eggPlant v12 Release Notes
The notes below provide descriptions of the new features and changes introduced with each release of eggPlant. You are strongly encouraged to read about the relevant changes whenever you upgrade from an earlier version.
Potential compatibility issues are highlighted in RED.
Notes For Cross Platform Users:
eggPlant for Linux and Windows contains almost all of the functionality available in eggPlant for Mac.
Excluded features are listed at the bottom of the release notes.
Release v12.30 (15-July-2013)
- New in-line menus for Linux.
- Several improvements for International support
- Fixed several stability and usability issues.
- Added the ability to sort Scripts Results by each of the columns.
- Added a Preference to disable having the Capture Image panel remember your last location.
- The menus on Linux are now displayed within the application windows by default. You can revert to the old behavior by issuing this command:
defaults write Eggplant NSMenuInterfaceStyle NSNextStepInterfaceStyle
- ReadText() will now throw an error when no text is found at an image location or at a specified coordinate. This matches the behavior when a rectangle is specified.
- ReadText() will now log it's results for an image location or at a specified coordinate. This matches the behavior when a rectangle is specified.
- All script and image references should now properly normalize their Unicode values. This should allow for scripts and images to be found regardless of how the title is entered.
- Improved the behavior of the Write command to be more intuitive after an earlier Read command.
- Fixed a problem where the Scale attribute was always returned as 1.0 for FoundImageInfo().
- ScrollWheelDown() with no parameter will now scroll down by one (instead of up by one)
- ScrollWheelDown() and ScrollWheelUp() will now only allow scrolling by limited values to prevent locking up eggPlant and the VNC server.
Added the following attributes for the ConnectionInfo() for USB connected Android devices:
AndroidDevice will be TRUE
DeviceSerialNumber will be set to the Serial Number of the device.
Fixed a problem with License Errors when connecting to RealVNC Mobile servers.
Improved the Viewer window to not shrink when mobile devices are rotated.
Fixed a problem where eggPlant would terminate the VMLite server on Android devices.
Fixed a problem launching on Mac with RealVNC Mobile keys.
But Fixes / Tweaks
- Fixed a crashing problem when using Image Doctor/Image Search on some images that became entirely transparent.
- Fixed a problem with eggPlant hanging on Ubuntu 12 during startup.
- Fixed an occasional problem launching multiple simultaneous copies of eggPlant on Windows.
- Fixed a problem launching on Windows with some international date settings.
- Fixed a bug when creating a new suite with the same name as an old suite.
- Fixed a problem with AutoDoctor not engaging for Execution/Command-Line Only licenses
- Fixed a problem where opening an Image would re-open previously closed tabs in a Suite.
- Fixed a problem in SendMail when "Content-Type" was set.
- Fixed a problem where the Image Doctor would scale images to an unreasonably small size resulting in false image matches.
- Fixed a problem with some images not scaling properly.
- Fixed an occasional crashing problem when closing script tabs.
- Fixed a problem when executing selections of code that hadn't been reformatted.This could lead to various Range exceptions or crashes.
- Improved memory usage to prevent numerous out of memory conditions.
- Fixed a problem with the Auto-Doctor hanging during certain scaling searches.
- Fixed a problem displaying context menus after certain screen resizes.