Color Values in SenseTalk
A color can be represented in SenseTalk as a combination of component values in any of several different formats.
Supported Color Formats
The recognized formats are listed in the following table:
Color Format | Example Value | Description |
Basic | 128,0,64 | Red, green, and blue values from 0 to 255 |
Alpha | 128,0,64,255 | Red, green, blue, and alpha values from 0 to 255 |
HTML | #800040 | Red, green, and blue values in hexadecimal form as used in web pages |
W | W, 0.241 | White value from 0 (black) to 1 (white)k |
WA | WA, 0.241, 1.000 | White and alpha values from 0 to 1 |
RGB | RGB, 0.5, 0, 0.25 | Red, green, and blue values from 0 to 1 |
RGBA | RGBA, 0.5, 0.0, 0.25, 1.0 | Red, green, blue, and alpha values from 0 to 1 |
HSB | HSB, 0.917, 1.0, 0.5 | Hue, saturation, and brightness values from 0 to 1 |
HSBA | HSBA, 0.917, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0 | Hue, saturation, brightness and alpha values from 0 to 1 |
CMYK | CMYK, 0.143, 0.942, 0.225, 0.274 | Cyan, magenta, yellow, and black values from 0 to 1 |
CMYKA | CMYKA, 0.143, 0.942, 0.225, 0.274, 1.000 | Cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and alpha values from 0 to 1 |
In addition, a number of color names are recognized, as defined by the namedColors
global property.
The default color format, known as the Basic
format, is a list of three numbers with values in the range 0 to 255, indicating the amounts of red, green, and blue that compose the color. The Alpha
format adds a fourth number, known as the alpha value, that represents the opacity of the value, for systems that can work with partially-transparent colors. An alpha value of zero represents clear.
The HTML format is a single value consisting of a pound sign (#) followed by two hexadecimal digits each for the red, green, and blue components of the color. Each of the other formats is a list beginning with a format code, followed by numeric values in the range 0.0 to 1.0 representing the amount of each component in a particular color model.
When evaluating a value as a color, SenseTalk can accept either a list of appropriate values, or a text list (a text string consisting of values separated by commas).
Related Global Properties
In addition to the commands and functions described below, there are two SenseTalk global properties you can use to govern certain aspects of working with color in scripts:
The ColorFormat
The NamedColor
These global properties are defined on Global and Local Properties for Working with Values.
Related Commands and Functions
There are a number of color-related commands and functions in SenseTalk.
, AsColor
Behavior: The color
function returns a color value from a string or list in one of the recognized color formats. Any of the 11 formats described for the colorFormat
property are recognized, as either text lists (with items separated by commas) or as true lists of values. In addition, color names can be used, as defined by the namedColors
global property.
Use the color
function whenever a color is needed from a value that may not already be represented as a color. One common use of the color
function is to compare two colors that may be in different formats to see if they represent the same color.
color( stringOrList )
the color of stringOrList
The color
function converts a value to its internal representation as a color. This can also be called using the synonymous asColor
function, or the as color
put color("#00FFFF") is the color of "aqua" --> True
if color of stripe is color("red") then
//Do something
end if
, Green
, Blue
, Hue
, Saturation
, Brightness
, Cyan
, Magenta
, Yellow
, Black
, White
, and Alpha
Behavior: These functions each return one component value of a color interpreted using a particular color space. The value returned is always in the range from 0 (the color does not contain any of that component) to 1 (the color contains the maximum possible amount of that component).
Use the red
, green
, and blue
functions to obtain the individual components of a color as represented using the red/green/blue color space. Use the hue
, saturation
, and brightness
functions to get the individual components of a color as represented using the hue, saturation, and brightness color space. Use the cyan
, magenta
, yellow
, and black
functions to obtain the individual components of a color as represented using the cyan/magenta/yellow/black color space that is commonly used when printing. Use the white
function to evaluate a color using a greyscale color space and return the level of white from 0 (black) to 1 (white). Use the alpha
function to return the opacity of a color value, from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).
red( stringOrList ) , blue( stringOrList ) , ...
the red of stringOrList , the blue of stringOrList , ...
Each of these functions evaluates stringOrList as a color and returns a value in the range 0 to 1 representing the amount of the requested color component that is present in that color in the appropriate color space. Note that the black
and white
functions are not opposites, as they evaluate the color in different color spaces.
put the red of "purple" --> 0.5
put blue("#00FFFF") --> 1
put hue("purple") --> 0.833333
put yellow("#00FFFF") --> 0.133043
put white of "purple" --> 0.268208
Is a Color
Behavior: The is a color
operator is an extension to the standard is a
operator that tests whether a given value can be interpreted as a color.
Use the is a color
operator whenever your script needs to determine if a value is valid as a color.
value is a color
If value
is a string or list in one of the recognized color formats, or is one of the color names defined by the namedColors
global property, the is a color
operator will evaluate to “true”.
put "#00FFFF"is a color --> True