Deploying Eggplant Functional (Fusion Engine) in Containers
Intended Audience: Test developers familiar with using Git source control software workflows, automated pipelines, and containerized software.
Eggplant Functional's script execution engine is also known as the Eggplant Fusion Engine. The Fusion Engine is essentially Eggplant Functional running in command-line mode. When we refer to Eggplant Functional running in a container, we usually refer to it as the "Fusion Engine." However, we refer to it as both on this page.
You can integrate Eggplant Functional (EPF) tests into your continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines by deploying EPF in a container. To run in a container, you launch EPF with its runscript
command. The runscript
command can run EPF without its graphical user interface (GUI) from a command-line interface (CLI), which allows it to run in a container.
This page covers following topics:
Methods for Running Eggplant Functional (Fusion Engine) in a Container
You can run Eggplant Functional (Fusion Engine) in a container in one of two ways:
By passing a specific Eggplant SenseTalk test script to run as an argument with the
command. In this scenario, Eggplant Fusion Engine only runs for the duration of the specified script run. Below is an examplerunscript
command for this scenario:runscript /tests/Demo.suite/Scripts/check_tutorial_sut.script
For more information the
options available when you run the Eggplant Fusion Engine this way, see The Runscript Command, Running fron the Command Line, and Runscript Command Line Options. -
By running in Drive Mode, where you pass the
drivemode yes -driveport <port>
arguments with therunscript
command to run Eggplant Fusion Engine as a background service. Drive Mode provides a simple XML-RPC interface that other applications, such as the Eggplant DAI Run Agent, can use to send messages to and from Eggplant Fusion Engine. In Drive Mode, Eggplant Fusion Engine runs continuously to receive and send messages until you or a process explicitly stops it. Below is an examplerunscript
command for Drive Mode:runscript driveport 5400 -CommandLineOutput yes
For more information about the options available when you run Fusion Engine in Drive Mode, see About Eggdrive and Using Eggdrive with Eggplant Functional.
Container Image Options
To run Eggplant Functional (Fusion Engine) in a container (to containerize it), you have the following options:
You can use the prebuilt images as described in Using the Prebuilt Eggplant Functional Container Images.
You can build your own as described in Building Your Own Container Image.
Be sure to review the prerequisites below to ensure you have everything you need to run the Eggplant Fusion Engine in a container.
Container Prerequisites
To run Eggplant Functional (Fusion Engine) in a container, you need the following software:
General Requirements
Requirement | Notes |
Git source control software | The latest version, if you plan to run your Fusion Engine container in a Gitlab pipeline. |
container software | Such as Docker, Ranger, or Red Hat Linux (RHEL) Podman or the pre-configured Eggplant Functional (Fusion Engine) container images, available in the reository or Iron Bank repositories |
Eggplant Functional (Fusion Engine) Requirements
Requirement | Notes |
Supported Linux OSs running on Intel (x86_64) systems only | See the Eggplant Functional Prerequisites page for information about Eggplant Fusion Engine (Eggplant Functional) supported Linux operating systems and versions. |
Eggplant Functional (Fusion Engine) | Launched using runscript . |
Reprise License Manager (RLM) Server | The currently supported version of the RLM Server as documented in the Eggplant Functional Prerequisites page. |
Eggplant Functional Reprise License Manager (RLM) license(s) | 1 Developer or Execution license for each instance of Eggplant Fusion Engine (Eggplant Functional) you want to run. You must use licenses served from an RLM Server. You cannot use node-locked licenses when you run Eggplant Fusion Engine in a container. For information about using the RLM Server for licenses, see Using RLM for Team License Management. You can create licenses through the Keysight Software Manager. |
network access to an RLM Server host | The Eggplant Fusion Engine in a container must have network access to the system running the RLM Server it from which it needs to check out a license. |
Disable the BonJour Discovery option | You must set the Eggplant Fusion Engine (Eggplant Functional) BonjourDiscoveryEnabled option to false when you run it in a container. This option is unnecessary when you run a Fusion Engine container in a pipeline where it does not need the ability to poll for other VNC Servers. |
Using Prebuilt Eggplant Functional (Fusion Engine) Container Images
Keysight provides Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) containers prebuilt with the Eggplant Functional script execution engine (Fusion Engine) that you can use. The entrypoint
for these containers are wrappers around the Eggplant Functional runscript
command, which can run from a Docker image on any Open Container Initiative (OCI) Runtime. For information about OCI Runtime specifications, see the Linux Foundation Open Container Initiative site. The containers are available from two repositories:
Red Hat Eggplant Fusion Engine in a Container, which is also linked on our Eggplant Functional Software Downloads page.
