C++ IP API  9.5.8
TCP & UDP for virtual user scripts
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CFacilita::BaseResponseThe base class of Response classes.
 CFacilita::DiscardResponseObjects of this class are returned by discard methods.
 CFacilita::ReceiveResponseObjects of this class are returned by receive methods.
 CFacilita::PatternResponseThe objects of this class are returned by receive methods.
 CFacilita::ExtractorA means to search and extract information from a string.
 CFacilita::ExtractorWithActionsA means to search and extract information from a string.
 CFacilita::ReceiveResponseObjects of this class are returned by receive methods.
 CFacilita::ExtractionCursorThis class maintains information over a sequence of textual searches.
 CFacilita::IpEndPointThis class encapsulates IP address and port. Static member instances represent common patterns and address families
 CFacilita::TcpConnectionA TCP protocol connection endpoint that manages an underlying socket. Provides methods for sending and receiving data that are designed for use in test scripts
 CFacilita::TcpClientConnectionThis class enables communication over the TCP protocol and permits connection to a server.
 CFacilita::PatternAn Interface to which sub-classes must conform.
 CFacilita::PatternListA Pattern which is a list other Pattern instances.
 CFacilita::SimplePatternA Pattern based on a single string.
 CFacilita::RegExpMatchThe objects of this class indicate a position and a string found in a textual search.
 CFacilita::TcpConnectionA TCP protocol connection endpoint that manages an underlying socket. Provides methods for sending and receiving data that are designed for use in test scripts
 CFacilita::TcpConnectionA TCP protocol connection endpoint that manages an underlying socket. Provides methods for sending and receiving data that are designed for use in test scripts
 CFacilita::TcpConnectionFactoryA factory class for the creation of TcpClientConnection and TcpConnection objects.
 CFacilita::UdpLinkFactoryThis is a factory class for the creation of UdpLink objects in the context of an IpVirtualUser.
 CFacilita::IpVirtualUserThis class inherits from VirtualUser and provides access to UDP link and TCP connection factories.
 CFacilita::IpScriptInherits from VirtualUserScript and provides access to factories for the creation of TCP connections and UDP links.