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Version: 23.4

eggPlant v12 Release Notes

The notes below provide descriptions of the new features and changes introduced with each release of eggPlant. You are strongly encouraged to read about the relevant changes whenever you upgrade from an earlier version.

Potential compatibility issues are highlighted in RED.

Notes For Cross Platform Users:

eggPlant for Linux and Windows contains almost all of the functionality available in eggPlant for Mac.

Excluded features are listed at the bottom of the release notes.

Release v12.30 (15-July-2013)


  • New in-line menus for Linux.
  • Several improvements for International support
  • Fixed several stability and usability issues.


  • Added the ability to sort Scripts Results by each of the columns.
  • Added a Preference to disable having the Capture Image panel remember your last location.
  • The menus on Linux are now displayed within the application windows by default. You can revert to the old behavior by issuing this command:

defaults write Eggplant NSMenuInterfaceStyle NSNextStepInterfaceStyle


  • ReadText() will now throw an error when no text is found at an image location or at a specified coordinate. This matches the behavior when a rectangle is specified.
  • ReadText() will now log it's results for an image location or at a specified coordinate. This matches the behavior when a rectangle is specified.
  • All script and image references should now properly normalize their Unicode values. This should allow for scripts and images to be found regardless of how the title is entered.
  • Improved the behavior of the Write command to be more intuitive after an earlier Read command.
  • Fixed a problem where the Scale attribute was always returned as 1.0 for FoundImageInfo().
  • ScrollWheelDown() with no parameter will now scroll down by one (instead of up by one)
  • ScrollWheelDown() and ScrollWheelUp() will now only allow scrolling by limited values to prevent locking up eggPlant and the VNC server.


  • Added the following attributes for the ConnectionInfo() for USB connected Android devices:

  • AndroidDevice will be TRUE

  • DeviceSerialNumber will be set to the Serial Number of the device.

  • Fixed a problem with License Errors when connecting to RealVNC Mobile servers.

  • Improved the Viewer window to not shrink when mobile devices are rotated.

  • Fixed a problem where eggPlant would terminate the VMLite server on Android devices.

  • Fixed a problem launching on Mac with RealVNC Mobile keys.

But Fixes / Tweaks

  • Fixed a crashing problem when using Image Doctor/Image Search on some images that became entirely transparent.
  • Fixed a problem with eggPlant hanging on Ubuntu 12 during startup.
  • Fixed an occasional problem launching multiple simultaneous copies of eggPlant on Windows.
  • Fixed a problem launching on Windows with some international date settings.
  • Fixed a bug when creating a new suite with the same name as an old suite.
  • Fixed a problem with AutoDoctor not engaging for Execution/Command-Line Only licenses
  • Fixed a problem where opening an Image would re-open previously closed tabs in a Suite.
  • Fixed a problem in SendMail when "Content-Type" was set.
  • Fixed a problem where the Image Doctor would scale images to an unreasonably small size resulting in false image matches.
  • Fixed a problem with some images not scaling properly.
  • Fixed an occasional crashing problem when closing script tabs.
  • Fixed a problem when executing selections of code that hadn't been reformatted.This could lead to various Range exceptions or crashes.
  • Improved memory usage to prevent numerous out of memory conditions.
  • Fixed a problem with the Auto-Doctor hanging during certain scaling searches.
  • Fixed a problem displaying context menus after certain screen resizes.

Release v12.21 (19-May-2013)


  • Added the ability to connect directly to Android devices over USB.
  • Improved the stability of VNC connections to VMlite Servers on Android.
  • Fixed several bugs.

Android Support

  • Android devices with a USB connection to the eggPlant machine will now automatically be available in the drop down when adding a VNC connection.
  • When a USB connected VMlite Server stops unexpectedly on Android it will automatically be restarted by eggPlant.
  • Android devices can be specified in a Connect command by specifying their Device ID.
  • Android devices can be specified from the Command-Line by specifying their Device ID for the -host argument.


  • Added the LicenseInfo() function, which returns information about the license your eggPlant was started with.
  • Added the -MaxWaitForLicense argument. When you run eggPlant from command line, this argument specifies the number of seconds eggPlant should wait for a license to become available, if necessary.

