Values in SenseTalk
Computers deal with a wide variety of data values, including numbers, text, sound, and pictures. The values you will work with the most in SenseTalk are numbers and text. The ability to combine and organize these values in various ways is also important. SenseTalk’s lists and property lists let you do this.
Numbers in SenseTalk can be written using numerals:
or as words:
six hundred thirty-four
twelve point nine zero eight
negative three
one half
eighteen and three quarters
You can't use commas in numbers to separate groups of digits, because commas have other meanings in SenseTalk, such as separating the items in a list. However, you can use underscores (_) within a number to make a large number more readable (the underscores are simply ignored by SenseTalk). So, the number “one million three hundred thousand” can be written out in words or as 1_300_000 but can’t be written as 1,300,000. (For more information about lists, see lists, below.)
For technical applications, the following notation is also accepted:
- Scientific notation (containing "e+" or "e-" followed by the power of 10)
- Hexadecimal, octal, and binary notation (beginning with "0x", "0o", and "0b").
You can also use unit designations with numbers, such as for length or distance, weight, or angles:
100 yards
5 pounds
12 minutes
For a full discussion of units, see Using Numbers with Units.
Ordinal Numbers
An ordinal number refers to the order or position of something in a sequence. In SenseTalk, ordinal numbers may be used in chunk expressions to refer to a specific chunk of a value.
Ordinal numbers can be expressed as a number followed by an ordinal suffix (st, nd, rd, or th):
, 2nd
, 3rd
, 4th
, 5th
, … , 10th
, … , 31st
, … , 99th
, 100th
, 101st
, 102nd
, … , 2023rd
, …
Ordinal numbers can also be expressed in words:
, second
, third
, … , twelfth
, thirteenth
, … , twenty-first
, twenty-second
, … , ninety-ninth
, hundredth
, one hundred first
, ... , two hundredth
, … , nine hundred ninety-ninth
, one thousandth
, one thousand first
, … , millionth
In chunk expressions, ordinals can also be used for counting back from the end of a sequence (note that the dashes are required in these expressions):
, fourth-from-end
, 16th-to-final
{the} ordinal { - [to | from] - [last | end | ultimate | final] }
Text in SenseTalk is usually enclosed in straight double quotation marks:
"The Lord of the Rings"
"Greetings, and welcome to the world of computing!"
Full international (Unicode) text is supported. There are a few characters which are hard to represent in quoted text strings, though. In particular, the double quotation mark character itself can’t be used between quotation marks, or the computer would get confused. So SenseTalk provides a special word – quote
– which represents that character. You can use it like this:
"John said " & quote & "Hello!" & quote
The ampersand (&
) concatenates text, joining it together into a single longer string of characters, so the expression shown above would result in the following text:
John said "Hello!"
Another common character which can’t be included directly in quoted text is the return character, used to separate one line of text from the next. The word return
represents the return character in SenseTalk:
"This is line 1." & return & "This is line 2."
Another way of including these characters in text is to use the special double angle bracket pairs <<
and >>
. By using these pairs of characters instead of the double quotation mark, you can include quotation marks and return characters directly:
<<John said "Hello!"
This is line 2. >>
You can also use “curly” quotation marks, if you know how to produce them on your keyboard. They must always be paired with the left quotation mark at the beginning of the text and the right quotation mark at the end:
“John said "Hello!"”
Multi-line Blocks of Text
When you need to incorporate a large block of text spanning many lines into a script, a special mechanism is available using double curly braces {\{ }}
This type of block quoting differs from double angle brackets << >>. The quoted content doesn’t begin until the line following the opening double brace {\{
, and ends with the line preceding the closing double brace }}
which must be the first non-whitespace characters on a line.
put {{
This is my "quoted" text.
}} into statement
-- Statement now contains 'This is my "quoted" text.'
Neither the return following the opening double brace nor the return preceding the closing double brace are treated as part of the quoted content, so if you need to include a return character at the beginning or end of the quoted content, a blank line must be inserted.
These curly brace quotes are intended to make it easy to include a large quoted block of text within a script. Because the closing braces are only recognized at the beginning of a line, double braces may appear at other places within the quoted content. To allow an even greater range of content to be quoted, the opening braces may be followed by an identifier. The exact same identifier (case-sensitive) must then come immediately before the closing braces to terminate the quoted content. The identifier may include any non-whitespace characters other than curly braces. By using different identifiers, this makes it possible to nest one quoted text block within another.
set the script of Talker to {{TalkerScript
on speakUp
put {{InnerQuote
This is my "quoted" text, and I am prepared to use it.
