
Eggplant Functional 25 Release Notes

The notes below provide descriptions of the new features and changes introduced with each release of Eggplant Functional (EPF). You are strongly encouraged to read about the relevant changes whenever you upgrade from an earlier version.


You can find the EPF-supported software, operating systems, and system recommendations on the Prerequisites page.


To make it easier to identify compatible Eggplant products, starting with version 25.1, compatible products will share version numbers. For example, the Eggplant Functional 25.1 release is compatible with DAI 25.1, and so on.


  • Eggplant Functional no longer supports the classic iOS and Android Gateways. We recommend moving to the Mobile Device connections in Eggplant Functional. See Connecting to Mobile Devices for more information.

  • Tables functionality will be removed in a future release.


The online documentation contains the latest information about Eggplant Functional releases. If you are using the documentation embedded in Eggplant Functional, please see the Release Notes in the online documentation at: https://docs.eggplantsoftware.com/studio/epf-v25-release-notes/

EPF 25.1.2 (March 2025)

This release of Eggplant Functional (EPF) is available on Windows, Linux, and Mac. It does not contain any new features, but includes defect fixes. It also includes SenseTalk enhancements and fixes.

Defect Fixes

  • Fixes an issue that results in an exception when an API Test is run from a SenseTalk Script. (CRD-1786)
  • Fixes a crash when clicking the Preview drop down in the Find Text window on Ubuntu 22 and RHEL 8. (CRD-1746)
  • Updates functionality so that EPF no longer automatically suggests “Precise to Pixel” for the Search Type when capturing an image. (CRD-1682)
  • Resolves an issue where the SenseTalk version().archive would not correctly identify 64-bit Windows as 64-bit. (CRD-1544)
  • Resolves an issue so that the SenseTalk line average of empty now returns nan (not a number) on Windows versions of Eggplant, matching the behavior of macOS and Linux.


Includes SenseTalk version 2.22.

SenseTalk Enhancements

  • Adds the WaitForNotFound command and function, which are functionally oppostite of the WaitFor command and function. The WaitForNotFound command and function halt script execution until none of the specified elements are found on the SUT. For more information, see WaitForNotFound.

  • Updates Dependencies

  • Removes parsing of old OpenStep-style plists as property lists:
    SenseTalk property lists that use = in place of : to separate keys and values, and ; in place of , to separate property list entries will no longer work (see example below). This method for formatting plists in SenseTalk can potentially cause issues with syntactically correct SenseTalk.

    {key1 = "Value 1"; key2 = "Value 2";} -- No Longer Supported
    {key1: "Value 1", key2: "Value 2"} -- Preferred Syntax, Still Supported

SenseTalk Defect Fixes

  • Fixes a crash caused by long running comparisons of large CSV files on Windows. (CRD-1728)

Eggplant Gateway

Includes Eggplant Gateway version 25.1.4-0013.

For the latest information on Eggplant Gateway, see the Eggplant Gateway documentation at https://docs.eggplantsoftware.com/gateway/.

Included OCR Version

The EPF 25.1.2 release includes the following OCR version:

  • Mac and Windows OCR version: 12.4, which we recommend for best results with Eastern language recognition on Mac and Windows. For best results with Western language recognition, we recommend release 25.1.102.
  • Linux OCR version: 12.3, which provides best results for recognition of all languages on Red Hat, CentOS, and Ubuntu.

You can verify what version of OCR your EPF instance is running with using the following SenseTalk function: ocrversion()

put ocrversion() --> 12.4

EPF 25.1.102 (March 2025)

Included OCR Version

The EPF 25.1.102 release is available for Mac and Windows only. It contains the same updates and bug fixes as the 25.1.2 release described above, except that it includes a different version of the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) component, which is the EPF component that reads text.

Included OCR Version

The EPF 25.1.102 release includes the following OCR version:

  • Mac and Windows OCR version: 12.2, which we recommend for best results with Western language recognition on Mac and Windows. For best results with Eastern language recognition, we recommend release 25.1.2 as described above.

You can verify what version of OCR your EPF instance is running with using the following SenseTalk function: ocrversion()

put ocrversion() --> 12.2

EPF 25.1.0 and 25.1.100 (February 2025)

EPF versions 25.1.0 and 25.1.100 do not include any new updates but include the same functionality as 23.5.2 and 23.5.102 respectively.

You can find information about the 23.5.2 and 23.5.102 releases in the online release notes at: https://docs.eggplantsoftware.com/studio/epf-v23-release-notes#epf-2352-january-2025


To make it easier to identify compatible Eggplant products, version 25.1 and all future compatible products will share version numbers. For example, the Eggplant Functional 25.1 release is compatible with DAI 25.1, and so on.