But Fixes / Tweaks

  • Fixed numerous of out of resource problems on Windows that could manifest during long runs or when many windows where open.

  • Fine-tuned the behavior of image "popovers" to be less intrusive.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause scripts to scroll upon formatting changes

  • Fixed a bug that caused image-property overrides to be disregarded in scripts

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the eggPlant splash screen to obscure the license panel on Windows

  • Fixed inordinate memory growth when resizing the capture area on Windows

  • Fixed a schedule bug whereby running a selection of a script and then adding that script to a schedule would cause the selection (not the whole script) to run as part of the schedule.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause windows to open in unexpected positions upon launch.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Asian image names from being displayed properly in the image list.

  • Fixed an unexpected change in the SenseTalk date format. (Dates that appeared in month/day/year format were being returned as year-month-day time. The former format has been restored.)

  • Improved the appearance of tabs showing long resource names on Windows.

Relase v12.20 (25-April-2013)


  • Added a new Scaling Image Search to search for images at different sizes.
  • Scaled images can be automatically found based on changes in SUT screen size.
  • The new Image Browser allows viewing different images within the image tab.
  • Added Image Popovers, which show images as you hover over image names in your suite and scripts.
  • Added the ability to show which images are/are not used in your suite via the Image Usage
  • Suites now provide a Resource Preview, so you can briefly view resources without opening additional tabs.

Image Scaling

You can now add a Scale property to an image search, to indicate a scale multiplier (or list or range of scale multipliers) if you expect an image to appear at a different size than was originally captured.

Click (name: "appIcon", scale: 2.0) // Searches for appIcon at 2 times its original size

Click (name: "appIcon", scale: .5 to 1 by .1) // Searches for appIcon at half size up to full size, in .1 increments

  • You can use the DefaultScale property in a script, to set the scale value for all of your images. (Setting the scale value on an individual image overrides the DefaultScale.)

Set the DefaultScale to (.5, .75, .1) // Every image will be searched for in those three sizes

  • You can use the Scale: Auto property in a script, to set the scale value based on the size of the current SUT relative to the size of the original SUT.

Click (name: "appIcon", scale: "Auto") // Searches for appIcon based on changes in SUT resolution

User Interface

Image Usage

  • In the contextual menu in the Image list in your suite, you can choose Show Image Usage to find out which images are used in scripts. Images that are used in scripts are shown in green. Unused images are shown in red.

  • Images considered "used": An image is considered used if it's name appears as an uncommented string in a saved script in the same suite.

  • Images not considered "used": An image is not recognized as used if it is only used by scripts in other suites, it only appears in comments, it is only mentioned as a variable or constructed string, or the mention of it is not saved.

  • Refreshing Used Images. Used images are not updated dynamically. As your image usage changes, choose Show Image Usage again to update the image list.

Image  Browser

  • In the new image browser at the bottom of the image tab, you can now see the siblings of your selected image. If you select one of these images, it is shown on the same image tab. If you select another image in the image list, a new image tab opens.

  • Image folders/collections: You can navigate in and out of folders in the image browser by double-clicking folders to enter, and clicking the "Up" button to exit the current folder.

Run Window


  • JSONformat(): This function takes a SenseTalk property list and returns it in proper JSON format.

  • put contentValue's JSONFormat into file outfile

  • JSONvalue(): This function takes a JSON string and returns a SenseTalk property list.

put JSONValue(file "/tmp/myJSON.txt") into fileContents

• Added a XMLRPCValue() function to parse text in XMLRPC format (as generated by the XMLRPC Format function) and return an equivalent SenseTalk value.