InnerQuote}} into my statement
put statement
end speakUp
Logical (Boolean) Values
Logical values (sometimes called Boolean values) express whether something is true or false, yes or no, on or off. In SenseTalk these logical values are represented by the constants true
and false
There are also a number of operators and expressions which evaluate to true or false (see Expressions). Logical values are used to make choices about whether or not to perform certain commands contained in an if...then...else
construct (see Conditional Statements ).
When testing a condition in an if
statement, SenseTalk will accept any expression which evaluates not only to the constant values true
or false
but also to "yes", "no", "on", "off", or "" (empty). The values "true", "yes", and "on" are all treated as true, and "false", "no", "off", and "" are treated as false (none of these are case-sensitive – they are valid in upper, lower, or mixed case). Any other value will cause an exception to be thrown if it is used in a context where a logical value is required.
Constants and Predefined Variables
Words such as true
and return
, which have predefined values that cannot be changed, are called constants. SenseTalk has only five true constants (empty
, return
, true
, false
, and end
). In addition, there are a large number of predefined variables. These are words that have a predefined value, but can also be used as variables (and have their value changed in a script). See Restricted Words in SenseTalk for more details.
Some of the SenseTalk words that have predefined values are:
Word | Predefined Value |
empty | An empty string. This is the same as the text literal "" . |
return | A "newline" character. This is the same character that is entered in a multiline field when you press the "Return" key on the keyboard. |
carriageReturn creturn cr | A "carriage return" character. The same as numToChar(13) . |
linefeed lf newline | A linefeed character. The same as return , or numToChar(10) . |
crlf | A carriage return followed by a linefeed. The same as numToChar(13) & numToChar(10) . |
lineSeparator | A Unicode line separator character, equal to numToChar(0x2028) . |
paragraphSeparator | A Unicode paragraph separator character, equal to numToChar(0x2029) . |
quote | A straight double-quote character ("). |
tab | A tab character. This is the same character that is entered into a field when you press the "Tab" key. Tab is the same as numToChar(9) . |
space | A single space character (" "). |
comma | A comma (","). |
slash | A forward slash ("/"). |
backslash | A backward-leaning slash ("\"). |
colon | A colon (":"). |
formfeed | A formfeed character. The same as numToChar(12) . |
nullChar | A null character. The same as numToChar(0) . |
nil null | Equivalent to a missing value; for example, the value used in SenseTalk to represent a null value in a database. |
pi | The mathematical value pi, used in calculations related to circles. In SenseTalk, pi has the value 3.14159265358979323846. |
LightSpeed | The speed of light, equal to 299,792,458 meters per second. |
googol | Equivalent to 10 raised to the power of 100. |
true | The word "True", which has the logical value TRUE in SenseTalk. |
false | The word "False", which has the logical value FALSE in SenseTalk. |
yes | The word "Yes", which has the logical value TRUE in SenseTalk. |
no | The word "No", which has the logical value FALSE in SenseTalk. |
on | The word "On", which has the logical value TRUE in SenseTalk. |
off | The word "Off", which has the logical value FALSE in SenseTalk. |
end | The value of the endValue global property, returned by iterators when no more values are available (default value is " ⓔ ⓝ ⓓ "). |
zero , one , two , ... | The words zero, one, two, three, etc. are predefined as the corresponding numeric values (see Numbers, above). |
today | The current date, in international date format. |
now | The current time, in abbreviated international time format. |
date | The current date, in the same format as the date function. |
time | The current time, in the same format as the time function. |
The words above that are true constants include empty
, return
, true
, false
, and end
. The other words are predefined variables, which can have other values stored into them by your script.
Because text in SenseTalk is based on the standards used by Cocoa and Unix, the return
constant is actually a linefeed character, not a carriage return character, and is equivalent to numToChar(10)
. In situations where you need an actual carriage return character (such as when writing text to a device attached to a serial port) you should use carriageReturn
, creturn
, or cr
, which is equivalent to numToChar(13)
Custom Predefined Variables
In addition to the predefined variables listed above, SenseTalk automatically loads other variable definitions on startup, which can be customized to your needs. These definitions are contained in files with a ".predef" extension located in the Resources folder within the SenseTalkEngine framework or other bundle loaded by the host application.
Any files with this extension should be plain text files containing an archived property list. The SenseTalk value() function will be used to read each property list and register its keys and values with the SenseTalk engine as predefined variables.
If two resources provide values for the same predefined variable name, the last value loaded will be the one that is used for that variable. Since the value being loaded is a SenseTalk expression, it is possible to include an expression to check for an already defined value and use it instead, or incorporate it into the new value.