Iron Bank Eggplant Functional Container, which is Platform One's hardened container image repository. This repository provides a secure software supply chain for all software engineers in the greater United States Department of Defense (DoD) community. For more information, visit Platform One.
Pulling the Prebuilt Container Images
You can pull the prebuilt Eggplant Fusion Engine container images from their repositories by following these steps:
Open a browser and navigate to the repository:
- repository:
- Iron Bank repository:
- repository:
Pull a copy of the container with either the
command or thedocker
command depending on the container software you are using.tipYou can copy sample commands in this guide by hovering over the command and then clicking the copy (two pages) button when it appears on the right side of the command.
For the container:
Podman command:
podman pull
Docker command:
docker pull
noteYou may need to explicitly append the Fusion Engine container version (preceded with a colon) to the end of the container path in the
command as shown in the following example:podman pull<version>
.For the Iron Bank container: Use the
commands above but substitute the path to the Iron Bank container image.
Running the Prebuilt Container Images
After you pull the Eggplant Fusion Engine container image, you need to configure it to run as shown in the following example podman run
commands. The samples include ways to accept the EULA and Privacy agreements, either as variables or by passing those acceptances in a SenseTalk script. (This information is also provided in repository Description.)
As described above, the ENTRYPOINT
for this container image is a wrapper around the Eggplant runscript
command. This wrapper requires you to set three environment variables:
specifies to accept the End User License Agreement (EULA). You can read the EULA hereEGGPLANT_ACCEPT_PRIVACY=true
specifies to accept the Privacy Policy. You can read the Privacy Policy here.EGGPLANT_LICENSE_HOST=<your_RLM_Server_host>
specifies the host name or IP address of the system running the Reprise License Manager (RLM) Server that the Fusion Engine needs to access to check out a license. For more information about RLM Servers, see Using RLM for Team License Management.
Running a SenseTalk Script with Eggplant Fusion Engine
You can configure your Eggplant Fusion Engine container to run a Sensetalk script as shown in the following example podman run
command. This example shows the commands for the Eggplant Fusion Engine container in the repository.
You can also use the sample command below for the Iron Bank container when you replace the repository path with the Iron Bank repository path.
podman run --rm \
-e EGGPLANT_LICENSE_KEY="your license key" \
--volume $HOME/suites:/home/eggplant/suites \ \ //Replace this line with for the Iron Bank container
-CommandLineOutput yes /path/to/script
Where -CommandLineOutput yes /path/to/script
is the line to replace with the path to the specific script you want to run.
The bind mount in the above example (--volume $HOME/suites:/home/eggplant/suites
) is required to make local scripts available in the container.
Running Eggplant Fusion Engine in Drive Mode
Alternatively, you can run Eggplant Fusion Engine in Drive Mode as shown in the following sample podman run
command. This example is for the Eggplant Fusion Engine container in the repository.
The sample command below can also apply to the Iron Bank container when you replace the repository path with the Iron Bank repository path.
podman run -d \
-e EGGPLANT_LICENSE_KEY="your license key" \
-P \ \ //Replace this line with for the Iron Bank container
-driveport 5400 -CommandLineOutput yes
Where the -driveport 5400 -CommandLineOutput yes
is the line that specifies to run Eggplant Functional in Drive Mode
Next step: For information about integrating your prebuilt container into your Gitlab pipelines, see Configuring Gitlab CI to Use Your Container Image.
Building Your Own Container Image
If you are familiar with building containers, you can build your own container to run Eggplant Functional (Fusion Engine). Following are the things you need to know to successfully build a container that runs Fusion Engine.
Installing Eggplant Fusion Engine in a Container
To run an Eggplant Fusion Engine instance in a container, you need to configure the container to perform a command-line installation. See Installing Eggplant Functional for the installation instructions for your Linux container platform.
Accepting Agreements and Installing a License
Prior to running Eggplant Fusion Engine in a container, you must configure the instance in the container to accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) and Privacy Policy, as well as obtain a license.
