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Version: 25.1

Generating Team Licenses for Eggplant Functional

A team (or floating) license for Eggplant Functional (EPF) lets you run a certain number of instances of the application concurrently. The number of instances of Eggplant Functional that you can run at any one time is dictated by your license terms.

If you have obtained a Floating license, you may install one or more copies of the Software on any computer, instrument, or machine within your internal computer network or on dedicated server resources provided by a third party for your internal business use, provided the total number of users who are accessing or using any of the Software at the same time does not exceed the maximum number of licenses.


Use of Eggplant Functional is subject to the terms of the Keysight EULA.

For team licenses, which are also known as floating licenses, you must run a license server. Eggplant Functional uses Reprise License Manager (RLM), which you can download from the Supporting Installers section of the Eggplant Functional Downloads page.


RLM itself does not require a license.

When RLM is running in your environment, you can install and run Eggplant Functional on other machines. Each instance of Eggplant Functional requests a license from RLM when you launch it. A more detailed description of this configuration can be found in Using RLM for Team License Management.


Eggplant Functional used a Team License Server (TLS) for license management prior to version 16.10. If you are using TLS, you can continue to do so for existing licenses. See Installing and Licensing the Team License Server (TLS) for information about TLS. For questions about licensing in your environment, contact your account manager or

To generate licenses for Eggplant Functional, you will need to access your account on the KSM license management portal. You can access KSM either directly through your web browser or through the Eggplant License Registry panel within Eggplant Functional.

Step by Step: Generating Team Licenses

Follow these steps to create a team license:

  1. You will need:

    • Your login credentials for KSM. If you don't have this information, contact your account manager or
    • The host ID for the machine where the RLM license server is running. If you are running Eggplant Functional on the same machine where you plan to run RLM, you can use the Eggplant License Registry panel to find the host ID (Eggplant > Licenses). For information about finding the host ID of a machine where Eggplant Functional is not installed, see Finding Your Host ID, below.
  2. Log in to your KSM account. Please see the Keysight Software Manager Quick Reference Guide for more information.

  3. After you obtain your license file, you need to place the it in the same directory folder as the running RLM server. For more information about using your Eggplant Functional team licenses, visit Using RLM for Team License Management.

Finding Your Host ID

You need to enter the host ID of the machine where your RLM instance is running in order to generate your Eggplant Functional license. The host ID is based on the physical address, or MAC address, of the RLM server machine. To find the host ID, follow the steps below.

  1. Enter one of the following commands at a command prompt.

    On Windows, enter the command:

      ipconfig /all

    On Mac or Linux, enter the command:

  2. In the output for the command, find the physical address. Many machines have more than one viable physical address. Make sure to find a physical address for a physical network interface. Virtual network interfaces have physical addresses, too, but those addresses generally are not static, so they make unreliable host IDs. Use the physical address for your host ID when you generate your Eggplant Functional license in the Keysight Software Manager.

If you need additional help finding a MAC address, see How to Find the MAC Address of Your Computer.