Interface DataTable

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface DataTable
    extends DataDictionary
    Provides script functionality to allow direct control over a Data Table by a Virtual User.

    In cases when a data table has multiple rows of data assigned to each Virtual User, it is set to automatically advance on each iteration. Sometimes it can be useful for auto advance to be switched off. This allows the Virtual User to directly control row advancement through the assigned data rows (a section). A named Data Table allows such control.


     // obtain a named Data Table
     DataTable dt = getDataTable("actors.txt");
     // loop through all rows in the Data Table 
     while (dt.hasNext())
         // write out to the event log the current value of the column 'surname'
         writeMessage("Surname: " + dt.getString("surname"));
     writeMessage("No more rows");
    • Method Detail

      • hasNext

        boolean hasNext()
        Returns true if there are any more rows in a named Data Table.

        This method can be used to ensure that an exception is not raised when attempting to advance to the next row within a named Data Table.


         // obtain a named Data Table
         DataTable dt = getDataTable("actors");
         // loop through all rows in the Data Table
         while (dt.hasNext())
             // write out to the event log the current value of the column 'surname'
             writeMessage("Surname: " + dt.getString("surname"));
         writeMessage("No more rows");
        true if more rows exists
        See Also:
        isControlled(), next()
      • next

        void next()
           throws java.lang.Exception
        Moves the named Data Table row pointer to the next row.

        This method is used for advancing the current row of data in a named Data Table i.e. where the row is not advanced automatically upon each iteration. This allows the Virtual User full control of a Data Table section. next() raises an Exception if no more rows exist in the Data Table section.

        Note that when first declared the Data Table is uninitialised and must be initialised by moving to the first row using next().


         // obtain a named Data Table
         DataTable dt = getDataTable("actors");
         // advance the row pointer to the next row;
         // write out to the event log the current value of the column 'surname'
         writeMessage("Surname: " + dt.getString("surname"));
        java.lang.Exception - An error has occurred
        See Also:
        hasNext(), isControlled()
      • isControlled

        boolean isControlled()
        Returns true if the Data Table is automatically advanced to the next row at the end of each iteration.

        Data Table row advancement is determined by a runtime setting. If set to Move to next row on each iteration this method returns true.

        true if the Data Table is automatically advanced to the next row at the end of each iteration.
        See Also:
        hasNext(), next()
      • reset

        void reset()
            throws java.lang.Exception
        Resets the Data Table row pointer to an uninitialised state.

        When a DataTable reference is initially obtained through VirtualUserScript.getDataTable(String) the row pointer is uninitialised i.e. it does not point to a row. Calling next() for the first time moves the pointer to the first row. Calling this method will reset the pointer to an uninitialised state.


         // obtain a named Data Table
         DataTable dt = getDataTable("actors");
         // loop through all rows in the Data Table section twice
         for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
             // loop through all rows in the Data Table
             while (dt.hasNext())
                 // write out to the event log the current value of the column 'surname'
                 writeMessage("Surname: " + dt.getString("surname"));
             writeMessage("No more rows");
        java.lang.Exception - An error has occurred
        See Also:
        next(), hasNext()
      • size

        int size()
        Gets the number of rows in the DataTable that are available to the Virtual User.

        Note that this method returns the number of rows that have been assigned to the Virtual User, NOT the total number of rows in the table.

        the number of rows in the DataTable that are available to the Virtual User