
Eggdrive vs. Command Line Execution

There are a few different ways to execute SenseTalk commands and Eggplant Functional (EPF) scripts from other testing tools and scripts written in languages other than SenseTalk. This article discusses the intended use-cases for Eggdrive and running from the command line with Eggplant Functional to help you decide which approach is best for your team.


Eggdrive is an API that enables you to invoke Eggplant Functional as a service. For example, you can use Eggdrive to run Eggplant Functional commands in conjunction with Vector CANoe in automotive, from within an in-house Python test framework, or from a keyword driven test framework.

Eggdrive is not designed to be a convenient way to run Eggplant Functional. The simpler command line interface is more appropriate for this. Using Eggdrive to remotely start an Eggplant Functional script would be like writing a program to launch a web browser instead of simply double-clicking the icon on your desktop.

Use of Eggdrive is appropriate if you are looking for fine-grained control of Eggplant Functional capabilities (such as doing individual image searches) from another tool, or from previously existing scripts written in languages other than SenseTalk.

Documentation on Eggdrive can be found here.

Command Line Interface

The command line interface (CLI) is the universal, standard method for using one tool from within another. That’s actually why the CLI was invented and it’s one of the most enduring standards in computing. It’s easy to use, it doesn’t require programming, and everyone supports it.

Documentation on running Eggplant Functional from the command line can be found here.

Simply put, running Eggplant Functional from the command line makes it easy to execute full Eggplant Functional scripts and feed results into test management tools. If running single SenseTalk commands from scripts written in other languages, then turn to Eggdrive.