Quick Reference: Eggplant Functional Commands
The following table lists common SenseTalk commands that you can use with Eggplant Functional (EPF) scripts.
Command | Behavior |
CaptureScreen | Takes a snapshot of the Viewer window |
Click | Clicks the SUT mouse in a coordinate location, or in the first image parameter found |
CompareScreen | Checks for changes to a screen or portion of a screen. |
Connect | Opens a VNC or RDP connection with a SUT; makes it the active connection |
DeleteVaultValue | Deletes a string from a secure location |
Disconnect | Closes a connection with a SUT |
DoubleClick | Double-clicks the SUT mouse in a coordinate location, or in the first image parameter found |
Drag | Clicks and holds the SUT mouse in the Hot Spot of the first location found |
DragAndDrop | Clicks and holds the SUT mouse in the first location, moves to subsequent locations, releasing the mouse button on the last location |
Drop | Moves the mouse to the given location and releases the mouse button |
GetVaultValue | Returns a string from a secure location |
Hide RemoteWindow | Hides the Viewer window |
HighlightRectangle | Draws a border around the given rectangle in the Viewer window |
KeyDown | Presses and holds keys on the SUT keyboard |
KeyUp | Releases keys that are held down on the SUT keyboard |
LaunchApp | Launches a signed app (or Springboard) on an iOS device that you are connected to through the iOS Gateway |
Log | Inserts a comment into a script’s Log file |
LogError | Inserts a comment into a script’s Log file in red text |
LogSuccess | Inserts a comment into a script's log file and adds one to the success count for the script |
LogWarning | Inserts a comment into a script’s Log file in orange text |
MouseButtonDown | Presses the SUT mouse button |
MouseButtonUp | Releases the SUT mouse button |
MoveTo | Moves the SUT mouse to a coordinate location, or to the first image parameter found |
MoveToEach | Moves the SUT mouse to each of the given coordinate locations and image parameters |
PauseScript | Pauses script execution; enters debug mode |
RefreshScreen | Redraws the image of the SUT in the Viewer window |
RightClick | Right-clicks the SUT mouse in a coordinate location, or in the first image parameter found |
Run | Runs a given script |
RunWithNewResults | Runs a given script, generating a separate Log file for it |
ScrollWheelDown | Scrolls the SUT mouse wheel down a given number of increments |
ScrollWheelUp | Scrolls the SUT mouse wheel up a given number of increments |
SendMail | Sends an e-mail from within a script |
SetOption | Modifies a global property value |
SetOptions | Modifies multiple global property values |
SetRemoteClipboard | Places text in the SUT clipboard |
SetVaultValue | Stores a specified string in a secure location |
ShowRemoteWindow | Shows the Viewer window |
StartMovie | Starts recording a movie in the Viewer window |
StopMovie | Ends a movie that is recorded from within a script |
TraceScreenOn / TraceScreenOff | Turns screen captures before every command on and off |
TypeText | Sends keystrokes to the SUT keyboard |
Unzip File | Uncompresses and extracts the contents of a .zip archive file |
Wait | Delays the next line of execution for the given length of time |
WaitFor | Delays execution of the next line until any one of the given images is found |
WaitForAll | Delays execution of the next line until all given images are found |
Zip File, Zip Folder | Makes a compressed archive (a .zip file) of an existing file or folder |
Deprecated Commands
Commands in the following table are deprecated and no longer supported; if an updated command or method is available, it is noted in the description.
Command | Behavior |
CloseSuite | Ends the temporary suite availability of OpenSuite |
OpenSuite | Makes a suite available to the running script; use The InitialSuites global property instead |
SetSearchRectangle | Defines the search area based on two pairs of screen coordinates that it takes as parameters. Instead, use the SearchRectangle Eggplant Functional Global Property. |