The container ENTRYPOINT
can use environment variables to accept the EULA and Privacy Policy, as well as to connect to and check out a license from a specified Reprise License Manager (RLM) host as shown below:
specifies to accept the End User License Agreement (EULA). You can read the EULA hereEGGPLANT_ACCEPT_PRIVACY=true
specifies to accept the Privacy Policy. You can read the Privacy Policy here.EGGPLANT_LICENSE_HOST=<your_RLM_Server_host>
specifies the host name or IP address of the system running the Reprise License Manager (RLM) Server that the Fusion Engine needs to access to check out a license. For more information about RLM Servers, see Using RLM for Team License Management.
Launching Eggplant Fusion Engine in a Container
As mentioned in Methods for Running Eggplant Functional/Fusion Engine in Container there are two ways to run the Fusion Engine in a container: you can configure it to run a specific script, or you can configure it to run as a persistent service in Drive Mode. Examples of both methods follow.
Launching to Run a Script
The following example docker
command shows how to run a script with Eggplant Fusion Engine in a container. It also shows how to map a volume on your system to make your tests suites and scripts available for the Fusion Engine in the container, and the command to run the script:
docker run -v ${PWD}:/tests -e EGGPLANT_ACCEPT_EULA=true -e EGGPLANT_ACCEPT_PRIVACY_AGREEMENT=true -e EGGPLANT_LICENSE_HOST=<RLM Server host or IP address> <container-image-name> runscript /tests/Demo.suite/Scripts/check_tutorial_sut.script
You can copy and paste the above command. But we also provide the same command below with line continuations for easier reading and an explanation of each line after the command:
docker run -v ${PWD}:/tests \
-e EGGPLANT_LICENSE_HOST=<RLM Server IP address or host> \
<container-image-name> \
runscript /tests/Demo.suite/Scripts/check_tutorial_sut.script
-v ${PWD}:/tests
is the argument to bind mount a volume on your system where your Eggplant test suites and scripts are located to make them available to the Fusion Engine in the container.-e EGGPLANT_ACCEPT_EULA=true
specifies to accept the EULA.-e EGGPLANT_ACCEPT_PRIVACY_AGREEMENT=true
specifies to accept the Privacy Policy.-e EGGPLANT_LICENSE_HOST=<the RLM Server Host>
The host name or IP address of the system running the Reprise License Manager (RLM) Server the Fusion Engine needs to access to check out a license.<container-image-name>
the name of your container image.runscript /tests/DEMO.suite/Scripts/check_tutorial_sut.script
The Eggplantrunscript
command with the path to the script you want to run.
Launching in Drive Mode
To start Eggplant Functional in Drive Mode, run the following command:
Be sure the port you specify in the -driveport
argument is exposed.
docker run -v ${PWD}:/tests \
-e EGGPLANT_LICENSE_HOST=<RLM Server IP address or host> \
<container-image-name> \
runscript -drivemode 5400 -CommandLineOutput yes
Where the runscript -drivemode 5400 -CommandLineOutput yes
is the line that launches Fusion Engine in Drive Mode.
Configuring Gitlab CI/CD to Use a Container Image
To integrate an Eggplant Fusion Engine container into a GitLab Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, you must specify the container information in the pipeline configuration. Gitlab pipeline configurations are specified in the .gitlab-ci.yml
file as shown in the following example.
For more information about Gitlab CI/CD, See Get Started with Gitlab CI/CD.
Example gitlab-ci.yml File for Pipeline Configuration
The example gitlab-ci.yml
file below shows how you can configure a Gitlab pipeline to run a SenseTalk script with the prebuilt Eggplant Functional container on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (Rocky). Information about using this container is provided in Pulling the Prebuilt Container Images.
- tests
stage: test
- "" # restore default entrypoint
- defaults write Eggplant AcceptEULA YES
- defaults write Eggplant AcceptPrivacyAgreement YES
- runscript -LicenserHost ${EGGPLANT_LICENSE_HOST}
- runscript -CommandLineOutput YES Demo.suite/Scripts/check_tutorial_sut.script
when: always
- Demo.suite/Results
junit: Demo.suite/Results/**/LogFile.xml
Upgrading and Uninstalling Eggplant Functional (Fusion Engine) in a Container
Because most containers are destroyed after they run, you do not uninstall Eggplant Functional (Fusion Engine) from a container.
For the same reason, you do not upgrade Eggplant Fusion Engine in an existing container. Upgrading Eggplant Fusion Engine in a container consists of specifying the URL for the new Eggplant Functional version you want in your container configuration so that your container launches with the new version. For example, this would be the URL specified in the image name
field in the Example gilab-ci.yml file above, or in line 8 on the Iron Bank Dockerfile.
Need More Information?
Contact Eggplant Customer Support if you require further assistance.