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Version: 23.4

Quick Reference: Eggplant Functional Commands

The following table lists common SenseTalk commands that you can use with Eggplant Functional scripts.

CaptureScreenTakes a snapshot of the Viewer window
ClickClicks the SUT mouse in a coordinate location, or in the first image parameter found
CompareScreenChecks for changes to a screen or portion of a screen.
ConnectOpens a VNC or RDP connection with a SUT; makes it the active connection
DeleteVaultValueDeletes a string from a secure location
DisconnectCloses a connection with a SUT
DoubleClickDouble-clicks the SUT mouse in a coordinate location, or in the first image parameter found
DragClicks and holds the SUT mouse in the Hot Spot of the first location found
DragAndDropClicks and holds the SUT mouse in the first location, moves to subsequent locations, releasing the mouse button on the last location
DropMoves the mouse to the given location and releases the mouse button
GetVaultValueReturns a string from a secure location
Hide RemoteWindowHides the Viewer window
HighlightRectangleDraws a border around the given rectangle in the Viewer window
KeyDownPresses and holds keys on the SUT keyboard
KeyUpReleases keys that are held down on the SUT keyboard
LaunchAppLaunches a signed app (or Springboard) on an iOS device that you are connected to through the iOS Gateway
LogInserts a comment into a script’s Log file
LogErrorInserts a comment into a script’s Log file in red text
LogSuccessInserts a comment into a script's log file and adds one to the success count for the script
LogWarningInserts a comment into a script’s Log file in orange text
MouseButtonDownPresses the SUT mouse button
MouseButtonUpReleases the SUT mouse button
MoveToMoves the SUT mouse to a coordinate location, or to the first image parameter found
MoveToEachMoves the SUT mouse to each of the given coordinate locations and image parameters
PauseScriptPauses script execution; enters debug mode
RefreshScreenRedraws the image of the SUT in the Viewer window
RightClickRight-clicks the SUT mouse in a coordinate location, or in the first image parameter found
RunRuns a given script
RunWithNewResultsRuns a given script, generating a separate Log file for it
ScrollWheelDownScrolls the SUT mouse wheel down a given number of increments
ScrollWheelUpScrolls the SUT mouse wheel up a given number of increments
SendMailSends an e-mail from within a script
SetOptionModifies a global property value
SetOptionsModifies multiple global property values
SetRemoteClipboardPlaces text in the SUT clipboard
SetVaultValueStores a specified string in a secure location
ShowRemoteWindowShows the Viewer window
StartMovieStarts recording a movie in the Viewer window
StopMovieEnds a movie that is recorded from within a script
TraceScreenOn / TraceScreenOffTurns screen captures before every command on and off
TypeTextSends keystrokes to the SUT keyboard
Unzip FileUncompresses and extracts the contents of a .zip archive file
WaitDelays the next line of execution for the given length of time
WaitForDelays execution of the next line until any one of the given images is found
WaitForAllDelays execution of the next line until all given images are found
Zip File, Zip FolderMakes a compressed archive (a .zip file) of an existing file or folder

Deprecated Commands

Commands in the following table are deprecated and no longer supported; if an updated command or method is available, it is noted in the description.

CloseSuiteEnds the temporary suite availability of OpenSuite
OpenSuiteMakes a suite available to the running script; use The InitialSuites global property instead
SetSearchRectangleDefines the search area based on two pairs of screen coordinates that it takes as parameters. Instead, use the SearchRectangle Eggplant Functional Global Property.