• Added a monthName() function to give the name of the month of any date, or of the current date if no parameter is given. An adjective may be used to request long, abbreviated, and short forms of the name.

put the monthName

put the abbreviated monthName of "7/4/1776"

• Added a weekDayName() function to give the name of the month of any date, or of the current date if no parameter is given. An adjective may be used to request long, abbreviated, and short forms of the name.

put weekDayName("7/4/1776")

put the short weekDayName

• Added a keyForValue() function to return the key corresponding to a particular value in a property list, or empty if the property list does not contain that value. If more than one property is equal to the specified value, the key to one of these values is returned

set myPets to (cat:"Yellow", dog:"Black")

put keyForValue(myPets, "Black") -- dog

put myPets.keyForValue("Yellow") -- cat

• Added an allKeysForValue() function to return a list of all keys in a propertyList that have a particular value, in no particular order. If the property list does not contain that value an empty list is returned.

• Fixed a small parsing issue that prevented calling a function on a number by using the '.' syntax. This can now be done, provided the function name comes directly after the ".":

put 65.numToChar -- A

put -42.numberWords -- negative forty-two

• String literals prefixed by the '@' sign may now include backslash escape sequences.

• Added a cube root function.

• Added is contained by as a synonym for the is in operator.

• Added multiplied by as a synonym for the times operator.

• Added counter as a synonym for the repeatIndex function.

• Added is past as a synonym for the greater than operator.

• Allow the word given to be used between a handler name and its formal parameters.

to calculateArea given length, width

• Allow the word position or location to be used after before or after in a range or offset expression.

the range of "money" in accounts before position lastFoundPos

• Fixed a bug with the duplicatePropertyKeyMode -- when set to "list" mode it generated incorrect values whenever a key appeared more than two times in a property list expression. It now correctly generates a list of all of the supplied values.

• Updated the STTreeNode XModule to version 3.1. Tree nodes can now be deleted using a node expression (previously only item expressions worked with the delete command for deleting tree nodes):

delete node "product/description" of order

Bug Fixes / Tweaks

  • Improved start-up performance on Windows operating systems.

  • Improved performance of reading large data files during script execution.

  • Improved Japanese text input on Windows operating systems.

  • Fixed a problem using the "File->Open Script" that could lead to a crash on Windows.

  • Fixed a significant memory leak caused by executing scripts that were not open in the interface. This leak would eventually lead to a crash.

  • Fixed a problem opening suites that had unwritable scripts or folders.

  • Initial suite display performance improved to create a smoother loading experience.

  • Fixed a problem where using "Save All" could cause other scripts to appear empty.

  • Fixed a problem where the panel alerting of external changes to a script would come up in an awkward screen location. These alerts now show up within the script editor.

  • Fixed an error with "Duplicate TestCase" when running selections or running commands from EP:Drive.

  • Fixed a problem where the Save Image Sheet wouldn't update to reflect that a new script or suite was selected.

  • Fixed problems bringing up the proper line after an error when running a selection.

  • Fixed a number of problems setting or removing breakpoints that were in handlers.

  • Fixed problems with breakpoint display with different font settings.

  • Fixed a problem with right clicking on breakpoints on Mac.

  • Fixed a problem with the script insertion point not always moving when generating commands.

  • Bold formatting is now properly applied when scripts first opened.

  • The run window will now remember it's placement between launches.

  • Added a warning when setting the finalSuites or the InitialSuites to an invalid location.

  • Added a warning instead of an error when trying to use an invalid language for an OCR operation.

  • The default color will now work with Android VNC servers.

  • Fixed a problem where calling a non-existent script from the command line would generate bogus results files.

  • Fixed a problem where using "Reveal In Explorer" on a script would take you to the default suite directory.

  • Fixed an exception when pressing the Windows/Logo Key on the TypeText panel.

  • Fixed an occasional problem where new scripts didn't allow renaming.

  • OCR text once again highlights in green when it is found during a script run.

  • Removed second Quit menu item on Windows and Linux.

Release v12.02 (12-December-2012)


• When a tab is selected in a suite window, the corresponding item is now highlighted in the list on the left.

• Fixed a number of bugs.

Bug Fixes / Tweaks

• Removed the "Quit After Next Script Run" option when closing the last window on Windows, which would cause eggPlant to hang.

• Fixed a problem that could prevent another suite from being opened while a script is running, paused, or previously run in some situations.

• Eliminated some error messages while installing on Ubuntu 11.04+.

