CachedResponse |
Represents an HTTP response that has been cached by the WebBrowser .
Coder |
Provides static methods for encoding and decoding String data.
ConcurrentRequestSender |
Provides methods for sending multiple Request objects to the web server
ConnectionType |
Represents an HTTP or HTTPS connection handler.
FileElement |
Form |
Represents an HTML form.
HostFilteringMode |
Describes the modes available for filtering hosts.
HtmlElement |
Represents an HTML element within an HTML form.
HttpMethod |
Describes an HTTP method.
HttpStatus |
Represents an HTTP status code.
HttpStatusCategory |
Describes the HTTP status category for custom handling of the HTTP status codes.
HttpStatusRange |
Describes the HTTP status ranges.
ImageButtonElement |
InputElement |
Represents an HTML input element within an HTML form.
InputElement.InputElementType |
Enumerates the different types of InputElement that are available.
NameValuePair |
Represents a name/value pair of String objects.
OffsetEditSequence |
Objects of this class contains a sequence of one or more edit instructions.
OptionElement |
Represents an HTML option element within an HTML form.
Protocol |
Represents an internet protocol.
QueryData |
Represents the query string of a Url as a sequence of name/value pairs.
Request |
Describes an HTTP request.
Response |
Describes an HTTP response returned by a web server.
SearchFlags |
Used for searching for data with Correlation Rules.
SelectElement |
Represents an HTML select element within an HTML form.
TextAreaElement |
Represents an HTML textarea element within an HTML form.
Url |
Represents a URL, specified by a protocol, optional credentials host, port, path, optional query data, and optional reference.
WebBrowser |
The WebBrowser class is the starting point for sending web requests.
WebBrowserVirtualUser |
Represents a Web Java Virtual User.
WebSocket |
Represents a WebSocket
WebSocketClosedCallback |
An interface defining the method that is called when a WebSocket is closed.
WebSocketErrorCallback |
An interface defining the method that is called when an error occurs on a WebSocket .
WebSocketMessage |
Represents a message that can be sent or received over a WebSocket
WebSocketReceivedMessageCallback |
An interface defining the method that is called when a message from the server is received on a WebSocket