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Support for multiple keyboard layouts

The FreeRDP connection type integrates with your keyboard allowing your test script to interact with a Single System SUT as if it were physically interacting with the SUT. This enables you to type, click, and navigate the SUT using Sensetalk scripts.


Current keyboard layouts for remote SUT are automatically configured to be the same as the keyboard layout used by the Eggplant Gateway machine.

Pre-condition: To set the keyboard layout to be the same as the client [or Eggplant Gateway] machine, you must sign out of the previous remote SUT session.

Supported Keyboard Layout

Keyboard layoutDescription
QWERTYQWERTY is standard keyboard layout for English.
QWERTZQWERTZ keyboard layout widely used in Central and Southeast Europe.
AZERTYAZERTY is keyboard layout used in France and neighboring countries.

The current keyboard layouts supported and tested are English, French, German, Chinese, and Japanese.

Known Issues with Keyboard Layout Support

German Keyboard

There are known issues with the keyboard layout for German (QWERTZ) implementation. Some characters sent from French and German keyboards display differently. To resolve these mismatched character displays, add set the sendShiftForCaps to no into each script.

@ { } ~emptyset the sendShiftForCaps to no
#'set the sendShiftForCaps to no
~'set the sendShiftForCaps to no
<>set the sendShiftForCaps to no
^°set the sendShiftForCaps to no
+*set the sendShiftForCaps to no

French Keyboard

There are known issues with the keyboard layout for French (AZERTY) implementation. Some characters sent from French and German keyboards display differently. To resolve these mismatched character displays, add set the sendShiftForCaps to no into each script.

@ { } ~emptyset the sendShiftForCaps to no
^¨set the sendShiftForCaps to no
&1set the sendShiftForCaps to no
(5set the sendShiftForCaps to no
_8set the sendShiftForCaps to no
)°set the sendShiftForCaps to no
$£set the sendShiftForCaps to no
!§set the sendShiftForCaps to no
:/set the sendShiftForCaps to no
<>set the sendShiftForCaps to no
"3set the sendShiftForCaps to no
*µset the sendShiftForCaps to no

Additionally, some of the keys will trigger Sticky Key Notfication on Windows. Adding the set the sendShiftForCaps to no will also resolve and deactivate the prompt.

Future: Eggplant Gateway will work with Eggplant Functional to resolve it by including the SendShiftForCaps boolean embedded into the engine.