• When submitting a bug, question, or feature request, the pre-supplied description text now matches the type of request.

• Fields in the bug report / question / feature request window are now cleared only when the panel is closed or submitted.

• After creating and naming a new script, the focus is now set to the script editor, ready for user input.

• Fixed a problem in which a modified script that had been previously changed and closed, could be closed without the user being prompted to save their changes.

• Fixed a problem with the state and arrangement of windows not always being remembered and restored properly.

• Fixed a problem with running a script from the command line that would require at least a partial path including the script's suite.

• Fixed a problem that would sometimes report an exception when quitting with unsaved changes and choosing to save all scripts.

• Changed the title of the "Settings" button to "Settings…" to make it clear that it is a button that opens a tab.

• Fixed a crash when an image tab was closed while performing an Image Doctor search.

• The Run Selection button is now disabled when a script is running.

• Fixed a problem with the F8 - F12 items on the TypeText pulldown menu generating digits rather than the correct code.

• Improved the behavior when attempting to use the CaptureScreen or TraceScreen command to save an image to an invalid location (with insufficient privileges or unreachable path). An appropriate message will now be reported.

• Fixed a problem with some exception logs that would display incorrect information in the results tab.

• Fixed an issue that would sometimes fail to select the name of a newly-created script for ease of naming it.

• Fixed a crash that could occur when running a script from another using RunWithNewResults.

• Fixed a crash that could occur on Windows or Linux when searching in a suite containing many images.

• Fixed a crash that could occur on Mac OS 10.6 when closing a suite window.

• Fixed a problem that could throw an exception when clicking the Image Doctor button.

• Fixed a crash that could occur when changing platform types or styles on the Text Preferences pane.

• Fixed an issue with the suite window interface occasionally appearing to "freeze" on Windows.

• Fixed a problem in which the detailed result log displayed on a result tab could be for a different (previously selected) run date than the run date currently selected in the upper list in some situations.

• Fixed a crash that could occur sometimes on Windows and Linux when typing in a panel after closing a suite.

• Fixed an exception that could occur when dragging an image into a script in a different suite.

• Fixed an issue in which the same script could be open in multiple tabs in the same window, sometimes leading to a crash or hang.

Release v12.01 (11-November-2012)


• The Copy command can now be used in a Remote Screen window in Capture mode to copy the rectangle coordinates to the clipboard.

• The Open Recent menu now works on Windows and Linux.

• All open windows are now listed on the Window menu.

• Added a Save As… item on the File menu to create a copy of the current script within the suite.

Bug Fixes / Tweaks

• Fixed a problem accessing the GUI for the Floating License Servers.

• Fixed a problem that would erroneously display a panel warning of unsaved changes when closing a suite window (Windows).

• Fixed a problem that would throw an exception when accessing the Run Options preferences (Windows) if you had installed over a previous version of eggPlant.

• Fixed a problem with suite windows which were open on a second monitor being moved to the main screen when eggPlant is relaunched.

• Fixed a problem in which using Command-w (or Control-w) to close a script tab would not warn of unsaved changes.

• Fixed a problem with screen colors being displayed incorrectly (blue) when connecting to certain RealVNC mobile servers (Mac).

• Added the Documentation item to the Help menu (Mac).

• Fixed a problem that would give the message "Command string selected a bearer that could not be loaded" when connecting to some mobile devices (Windows).

• Fixed the Cancel button when searching with the Image Doctor.

• Fixed an NSInvalidArgumentException that could occur when using the Image Doctor.

• Fixed the Show Resource item on the Edit menu.

• Fixed the Comment/Uncomment item on the Edit menu.

• Fixed the Current Script item on the Window menu.

• Fixed the Open Recent submenu on the File menu to show a list of recently opened suites (Windows and Linux).

• Fixed a problem with the Show Script button on the alert panel for a script failure, that would open the documentation in a browser.

• Fixed an issue that a script name did not stay selected after renaming it.

• Fixed an issue with a collapsed left-side navigation area popping open again when the window is resized.

• Fixed an issue with long script names being truncated in the script list (Windows and Linux).

