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epgw release 3.18

We're happy to announce Eggplant Gateway 3.18.

Eggplant Gateway for RDP connection

With this release the Eggplant Gateway for RDP implementation has now able to perform connection to remote desktop server. This release enabled the all previous remote connection features in Eggplant Gateway 3.13 with some additional improvement:

  • This version improved the Image quality captured via the Eggplant Gateway for RDP connection to enable our existing users able to re-use existing test script to perform execution without the need to recapture images.
  • This version also included full test scope coverage on Eggplant Gateway RDP connection support in MacOS client machine.
    • User who use Mac OS as the client machine, will need to install FreeRDP before starting the SUT connection.
      • Eggplant Gateway support x86_64 & arm64 architecture, to install FreeRDP in different environment.
        • For x86_64, sample commands as below:
          • Install HomeBrew arch -x86_64 /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
          • Install FreeRDP arch -x86_64 brew install freerdp
        • For arm64, sample commands as below:
          • Install HomeBrew /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
          • Install FreeRDP brew install freerdp

Functionality of Remote clipboard are not enabled yet in Eggplant Gateway 3.18. Eggplant Functional Sensetalk command such as SetRemoteClipboard and Log RemoteClipboard() are expected not able to set or get clipboard value in SUT. The Remote clipboard feature will be enabled in future release.