epgw release 3.23
We're happy to announce Eggplant Gateway 3.23 (14 November 2023).
Eggplant Gateway for Appium
This epgw release adds support to create connections using a running Appium server for physical iOS devices.
- Scripts created with the Eggplant gateway for iOS are compatible with the Appium gateway (except for the connection type and commands).
- This is the preferred way to automate iOS 17 devices until iOS 17 support is added to
Eggplant Gateway for iOS
Eggplant Gateway for Rdp
This epgw version enables an alternative way to support Unicode for Remote clipboard
. Use cases such as SetRemoteClipboard "大家好"
or TypeText controlKey, C
with Unicode and Log RemoteClipboard
are supported.
This required to modify the rfb clipboard encoding setting in EPF defaults
- Close all Eggplant Functional applications.
- Execute
defaults write Eggplant RFBClipboardEncoding 4
in command prompt (located inC:\Program Files\Eggplant
for Windows)