• Fixed a display issue with editing of long script names in the script list (Windows and Linux).

• Fixed a problem accessing the Context Menu in the Navigation Area (Mac 10.6).

Release v12.00 (30-October-2012)


• Redesigned Suite Window with all Scripts, Images, Results, and Schedules shown in tabs within the window.

• Multiple Schedules can now be created in each Suite.

• New LogSuccess and BeginTestCase / EndTestCase commands for enhanced tracking of validation points.

• Script results and statistics are now available in XML/JUnit format.

• Added Pre- and Post-run scripts for each suite, that are run before and after every script run that would generate results.

• Added a Template script for each suite, that is copied for newly created scripts in that suite.

• Documentation is now in HTML format online, for rapid updates and ongoing enhancement (

• eggPlant's OCR capabilities, ReadText() and text search, now include support for Asian languages on Windows.

• New graphics engine on Windows with full compatibility with Remote Desktop and Window's accessibility display options.


TypeText with backslash codes. (e.g.: \n. \t, \\)

The ability to use backslash codes in a TypeText command is now disabled by default. If you were using the codes or the double-backslash then we recommend modifying your scripts to use the predefined constants, Example:

TypeText "This is a backslash:" & TAB & BACKSLASH & RETURN


This is a backslash: \

If needed, the prior behavior can be enabled through any of the following mechanisms:

Within the preferences: "Enable Backslash Escape Codes" checkbox in the Preferences->Run Option->Keyboard.

Within a script: using "set the enableBackslashEscapeCodes to yes"

From the command line: using "-enableBackslashEscapeCodes YES"

Command Line Return Value**

The default behavior is now for eggPlant to report the number of failures, so 0 indicates all scripts succeeded. Attempting to run a non-existent script is now counted as a failure. If eggPlant is unable to run (such as for no license) a value of 127 is returned. To request the prior default behavior (reporting the number of successful script runs) pass -ReportFailures NO on the command line.

Consolidated Suite Interface

Each Suite now has just one window which displays any scripts being edited in that suite as well as the images, results, schedules and other information for that suite in a tabbed interface.

• Left-Side Lists:

On the left side, each Suite window displays lists of all of the scripts, images, results, and schedules in the suite. Double-clicking any item in these lists will open a tab displaying that script, image, result history, or schedule. In addition, a Settings button will open a tab displaying settings and helpers for the suite.

The relative sizes of the lists on the left side of the suite window can be changed by dragging the section titles up or down.

Each section has an action context menu for selecting appropriate actions in that section. On Mac, the action menu for a section is also available as a pull-down menu (click the gear icon in the section title).

Single-clicking an already-selected item in the Scripts, Images, or Schedules lists will edit the name of that item (Mac only -- on other platforms, use the Rename item from the action menu).

• Unified Search:

The search field above the lists filters all of the lists by name and/or (where appropriate) by contents. For a script, the content is the script itself. For an image the content is its description, and for a schedule the content is the names of the scripts in the schedule. The magnifying glass icon presents a menu to select the type of search to use, as well as a history of recent search terms (press return after entering a search term to add it to the history list).

• Tabbed Interface:

Tabs can be opened by double-clicking an item in one of the lists, by selecting the "Open" item from one of the action menus, or by various other shortcuts or actions that will open a tab automatically.

Tabs can be dragged to change their order and may be closed by clicking the "x" icon in each tab.

Drag any tab out of a suite to create a new window, or drag a tab into the tab bar of another window for the same suite (you can't drag a tab to a different suite).

All open tabs in the suite window are remembered when the suite is closed and will be restored when the suite is next opened.

• Scripts:

Each script tab allows editing of a script and also (optionally) of a description for the script. To access the description field, drag the top edge of the script edit area down to reveal the description field. Attempting to close a script tab for a script with unsaved changes will display a warning message above the script (unless the script is also open in another window). The warning message provides options to cancel the message and continue editing, or to save or discard the changes and close the tab.

• Images:

The action menu for Images includes a Create Collection option which will immediately create a new image collection containing all of the selected images.

