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Welcome to the Eggplant Best Practices site. These pages aim to provide a simplistic step by step guide to use Eggplant quickly and efficiently.

And whilst it does not aim to cover every aspect of Eggplant, nor complex functionality, it provides a self-service reference guide for automation developers to create successful automation projects.

Although the examples in this site are performed against a web application, the techniques described can be used on any Application Under Test (AUT) or System Under Test (SUT), whether it be a windows thick client (desktop) or a mobile application.


Prior to using the best practices document, we would advise you go through our online certification. This will provide you with the fundamentals and terminology required to be able to follow the best practices without any ambiguity.

The best practices will not cover complex functionality in order to be able to explain key concepts and approaches.

Example Use Cases

Each section of the best practices will walk through the fundamentals that should be utilised when beginning an automation framework in Eggplant. In each section, an approach will be introduced, explained and put into practice against the example use cases described below, using the example AUT NopCommerce.

For Automation Best Practices, we will use Testcase 1, and build out an example Eggplant script that will gradually evolve upon the introduction of a new best practice. Testcase 4 will be used for the Data Entry Best Practice. The goal of those sections, is to equip you with the fundamentals to build an automation project using Eggplant.

Toggle each Manual Execution below to see the video of the test steps being performed manually

Testcase 1
Testcase 2
Testcase 3
Testcase 4

Manual Run 1

Manual Run 2

Manual Run 3

Manual Run 4
  1. Launch Browser to and validate
  2. From menu, select Computers and Desktop
  3. On results page, select Vanquish Storm 3
  4. On item page, select ADD TO CART.
  5. Open Shopping cart, validate item has been added.
  1. Launch Browser to and validate.
  2. From menu, select Apparel and Clothing
  3. On results page, select Levi's 511 Jean
  4. On item page, select ADD TO CART.
  5. Open Shopping cart, validate item has been added.
  1. Launch Browser to and validate.
  2. From menu, select Books
  3. On results page, select Pride and Prejudice
  4. On item page, select ADD TO CART.
  5. Open Shopping cart, validate item has been added.
  1. Launch Browser to and validate.

  2. Click Register on top menu pane.

  3. On the Registration page, add the following data:

    • Gender: Female
    • First name: Testing
    • Last name: 123
    • Date of birth: 1/1/1990
    • Email:
    • Password: testing123
    • Confirm Password: testing123
  4. Click Register button

  5. Validate Your registration completed is displayed.