary before continuing.
        key - The key to be looked up in the dictionary.
        timeout - The maximum amount of time (milliseconds) to wait for the String to be added to the dictionary.
        A String value held in the dictionary.
        com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException - The String was not put into the dictionary in time
        NoSuchValueException - the key does not exist in the dictionary
        BadValueException - the key was null
      • waitForInt

        public int waitForInt​(java.lang.String key,
                              long timeout)
                       throws com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException,
        Returns an int stored in the data dictionary. If the int is not yet in the data dictionary, then this method will wait for up to the timeout for the int to be added. For example, a foreground script may need to wait for a background script to put an int into the data dictionary before continuing.
        key - The key to be looked up in the dictionary.
        timeout - The maximum amount of time (milliseconds) to wait for the int to be added to the dictionary.
        A int value held in the dictionary.
        com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException - The int was not put into the dictionary in time
        NoSuchValueException - the key does not exist in the dictionary
        BadValueException - the key was null
      • waitForBoolean

        public boolean waitForBoolean​(java.lang.String key,
                                      long timeout)
                               throws com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException,
        Returns a boolean stored in the data dictionary. If the boolean is not yet in the data dictionary, then this method will wait for up to the timeout for the boolean to be added. For example, a foreground script may need to wait for a background script to put a boolean into the data dictionary before continuing.
        key - The key to be looked up in the dictionary.
        timeout - The maximum amount of time (milliseconds) to wait for the boolean to be added to the dictionary.
        A boolean value held in the dictionary.
        com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException - The boolean was not put into the dictionary in time
        NoSuchValueException - the key does not exist in the dictionary
        BadValueException - the key was null
      • waitForDouble

        public double waitForDouble​(java.lang.String key,
                                    long timeout)
                             throws com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException,
        Returns a double stored in the data dictionary. If the double is not yet in the data dictionary, then this method will wait for up to the timeout for the double to be added. For example, a foreground script may need to wait for a background script to put a double into the data dictionary before continuing.
        key - The key to be looked up in the dictionary.
        timeout - The maximum amount of time (milliseconds) to wait for the double to be added to the dictionary.
        A double value held in the dictionary.
        com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException - The double was not put into the dictionary in time
        NoSuchValueException - the key does not exist in the dictionary
        BadValueException - the key was null
      • waitForFloat

        public float waitForFloat​(java.lang.String key,
                                  long timeout)
                           throws com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException,
        Returns a float stored in the data dictionary. If the float is not yet in the data dictionary, then this method will wait for up to the timeout for the float to be added. For example, a foreground script may need to wait for a background script to put a float into the data dictionary before continuing.
        key - The key to be looked up in the dictionary.
        timeout - The maximum amount of time (milliseconds) to wait for the float to be added to the dictionary.
        A float value held in the dictionary.
        com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException - The float was not put into the dictionary in time
        NoSuchValueException - the key does not exist in the dictionary
        BadValueException - the key was null
      • waitForList

        public java.util.List waitForList​(java.lang.String key,
                                          long timeout)
                                   throws com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException,
        Returns a reference to a List stored in the data dictionary. If the List is not yet in the data dictionary, then this method will wait for up to the timeout for the List to be added. For example, a foreground script may need to wait for a background script to put a List into the data dictionary before continuing.
        key - The key to be looked up in the dictionary.
        timeout - The maximum amount of time (milliseconds) to wait for the List to be added to the dictionary.
        A List value held in the dictionary.
        com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException - The List was not put into the dictionary in time
        NoSuchValueException - the key does not exist in the dictionary
        BadValueException - the key was null
      • waitForLong

        public long waitForLong​(java.lang.String key,
                                long timeout)
                         throws com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException,
        Returns a long stored in the data dictionary. If the long is not yet in the data dictionary, then this method will wait for up to the timeout for the long to be added. For example, a foreground script may need to wait for a background script to put a long into the data dictionary before continuing.
        key - The key to be looked up in the dictionary.
        timeout - The maximum amount of time (milliseconds) to wait for the long to be added to the dictionary.
        A long value held in the dictionary.
        com.facilita.exception.TimeoutException - The long was not put into the dictionary in time
        NoSuchValueException - the key does not exist in the dictionary
        BadValueException - the key was null
      • selectRandomEntryFromList

        public <T> T selectRandomEntryFromList​(java.lang.String key)
                                        throws NoSuchValueException,
        Selects a random entry from a list stored in this Virtual User's data dictionary.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of object that is stored in the list.
        key - The key to be looked up in the dictionary.
        A randomly selected entry from the list.
        NoSuchValueException - the key does not exist in the dictionary
        BadValueException - the key was null