• Results:

The Results list shows the names of all scripts for which results are present in the suite. Opening a tab for a given script's results shows a list of every individual execution of that script, identified by the run date and time.

• Schedules:

A suite may now include multiple schedules (lists of scripts that can be run as a batch). Each schedule is given a name when it is created. If the runscript command is used to run a suite from the command line, it runs the first schedule for that suite. Or a specific schedule can be run by including a slash and the schedule name at the end of the suite path. For example, this command would run the first schedule in MySuite.suite:

/Applications/ /path/to/MySuite.suite

This command would run the schedule named "SmokeTest" in the same suite:

/Applications/ /path/to/MySuite.suite/SmokeTest

• Settings:

The Settings tab incorporates the contents of both the previous Helpers tab and Settings tab, plus some new settings. Helper suites for the script can now be disabled or enabled by clicking a checkbox for each suite.

• Also:

A status field at the bottom of the suite window displays the name of the currently running script.

The Info drawer has been eliminated, and the associated information incorporated into the appropriate tabs.

Pre-run and Post-run Scripts

• A new option allows specifying a pre-run script that will be executed before each script run, and a post-run script that will be executed after each script run. Select which scripts to use on the Settings tab for a suite, which also has checkboxes for turning the execution of these scripts on and off.

The pre-run script will be called with three parameters. The first is the full path of the script that is about to be run. The second is a list of all of the parameters (if any) that will be passed to the script. The third is the full path to the log file that will be created during the script run.

The pre-run script has the ability to change the parameters that will be passed to the script. To do this, the pre-run script should return a property list with a "parameters" property whose value is a list of the parameters.

The post-run script is called after the script run has finished. It is called with two parameters. The first is the full path of the script that was run. The second is the scriptResult property list for the run, similar to the result returned by the RunWithNewResults command.

In addition to the parameters and return values described above, the pre- and post- scripts can interact with the script being run through a shared environment, including:

- connections -- open a connection in the pre- script and it will be the active connection when the script being run starts

- global and universal variables are common across all three scripts

- global properties are common across all three scripts, including the InitialSuites and the FinalSuites

New Script Template

• A template script for new scripts may also be specified on the Settings tab for a suite. If a template script is chosen, each new script that is created in that suite will begin as a copy of that script.

Result File Format Changes

• An XML file (LogFile.xml) containing summary information gathered from the TestCases in a script run is produced alongside the full text log (LogFile.txt) in the result folder for each script run. The LogFile.xml file follows the reporting format used by JUnit and similar unit testing tools, to make it easy to integrate with other tools that can accept this format. A checkbox option is available on the General Preferences pane to disable production of this file.

• The information in the SuiteStatistics.csv file is now mirrored in XML format in a SuiteName_Statistics.xml file. This XML file is now the primary format used by eggPlant, with the CSV file still supplied for compatibility. Both are located in the Results directory.

• The information in the RunHistory.csv file is now mirrored in XML format in a RunHistory.xml file. The XML file is now the primary format used by eggPlant, with the CSV file still supplied for compatibility. Both files are found in the folders created for each script within the Results directory.

• The RunHistory.csv file and corresponding .success or .failure file in each run directory now have an additional column at the end containing the success count (number of LogSuccess commands executed) for each run.


• Added a LogSuccess command to create log entries for successes in the script. Successes are shown in green in the detailed log view in a Results tab, and a new column shows the Success count for each script run. In addition, the Successes count is also included in the various ScriptResults property lists, and as one of the statistics gathered by the BeginTestCase/EndTestCase commands. A script run that completes successfully but that doesn't explicitly call LogSuccess will be treated as having a success count of 1.

• Added BeginTestCase and EndTestCase commands to mark the beginning and end of any section of code within a script (or across scripts during a run) as a Test Case for purposes of gathering information. Each test case is given a name. A script run may include multiple test cases which may be sequential portions of a script or may overlap with one another in any way you choose. The information gathered for each test case includes the duration of that test case (in seconds) and the number of Errors, Successes, Warnings, and Exceptions that occur or are logged while that test case is open. Information about open test cases can be obtained (or modified) at any time through the OpenTestCases global property. One test case is created automatically at the beginning of each run, with the name of the script that is being run. At the end of a run, any test cases that are still open are ended and reported automatically.

