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A Single System connection allows to connect, control and test on the same Windows machine from where the test is running. Performing single system model testing, allowing user to eliminate the step of setting up another machine as SUT.


The Single System is only supported on Windows and requires the 64 bit Eggplant Gateway build.

Getting started

Setup Eggplant Gateway for Single System environment

To set up Eggplant Gateway for Single System connection, run the following command in Administrator mode:

./epgw setup single-system

Creating a connection

To create an Eggplant Gateway for Single System connection, run the following command:

./epgw add single-system \
--name <The connection name> \
--username <The parent machine username> \
--password <The parent machine password> \
--resolution <The remote server screen resolution>
nameThe name of the connection you want to create. You can freely choose this name.
usernameThe username of the parent machine login user.
passwordThe password of parent machine login user.
resolutionThe resolution of at which to initialize the remote desktop.

For example, to create a connection which will launch remote desktop session from the parent machine:

./epgw add single-system --name test_single_system --username "RdpUser" --password "RdpUser123" --resolution "1600x900"

Connecting to Eggplant Functional

Follow these steps to log in to SUT and establish a connection to Eggplant Functional:

  1. Start Eggplant Functional
  2. Run epgw connect <name>, where name is the name of your Gateway connection. For example, epgw connect test_single_system

The Eggplant Gateway will now log in to your the server remote desktop, establish a connection and connect to Eggplant Functional.

Setting up a VNC server for your remote desktop connection

Alternatively, you can set up a VNC server for your remote desktop connection. To do so:

  1. Run epgw vnc <name>, where name is the name of your Gateway connection. For example, epgw vnc test_single_system

The Eggplant Gateway will now log in to your remote desktop server, establish a connection and start a VNC server at port 5900.

You'll need to manually add your device to the connection list in Eggplant Functional.


Known issues:

  • Upon first time connection, there might be showing black screen. Re-connect again will resolve the screen display issue.
  • Google chrome will not able to launch simultaneously from parent machine and SUT. Windows restricted the launch of chrome using same profile between parent session and child SUT. To overcome it, create a new profile, and launch it from child SUT.