Predefined Variables Provided
SenseTalk comes with several sets of additional predefined variables installed, which provide convenient names for a number of useful characters and symbols. Not all of these symbols are available in all fonts, but they are all standard Unicode characters that may be useful. For example:
put copyrightSign && "2008"-- © 2008
The symbols provided include:
Common Symbol
period (.), fullStop (.), semicolon (;), questionMark (?), exclamationMark (!), numberSign (#), ellipsis (…), circumflexAccent (^), ampersand (&), asterisk (*), leftParenthesis ((), rightParenthesis ()), leftSquareBracket ([), rightSquareBracket (]), leftCurlyBracket ({), rightCurlyBracket (}), underscore (_), apostrophe ('), singleQuote ('), tilde (~), graveAccent (`), hyphen (‐), nonBreakingHyphen (-), figureDash (‒), enDash (–), emDash (—), dagger (†), doubleDagger (‡), bullet (•), triangularBullet (‣), nonBreakingSpace ( ), atSign (@), careOfSign (℅), serviceMarkSign (℠), telephoneSign (℡), tradeMarkSign (™), facsimileSign (℻), numeroSign (№), invertedExclamationMark (¡), invertedQuestionMark (¿), verticalBar (|), brokenBar (¦), sectionSign (§), copyrightSign (©), registeredSign (®), pilcrowSign or paragraphSign (¶), middleDot (·), cedilla (¸), leftDoubleAngleQuotationMark («), rightDoubleAngleQuotationMark (»), checkMark (✓), blackDiamond (◆), lowerLeftPencil (), helmSymbol (⎈), caretSign (‸), referenceMark (※), doubleExclamationMark (‼), doubleQuestionMark (⁇), heavyCheckMark(✔), xMark(✗), heavyXMark(✘)
Currency Symbols
centSign (¢), poundSign (£), currencySign (¤), yenSign (¥), euroSign (€), dollarSign ($), australSign (₳), cediSign (₵), colonSign (₡), cruzeiroSign (₢), dongSign (₫), drachmaSign (₯), euroCurrencySign (₠), frenchFrancSign (₣), germanPennySign (₰), guaraniSign (₲), hryvniaSign (₴), indianRupeeSign (₹), kipSign (₭), lariSign (₾), liraSign (₤), livreTournoisSign (₶), manatSign (₼), millSign (₥), nairaSign (₦), newSheqelSign (₪), nordicMarkSign (₻), pesetaSign (₧), pesoSign (₱), rupeeSign (₨), russianRubleSign (₽), spesmiloSign (₷), tengeSign (₸), tugrikSign (₮), turkishLiraSign (₺), wonSign (₩)
Numeric and Mathematical Symbols
lessThanSign (<), greaterThanSign (>), equalsSign (=), percentSign (%), perMilleSign (‰), perTenThousandSign (‱), degreeSign (°), superscriptOne (¹), superscriptTwo (²), superscriptThree (³), microSign (µ), plusSign (+), minusSign (−), multiplicationSign (×), divisionSign (÷), plusOrMinusSign (±), minusOrPlusSign (∓), squareRootSign (√), cubeRootSign (∛), infinitySign (∞), notSign (¬), equalSign (=), almostEqualSign (≈), approximatelyEqualSign (≅), notEqualSign (≠), lessThanOrEqualSign (≤), greaterThanOrEqualSign (≥), fractionOneQuarter (¼), fractionOneHalf (½), fractionThreeQuarters (¾), fractionFiveEighths (⅝), fractionFiveSixths (⅚), fractionFourFifths (⅘), fractionOneEighth (⅛), fractionOneFifth (⅕), fractionOneFourth (¼), fractionOneNinth (⅑), fractionOneSeventh (⅐), fractionOneSixth (⅙), fractionOneTenth (⅒), fractionOneThird (⅓), fractionSevenEighths (⅞), fractionThreeEighths (⅜), fractionThreeFifths (⅗), fractionThreeFourths (¾), fractionTwoFifths (⅖), fractionTwoThirds (⅔), fractionZeroThirds (↉)
Keyboard Symbols
commandKeySymbol (⌘), optionKeySymbol (⌥), controlKeySymbol (⌃), shiftKeySymbol (⇧), eraseRightKeySymbol (⌦), eraseLeftKeySymbol (⌫), escapeKeySymbol (⎋), returnKeySymbol (⏎), ejectKeySymbol (⏏), appleLogo (), alternativeKeySymbol (⎇), blankKeySymbol ( ␣ ), capsLockKeySymbol (⇪), clearKeySymbol (⌧), pageUpKeySymbol (⇞), pageDownKeySymbol (⇟), tabKeySymbol (⇥), tabLeftKeySymbol (⇤), returnLeftKeySymbol (↩), returnRightKeySymbol (↪), leftArrowSymbol (←), rightArrowSymbol (→), upArrowSymbol (↑), downArrowSymbol (↓), contextualMenuKeySymbol ()