Example code:

BeginTestCase "A" -- this marks the start of the reporting period for case A

-- other commands here

EndTestCase "A" -- this ends the reporting period for case A and logs the information that was gathered

BeginTestCase "B" -- start recording statistics for case B

-- other commands here

BeginTestCase "C" -- start recording statistics for case C

-- other commands here

EndTestCase "B" -- close case B and report statistics gathered since case B was opened

-- other commands here

-- if the run ends with TestCase C still open, it will be ended and reported automatically

• Added support for buttons used by VMLite VNC server on Android:

Home button: HomeKey

Menu button: F2

Back button: Escape

Search button: F5

Call/dial: F3

Lock phone: F4

Rotate Viewer Window: F6

Navigate between apps Up/down/left/right: UpArrow, DownArrow, LeftArrow, RightArrow

Other Changes

• The eggPlant documentation is now in HTML format, stored and updated regularly on the TestPlant web site at:

• The eggPlant OCR functionality now includes support for Asian languages Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.

• When a script run fails, the alert panel that is displayed now offers a choice of whether to display the script (previously, the script was always displayed).

• Added a mechanism to detect when eggPlant fails to launch. On the next launch attempt it will now offer to move aside the user preferences, which may eliminate the problem that is preventing it from launching successfully.

• Connection information can now be copied from the Connection List and pasted as text in a script or other text document.

But Fixes / Tweaks

• When a WaitForAll command fails, it now reports exactly which image was not found (for both the ImageDoctor and in the log). Previously it always reported the first image as the one that was not found.

• Fixed a problem where ColorAtPoint() did not allow getting the colors at the far extremes of the screen. Note: The actual screen goes from (0,0) to (Server Width -1, Server Height - 1) but for simplicity/compatibility we allow (Server Width, Server Height) to mean the right edge and bottom edge of the screen respectively.

• Connections can now be dragged from the Connection List with the Alt key held down (on Windows) and dropped into a script to generate a Connect command with the full connection property list (previously this capability was available on Mac and Linux, but not on Windows).

• Fixed an occasional crash following a RunWithNewResults.

• Fixed an occasional random crash when double-clicking on Windows systems.

• Fixed an issue that menus would sometimes not appear in a window when it was first opened on Windows systems.

• Fixed a bug that would fail to transmit large quantities of data (such as a 50K file) over a socket connection on Windows.

• Improved behavior when attempting connection to a SUT fails and times out.

• Fixed an issue in which the Email and Subject fields on the bug report / support panel would be marked in red even after the user entered information in those fields.

• Fields in the bug report / support panel are now cleared when the panel is brought up again.

• The bug report / support panel now allows attaching of crash logs on Windows systems.

• Eliminated some spurious GSLayoutManager warnings in the console log (Linux and Windows).

• Fixed some issues with windows occasionally being "lost" (such as windows which were minimized on quitting being lost upon relaunching eggPlant) (Windows and Linux).

Known Exclusions from EggPlant for Mac

  • Movie Recording from the GUI and startMovie command is not available.

  • Bonjour/zeroconfig VNC server detection is not present.

  • Use Image toolbar item on the Remote Window is not available on Windows.

  • Text Image Generation does not support the Mac Native or Pango generators.

  • Color Panel Does not currently support the Color Picker (Magnifying Glass) or Named Colors.

  • Image Formats Suites do not currently support ICO, PICT, or PDF images.

  • sh connections ARE supported on Windows, but require that you install an SSH client. Please see the Eggplant Reference manual for instructions.

  • ssh connections ARE supported on LINUX but some distributions restrict the ability to pass in an SSH password. We encourage you to set Public-Key Encryption for your SSH connections.

Copyright (C) 2002-2012 TestPlant, Inc – All Rights Reserved

US Patent #7,870,504. Other patents pending.

The eggPlant Logo is a trademark of TestPlant, Inc.