C++ IP API  9.5.5
TCP & UDP for virtual user scripts
Published classes
The classes made visible to the user.
[detail level 12]
 CBaseResponseThe base class of Response classes.
 CDiscardResponseObjects of this class are returned by discard methods.
 CExtractionCursorThis class maintains information over a sequence of textual searches.
 CExtractorA means to search and extract information from a string.
 CExtractorWithActionsA means to search and extract information from a string.
 CIpEndPointThis class encapsulates IP address and port. Static member instances represent common patterns and address families
 CIpScriptInherits from VirtualUserScript and provides access to factories for the creation of TCP connections and UDP links.
 CIpVirtualUserThis class inherits from VirtualUser and provides access to UDP link and TCP connection factories.
 CPatternAn Interface to which sub-classes must conform.
 CPatternListA Pattern which is a list other Pattern instances.
 CPatternResponseThe objects of this class are returned by receive methods.
 CReceiveResponseObjects of this class are returned by receive methods.
 CRegExpMatchThe objects of this class indicate a position and a string found in a textual search.
 CSimplePatternA Pattern based on a single string.
 CTcpClientConnectionThis class enables communication over the TCP protocol and permits connection to a server.
 CTcpConnectionA TCP protocol connection endpoint that manages an underlying socket. Provides methods for sending and receiving data that are designed for use in test scripts
 CTcpConnectionFactoryA factory class for the creation of TcpClientConnection and TcpConnection objects.
 CUdpLinkFactoryThis is a factory class for the creation of UdpLink objects in the context of an IpVirtualUser.