Miscellaneous Symbols
whiteDiamond (◇), fisheye (◉), blackCircle (●), whiteCircle (○), largeCircle (◯), dottedCircle (◌), bullseye (◎), whiteBullet (◦), blackSun (☀), whiteSun (☼), cloud (☁), umbrella (☂), umbrellaWithRainDrops (☔), snowman (☃), cometSymbol (☄), blackStar (★), whiteStar (☆), lightningSymbol (☇), thunderstormSymbol (☈), sunSymbol (☉), blackTelephone (☎), whiteTelephone (☏), hotBeverage (☕), shamrock (☘), skullAndCrossbones (☠), cautionSign (☡), radioactiveSign (☢), biohazardSign (☣), caduceus (☤), ankh (☥), peaceSymbol (☮), yinYang (☯), firstQuarterMoon (☽), lastQuarterMoon (☾), femaleSign (♀), maleSign (♂), snowflake (❄), hotSprings (♨), whiteFlag (⚐), blackFlag (⚑), heavyBlackHeart (❤), blackSpadeSuit (♠), blackHeartSuit (♥), blackDiamondSuit (♦), blackClubSuit (♣), whiteSpadeSuit (♤), whiteHeartSuit (♡), whiteDiamondSuit (♢), whiteClubSuit (♧), recyclingSymbol (♲), blackRecyclingSymbol (♻), whiteSmilingFace (☺), blackSmilingFace (☻), whiteFrowningFace (☹), adiShakti (☬), AprilFoolsDay ("April 1"), blackChessBishop (♝), blackChessKing (♚), blackChessKnight (♞), blackChessPawn (♟), blackChessQueen (♛), blackChessRook (♜), blackHandPointingLeft (☚), blackHandPointingRight (☛), boxListFormat {prefix:"【", quotes:"None", separator:"】 【", suffix:"】"}
, chiRho (☧), Christmas ("December 25"), ChristmasEve ("December 24"), crossOfJerusalem (☩), crossOfLorraine (☨), digramForGreaterYang (⚌), digramForGreaterYin (⚏), digramForLesserYang (⚎), digramForLesserYin (⚍), earthSymbol (♁), farsiSymbol (☫), Halloween ("October 31"), hammerAndSickle (☭), handPointingDown (☟), handPointingLeft (☜), handPointingRight (☞), handPointingUp (☝), jsonListFormat {indent:" ", prefix:"[", quotes:"Auto", separator:",", suffix:"]"}
, jsonPropertyListFormat {asTextEnabled:"Yes", emptyRepresentation:"{}", entrySeparator:", ", indent:" ", keySeparator:":", prefix:"{", quotes:"Auto", suffix:"}"}
, jupiterSymbol (♃), LightSpeed (299792458 meters per second), marsSymbol (♂), mercurySymbol (☿), monogramForYang (⚊), monogramForYin (⚋), neptuneSymbol (♆), NewYearsDay ("January 1"), NewYearsEve ("December 31"), oldListFormat {prefix:"(", quotes:"None", separator:",", suffix:")"}
, oldPropertyListFormat {asTextEnabled:"Yes", emptyRepresentation:"(:)", entrySeparator:", ", keySeparator:":", prefix:"(", quotes:"Standard", suffix:")"}
, orthodoxCross (☦), plutoSymbol (♇), powerOnOffSymbol (⏼), powerOnSymbol (⏽), powerSleepSymbol (⏾), powerSymbol (⏻), saturnSymbol (♄), standardListFormat {prefix:"[", quotes:"Auto", separator:",", suffix:"]"}
, standardPropertyListFormat {asTextEnabled:"Yes", emptyRepresentation:"{:}", entrySeparator:", ", keySeparator:":", prefix:"{", quotes:"Auto", suffix:"}"}
, starAndCrescent (☪), trigramForEarth (☷), trigramForFire (☲), trigramForHeaven (☰), trigramForLake (☱), trigramForMountain (☶), trigramForThunder (☳), trigramForWater (☵), trigramForWind (☴), uranusSymbol (♅), ValentinesDay ("February 14"), venusSymbol (♀), wheelOfDharma (☸), whiteChessBishop (♗), whiteChessKing (♔), whiteChessKnight (♘), whiteChessPawn (♙), whiteChessQueen (♕), whiteChessRook (♖)
The predefinedVariables Global Property
the PredefinedVariables
global property is a property list containing the definitions of all of the predefined variables. See the predefinedVariables
for information about using the global property.
SenseTalk understands lists of values, which are enclosed in square brackets and separated by commas: