
To make a connection to an Android system under test (SUT) with Eggplant's testing tools, you need to have a VNC server on the device. You have different connection options with the Eggplant range, and you'll need to choose the best one for your specific devices and testing needs.

Watch the following video for an overview of connecting to Android devices.

Automatic Android VNC Server

Eggplant Functional includes a built-in VNC server for Android devices. Use this to test Android devices that you've connected directly to the Eggplant Functional machine. The automatic Android VNC server works with Android version 4.1 and later.

Note: Depending on the specific device and OS version, you might need to switch the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) version that Eggplant Functional uses. Check the Connections tab of Eggplant Functional Preferences to see which version is in use.

Android Gateway

Android Gateway is a tool for use with Eggplant Functional to assist in making connections to Android devices for test automation. You can download Android Gateway from the Eggplant Mobile downloads page.

Android Gateway enables a VNC connection exclusively for Eggplant Functional. It works with devices running Android 4.1.1 and later. For additional information about setting up and using Android Gateway, see Indirect Android Connections.

Mobile WebDriver for Android

You can perform object-based testing on Android devices using WebDriver commands and functions in Eggplant Functional. You'll need to download and configure additional components to do this. Mobile WebDriver testing requires Eggplant Functional 18.1.2 and later.


This topic was last updated on 2月 01, 2019, at 11:13:23 午前.

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